Australia Penny and Halfpenny Tokens (5) comprising Pennies (4) undated George Petty, Melbourne KM#Tn197.1 Fine/Good Fine with some thin scratches, Edward de Carle & Co. Melbourne, 1855 KM#Tn55 About Fine with some spots and many scratches, Peace & Plenty Melbourne, Victoria 1858 (2) KM#Tn285.1 both Around Fine, and Halfpenny 1861 Robert Hyde & Co. General Marine Store KM#Tn132 VG cleaned and pitted
Twopence 1797 Good Fine, the obverse cleaned and with some scratches on the edge, as part of a group of Brass Threepences to Farthings (26) comprising Brass Threepences (12) 1937 (2) VF and EF, 1942 (3) Fine, NVF and VF, the first with a lamination flaw on the obverse, 1943 (2) Fine and GVF the first with a lamination flaw on the reverse, 1944 (2) Good Fine and GEF, 1946 (2) both VG, 1949 (2) both VG, 1952 Good Fine, Pennies (6) 1797 VG with good edge, 1807 About Fine with an edge knock, 1855 Plain Trident, Fine, 1858 8 over 2 (previously thought to be 8 over 3) NVF with some spots and stains, 1909 VG with a flan flaw on the obverse, 1934 EF/GEF, Halfpennies (3) 1807 Fine, 1864 Die Flaw through C of VICT, top bar of E in PENNY missing, Fine, 1970 Proof UNC retaining mint lustre, Farthings (4) 1773 First 7 over lower 7, Near Fine, 1859 Fine with some scratches, 1900 VG, 1905 NVF/VF
Pennies to Farthings (10) comprising Penny 1831 .W.W, Peck 1458 VG/NVG the variety very clear, Halfpennies (5) 1753 Fair, 1826 No Line on Saltire, Reverse A VG/Near Fine, 1831 Fair, 1856 Fine, 1858 Good Fine with surface porosity, HalfpennyGeorge III Contemporary Counterfeit 1775 Fine, the reverse with scratches, weakly struck in the centre, Farthings (3) 1694 Double Exergue Line, Near Fine, 1731 VG/Near Fine, 1736 About VF with some old spots and scuffs
India Temple Token 35mm diameter undated, Near Fine, as part of a group of Mint Errors and Fantasies (12) GB Decimal Five Pence 2014 EF with obverse lettering weakly struck, MaundyTwopence 1838 with a large 'leaf-shaped' flan flaw on the reverse VF, Pennies (2) 1858 No WW, the reverse with a flan flaw and a 'strike-through' error on the R of BRITANNIAR, 1967 with planchet clip GVF cleaned, Halfcrowns 1818 and 1936 base metal contemporary counterfeits both VG, India Quarter Rupee 1945 Bombay EF with long lamination flaw on the obverse, British West Africa Penny 1952H with double struck central hole, GEF and lustrous, Fantasy issues (3) Crown 1936 Edward VIII EDWARD . VIII . KING . & . EMPEROR, Reverse George and the Dragon, Sixpence 1937 Edward VIII Reverse: Lion on crown left, GEF, Trade Dollar undated (2002) Trimetallic with United Kingdom Golden Jubilee / Beefeater with Union Jack flag coloured reverse EF
GB and World (88) includes USA One Dollar 1903 VF, Vatican 50 Euro Cent undated Specimen Piedfort UNC, GB (32) Double Florin 1887 Roman 1 (GVF cleaned), Shilling 1891, Pennies (28) 1855 Plain Trident, 1879, 1882H, 1887, 1891, 1902 (3), 1903, 1908, 1909, 1910 (2), 1912H (5), 1916, 1918H, 1919H (2), 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938 (2), 1946, Halfpenny 1858, Farthing 1841, in mixed grades VG to Fine some cleaned, Gaming Counter 1937 'To Hanover' Fine, cleaned, British West Africa One Tenth Penny (54) 1920, 1926, 1928KN, 1930 (5), 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936 George V, 1936 Edward VIII, 1938 (4), 1939 (3), 1940 (4), 1941 (6), 1942, 1943 (10), 1944 (9), 1945 (3) in mixed circulated grades, along with a group of World notes (29) many countries represented, includes Cambodia, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Philippines, South Korea, China, GB, Italy Qatar and Singapore mostly modern issues, the vast majority in UNC
Penny (2 ) 1853 Ornamental Trident, Narrow Date, Gouby CP1853D NVF/GF with some edge bruises, the actual coin used for the Gouby website illustration along with Penny 1858 No WW, BRITANNIAR with no serifs at all to the first I, Bramah 26a NVF with a small edge bruise, Rare
Promoters sets (7) The Iconic Coins of the United Kingdom Collection a 10-coin set comprising Britannia Two Pounds 2012 Silver One Ounce UNC, Trade Dollar 1899B GVF, Crowns (2) 1951 A/UNC with some contact marks, 1953 UNC with some spots, Halfcrown 1836 About Fine/Fine, Florins (2) 1858 VG, 1908 VG, Sixpence 1940 GVF/NEF, Penny 1853 Ornamental Trident Near Fine, and Decimal Fifty Pence 1977 Lustrous UNC, each in a slab-style holder with certificate, The Silver Sixpence Set a 5-coin set comprising Sixpences (5) 1887 Jubilee Head Withdrawn type About Fine, 1907 VG, 1918 VG, 1943 VG and Decimal Sixpence 2016 Lustrous UNC, the obverse with handling marks, each in a slab-style holder, in a Westminster box as issued with their certificate , The Last of the Sixpences 1936-1967 a 32-coin set VG to VF, the 1952 Good Fine, in a red box with a certificate for each coin, The Pounds, Shilling and Pence Numismatic Set a 7-coin set comprising Halfcrown 1962, Florin 1966, Shilling 1963E, Sixpence 1961, Brass Threepence 1967, Penny 1964 and Halfpenny 1953 all Rhodium plated with gold plated highlights, in a Westminster box with certificate, Pennies - Monarch Set (5) 1899, 1906, 1927, 1938 and 1967, the first four VG to Fine, the last NEF all plated with highlighted portrait, in a Jubilee Mint box, no certificate, , Britannia Pennies of the 20th Century a 50-coin set 1900-1967 (no 1950 or 1951) in mixed circulated grades, the 1953 VF, some Elizabeth II dates lustrous, in a glass topped display case, Numismatic Cover - The Outbreak of the First World War comprising Halfcrown 1915 VG, a George V One Penny Red Stamp and a set of 6 x stamps, First Class (3) and £1.47 (3) 2014 issues as issued on the commemorative envelope, in a Westminster folder with their certificate, along with Twopence 1797 Near Fine with countermark MOWSIS 183 S M 8183 on the obverse and countermark MOW S 183, on the reverse, this lot unsuitable for posting - for collection from our offices only
Penny 1858 8 over 7 with the underlying 7 visible to the outside left of the top of the 8 and under the top curve, none of the down-stroke of the underlying 7 appears in the lower loop of the 8, both 8's of the date appear higher than the 5. Gouby CP1858Db (style 2) VF with some surface marks and thin scratches
Halfcrowns to Farthings in a series of promoters boxes - 'The Last of the Halfcrowns 1937-1967', a part set (14) 1937, 1941, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1967, 'The Last Four Decades of the Florin' a part set (13) 1937, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1966, 1967, 'The Story of the Florin' a 12-coin set comprising Florins 1849, 1887 Gothic head, 1887 Jubilee Head, 1901, 1910, 1915, 1923, 1941, 1950, 1967 (UNC), 1970 Proof (nFDC), and Ten Pence 1968 (UNC) in mixed circulated grades unless stated, 'The Complete ShillingCollection' an incomplete set (!) (20) 1942E, 1942S, 1945E, 1945S, 1946E, 1946S, 1948E, 1950S (2), 1954E, 1954S, 1956E, 1956S, 1957E, 1960S, 1962S, 1963E, 1963S, 1966E, 1966S, in mixed circulated grades, The Last of the Sixpences 1936-1967 a complete set (31) in mixed circulated grades, the 1952 Good Fine/Fine, with certificate cards, The Last Six Decades of Silver, Halfcrowns to Silver Threepence (14) comprising Halfcrowns (2) 1926 First Head, 1931, Florin 1922, Shillings (6) 1899, 1909, 1934, 1939S, 1944E, 1944S, Sixpences (2) 1916, 1934, Silver Threepence (3) 1890, 1907, 1919, The Last Four Decades of Threepences comprising Silver Threepences (14) 1930-1943 inclusive and Brass Threepences (30) 1937-1946, 1948-1967, in mixed circulated grades, some later dates with lustre, 'The Halfcrowns of the 19th Century' an incomplete set (3) 1836 VG, 1887 Jubilee Head Fine/Good Fine and 1901 VG/Near Fine harshly cleaned, Queen Elizabeth II 90 Majestic Years 1926-2016 a coin minted every year of the Queen's life, Pre-Decimals include some silver issues, in mixed circulated grades, in 9 folders and book, in mixed circulated grades, Britannia Pennies of the 20th Century 1901-1967 incomplete (No 1922, 1934, 1950, 1951 or 1953), in mixed circulated grades, The House of Windsor Coinage Portraits Penny Set comprising Pennies (8) 1858, 1888, 1900, 1902, 1912, 1928, 1937, 1966, and Decimal One Penny (3) 1973, 1996, 1999, in mixed circulated grades, The Complete Wren Farthing Collection 1937-1956 (20) in mixed grades some with lustre, House of Hanover Coins incomplete (1) Farthing 1720 Fair, 20 Centuries of Coins, an incomplete set (12) comprising coins from the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries, includes issues from Middle East, India, China, Asia, Ceylon, Vietnam, Netherlands Finland and GB, in mixed grades, and a further group of GB and a few World (57) includes a GB Twopence 1797 VG with some edge knocks, and Crown 1935 VF with dark tone, mostly base metal issues with a few in silver, (Total weight over 35 kilos)
Crowns to Halfpennies (44) comprising Crowns (5) 1889, 1890 (3) one with some graffiti, 1896LX, Halfcrowns (4) 1826 (holed), 1881, 1887 Jubilee Head, 1895, Florins (3) 1873 Die Number 54, 1917, 1936, Shillings (15) 1787 No Hearts, with WB scratched in the field, 1825 Lion on Crown, 1826, 1871 Die Number 52, 1881, 1887 Jubilee Head (3), 1899, 1902 (2), 1906, 1909, 1917, Sixpences (6) 1696 Early Harp, Large Crowns, 1757, 1887 Jubilee Head Withdrawn type (2) one with R over I in VICTORIA, 1887 Jubilee Head Revised type, 1952, Pennies (5) 1854 Plain Trident (2), 1854 Ornamental Trident, 1858 WW on truncation, 1859 Large Date, Halfpennies (3) 1746 the reverse with some pitting, 1806 VG, 1838, DecimalTwo Pounds 1989 Bill of Rights, Halfpenny18th Century Middlesex - Pidcocks 1795 Birds and Beasts, Sentimental Token Oliver Cromwell (1658) undated by Kirk, VG to Good Fine a few better, Shilling Token19th Century Hereford 1811 worn
Pennies to Farthings (6) comprising Penny 1853 Ornamental Trident, in an NGC holder and graded AU50 (label states Plain Trident in error), Halfpennies (3) 1853 3 over 2 NEF/GVF scarce, 1854 UNC with glossy surfaces, 1858 8 over 6 EF with colourful toning, Farthings (2) 1807 GVF, 1827 NEF/GVF
Twopence to Halfpenny (6) Twopence 1797 Fine with some light pitting, Pennies (4) 1797 10 Leaves, Fine, 1858 Small Date, WW on truncation Fine, 1918KN Near Fine, 1928 Near EF, Halfpenny 1694 Fair
AustraliaPenny Tokens (4) 1855 Hanks & Lloyd - Opening of the Sydney Railway, 1mm between LL of LLOYD and SYDNEY 2.5mm high KM#Tn85.1 Fine, Undated B.Palmer, Sydney - Liverpool Arms KM#Tn187 Good Fine/Fine, Undated Iredale & Co. Sydney (2) KM#135 VF and Fine, New Zealand 1858 Charles G.Barley, Auckland KM#Tn7 Good Fine, Rare
Medal Death of Charles I 1649 50mm diameter in bronze by J. and N. Roettier, Obverse Bust right armoured and draped, Reverse: A hand issuing from Heaven holding a celestial crown, below, sheep in a landscape, Eimer 162, cleaned and retoned with some scratches, as part of a group of Crowns to Farthings (35) Crowns (3) 1953 (2), 1977, Halfcrowns (3) 1955, 1962, 1970 Proof, Florin 1910, Shillings (4) 1887 Jubilee Head (2), 1940E, 1946S, Sixpences (8) 1887 Jubilee Head Withdrawn type, 1928, 1936, 1940, 1943, 1950 Proof, 1951, 1956, MaundyFourpence 1899, SilverThreepences (2) 1889, 1895, Imitation 1937 Threepence Edward VIII reverse, Penny 1935, Halfpenny 1950 Proof, Farthings (10) 1858, 1911, 1918, 1922, 1923 (2), 1925, 1928 (2), 1931, in mixed grades mostly VF to UNC, and a further group comprising Farthings Wrens (48) EF to UNC all with good lustre and Fantasy Crowns (11) a mix of issues from New Zealand, Australia and Scotland EF to UNC and a Fantasy Trade Dollar Hong Kong Returns to China UNC with coloured reverse, and Medal 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer UNC in a slide case
Pennies to Farthings (4) comprising Pennies (2) 1857 Plain Trident, with double struck 8 in the date, Good Fine/Fine, 1860 Toothed Border, Triple struck F in F:D: VG or slightly better, the variety very clear, Halfpenny 1858 8 over 7 GVF, Farthing 1839 FID: DEF: with first A of GRATIA unbarred, VF, along with Penny George V a 'Double-head' piece made by joining two obverses together, VG
AustraliaPenny Tokens (4) 1855 Hanks & Lloyd - Opening of the Sydney Railway, 1mm between LL of LLOYD and SYDNEY 2.5mm high KM#Tn85.1 Fine, Undated B.Palmer, Sydney - Liverpool Arms KM#Tn187 Good Fine/Fine, Undated Iredale & Co. Sydney (2) KM#135 VF and Fine, New Zealand 1858 Charles G.Barley, Auckland KM#Tn7 Good Fine, Rare
Crowns to Fractional Farthings (378) Crowns (5) 1819LIX VG, 1820LX VG, 1892 Good Fine, 1965 UNC, 1981 A/UNC, Double Florin 1889 Near Fine, Florin 1921 VG, Twopence 1797 NVF/GF with some verdigris on the reverse, Shillings (31) 1945S UNC and lustrous, Elizabeth II in circulated grades (30), Sixpences (42) 1787 VG/Near Fine, VictoriaYoung Head holed, George VIcupro-Nickel issues (10), Elizabeth II (31), SilverThreepences (24) 1914, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1922, 1931 (4), 1932 (2), 1933, 1934 (3), 1938 (2), 1940 (4), 1941 (2), Brass Threepences (16) 1938, 1940 (2), 1941, 1942 (3),1943 (7), 1960, 1960, 1967, in mixed circulated grades, Pennies (63) 1797 (3) VG (2) and Poor, 1806 (2) both Fine with pitted surfaces, 1807 VG, 1834 VG, 1855 Plain Trident VG, 1855 Ornamental Trident VG, 1858 WW on truncation VG/Near Fine, 1861 VG, 1963 Poor (2), 1872 Poor, 1874H (2) Fine and VG, 1882H Poor, 1883 Poor, 1884 Poor, 1885 Fair (2), 1891 Fair, 1896 VG (2), 1897 VG, 1899 VG, 1900 VG, 1901 VG, 1902 Low Tide VG, 1902 VG, 1905 VG (2), 1906 VG, 1907 VG, 1911 VG, 1912H VG (3), 1915 VG, 1917 VG, 1918 VG, 1919 VG, 1918H (2), 1918KN VG, 1919H VG (2), 1921 VG, 1928 Fine, 1930 Fine, 1935 (2) Lustrous UNC and Fine, 1948 Lustrous UNC, along with George VI (7), and Elizabeth II (3) in mixed circulated grades, Halfpennies (43) 1697 Fine, 1722 VG, 1743 VG, 1749 VG, 1799 (4) NVF, VG (2) and Poor, 1806 (3) all VG, 1807 (2) VG and Fine, 1826 VG, George IV date worn, 1837 Fine, 1844 VG, 1855 Fine, 1858 Fine, 1898 Fair, 1941 VG, 1942 VG, 1943 Fine, 1944 Fine, 1945 VG, 1946 Fine, 1948 (2) Lustrous UNC and Fine, 1949 Fine, 1950 Fine, 1951 Fine, Elizabeth II Ships (12) mixed, mostly EF to UNC, Farthings (66) Charles I (2) both VG, Charles II date worn, 1674 Fine, 1675 VG, 1721 VG, 1741 Fair, 1744 VG, 1799 (4) Fair (2), VG and Fine, 1807 VG, 1822 (3) VG (2) and Fine, 1823 (2) Fair and VG, 1825 VG, 1830 Near Fine, 1831 VG (2), 1834 Near Fine, 1836 (2) both VG, 1837 (2) VG and VG/Near Fine, 1839 3-pronged Trident, VG, 1840 (2) both Fine, 1845 (3) Fine and VG (2), 1847 Fine, 1850 VG (3), 1853 WW Incuse VG, 1853 Raised (3) VG (2) and Fine,1854 Near Fine, 1857 Fine, 1858 Fine (2), 1859 VG, 1884 Good Fine, 1885 VG, 1901 VG, 1916 Fine, 1923 Fine, 1927 (3) VG, Fine and GVF, 1928 NVF, 1936 Good Fine, 1939 VF, 1940 Fine, 1946 NEF, 1953 Lustrous UNC, 1954 (6) all; Lustrous UNC, Half Farthings (7) 1830 Fine, 1843 (2) Fine and VF, 1844 (4) VG, NVF (3), Third Farthings (3) 1827 VG, 1913 (2) both Lustrous UNC, Model Penny 1848 Bimetallic holed, Decimal issues (22) One Pound (5) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1995 in mixed circulated grades Ten Pence (2), Five Pence (15) in circulated grades, World Crown-sized (9) Southern Rhodesia Crown 1953 Lustrous UNC, New Zealand Dollar 1979 Lustrous UNC, Gibraltar Crown 1969 UNC, St. Lucia Five Dollars 1986 Papal Visit UNC, St. Helena Fifty Pence 1984 Prince Andrew Royal Visit UNC, Ascension Island Fifty Pence 1984 Prince Andrew Royal Visit UNC (2), Bermuda Crown 1964 (2) both A/UNC, USA Medallic issue 1974 'United States of Inflation' Lustrous UNC, Roman bronzes (2) both low grades, Europe Ecu issues (18) Wales One Ecu 1992 (3), Scotland One Ecu 1992 (3), Northern Ireland One Ecu 1992 (3), England One Ecu 1992 (3), United Kingdom 1992 (4), United Kingdom 1995 (2), Lustrous UNC, World (7) USA Cent 1883 VG, Scotland (3) Charles II Bawbee, Charles II Bodle and Charles II Twopence all Fair with dates worn, India Quarter Annas (3) 1877, 1892, 1897 all Fair , along with a further group of GB (42) Decimal issues and some later pre-Decimal issues includes some Channel Islands mostly in lustrous UNC
Penny 1858 Large date with W.W. LCGS variety 05, UNC with traces of lustre, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 80, the joint finest of 7 examples thus far recorded by the LCGS Population Report
Penny 1858 No W.W. Peck 1518 UNC with practically full lustre and of stunning appearance thus, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 82. Although LCGS consider lustre, and mark down coins that have unsightly toning problems, they do not rate eye appeal as highly as the USA grading companies. The CGS system attaches more importance to wear, bag marks, hairlines etc, so coins with these problems that, owing to eye appeal may be hyped up by traditional retailers or graded higher in the US, will get a more conservative grade. The joint finest known of 10 examples thus far recorded by the LCGS Population Report, Ex-London Coins Auction A121 June 2008 Lot 913 hammer price £300
Halfpenny 1858 Small Date LCGS Variety 05 UNC with almost full subdued lustre, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 82, a most attractive example and rare thus, the finest known of 5 examples thus far recorded by the LCGS Population Report, Ex-London Coins Auction A116 March 2007 Lot 1067 hammer price £100
Penny 1858 Large Rose, W.W on truncation, Ornamental Trident Fine, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 20, Rare, Ex-London Coins Auction A147 December 2014 Lot 2891 hammer price £110
Penny 1858 Ornamental Trident, 8 struck over another 8, W.W. on truncation with misaligned colon dot after DEF, VF in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 45, Ex-Dr. A. Findlow Hall of Fame Pennies
Pennies and Halfpennies (8) Pennies (4) 1831 .W.W on truncation Peck 1458 Good Fine, a little dirty in part of the legend, this possibly removable with care, 1857 Plain Trident Peck 1514 EF with traces of lustre, 1858 8 over 7 Peck 1516 EF with some small tone spots, 1877 Freeman 91 dies 8+J EF with streaky metal mix, Halfpennies (4) 1799 (2) 6 Raised Gunports Peck 1249 UNC or very near so and nicely toned, the obverse with small traces of surface residue, Plain Hull Peck 1251 VF cleaned and retoned, now with an attractive blue/green gold and magenta tone, 1827 Peck 1438 GVF with traces of lustre and some edge nicks, Halfpenny 1853 as Peck 1539 with a raised dot between the T and O of VICTORIA EF/GEF with a trace of lustre, 1937 ProofFreeman 430 dies 1+A, A/UNC
AustraliaPenny Tokens (4) 1862 Melbourne, Victoria, T.Stokes, Reverse: Grapevine, with legend: LETTER CUTTER, BUTTON CHECK & TOKEN MAKER KM#Tn224 Good Fine, 1862 Melbourne, Victoria, T. Stokes, Reverse: Grapevine, with legend: LETTER CUTTER, SEAL ENGRAVER. TOKEN MAKER Fine, cleaned, 1862 Melbourne, Victoria, T. Stokes, Obverse: Arms with supporters, Reverse: Grapevine (Note: Mule) KM#Tn236.1 Good Fine/Fine with some flan flaws on the reverse, 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Peace and Plenty KM#285.1 Good Fine
AustraliaPenny Tokens (3) 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle, Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice, KM#Tn104 Fine with some edge nicks, 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle, Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice, Close, large date, KM#Tn104, VF, 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle, Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice, wider, small date, KM#Tn104 VF, Halfpenny 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle, Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice KM#Tn103NVF/VF with an edge bruise
Australia Tokens (4) Pennies (3) 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Peace and Plenty KM#285.1 Fine, 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Robert Hyde & Co. General Marine Store, KM#Tn133 Fine, 1861 Melbourne, Victoria, Robert Hyde & Co. General Marine Store, KM#Tn133 Fine, Halfpenny T.W. Thomas & Co. Grocers, Reverse: IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF SIR CHARLES HOTHAM 22nd JUNE 1854 KM#Tn248 Fine
Australia Tokens (3) Pennies (2) 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Peace and Plenty KM#285.1 Good Fine, 1859 Melbourne, Victoria, G. & W.H. Rocke, Furniture Importers KM#Tn206 Good Fine, Halfpenny 1854 Melbourne, Victoria, T.W. Thomas & Co. Grocers, Reverse: IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF SIR CHARLES HOTHAM 22nd JUNE 1854 KM#Tn248 NVF
Australia Tokens (4) Pennies (3) undated, Melbourne, Victoria, E. De Carle & Co. Obverse: Legend, Reverse: Britannia seated left, KM#Tn54 Fine, 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice KM#Tn104 Good Fine with some edge nicks, 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice KM#Tn104 Good Fine, Halfpenny 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle Obverse: Crowned Lion in centre, Reverse: Seated Justice KM#Tn103 NVF/VF
AustraliaPenny Token 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Seated Justice KM#Tn104 VF with some edge nicks
AustraliaPenny Tokens (3) 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Peace and Plenty KM#Tn285.1 Good Fine, 1857 Melbourne, Victoria, Robert Hyde & Co., General Marine Store, KM#Tn133 About Fine with some surface marks, 1858 Melbourne, Victoria, Hide & De Carle, Obverse: Crowned Lion at centre, Reverse: Justice seated, KM#Tn104 NVF
Australia Tokens, Pennies (2) Sydney, New South Wales and Brisbane, Queenslandundated, Flavelle Bros. & Co, Obverse Legend and Denomination, Reverse: Kangaroo and Emu, Thick foliage behind Kangaroo's tail; KM#Tn69.1 Good Fine with some surface deposit, London, England - Professor Holloway 1858 8 over 7 KM#Tn278.1 Good Fine, Halfpenny - London, England Professor Holloway 1858 KM#277.1 Fine
Twopences 1797 (2) Fine and VG holed, Pennies (6) 1806 VG, 1854OT Good Fine, 1855OT Fine, with George III (3) worn, Halfpennies (8) 1724 Fair, 1742 Poor, Contemporary Counterfeit 177- Fair, 1799 Good Fine, George III worn, 1854 Fine, 1856 Fine, 1858 Good Fine, Farthings (3) 1825 (2) Fine and Good Fine, 1828 VG, Half Farthings (4) 1843 VF, 1844 (3) Fine, Good Fine and VF, Crowns (4) 1951 UNC Boxed, 1965 UNC, 1972 A/UNC, 1977 EF Halfcrowns (4) 1948 Fine, 1949 Fine, 1961 Fine, 1967 VF, Florins (4) Edward VII date worn, 1921 VG, 1951 VG, 1955 Fine, Shillings (2) 1842 VG, 1957E Fine, Sixpence 1816 creased, Groats (7) 1836 (VF), 1838, 1846, 1848 (Good Fine), 1849 (2) and another with worn date, SilverThreepences (7) 1873 Good Fine, 1895 Fair, 1911 VG, 1916 VG, 1926 Modified Effigy Near Fine/Fine, 1934 Fine, 1939 Good Fine/VF, Brass Threepence 1967 EF, Australia Penny Token undated Fenwick Brothers Melbourne, Victoria KM#Tn66a Fine, scarce, India (2) Quarter Anna 1835 Near Fine, Two Annas 1841 VF Toned, France (2) 50 Centimes 1852A VG/Fine, 25 Centimes 1846W Fine/Good Fine, toned, Netherlands 25 Cents 1849 KM#76 Fine, Danzig 5 Pfennig 1932 KM#151 NEF with some spots, Poland 2 Zloty 1933 EF, Canada One Cent 1899 NVF, as part of a group (109) 18th to 20th Century mostly base metal, includes some token issues, in mixed grades, along with a further group of Pennies (62) 1921 VG, 1938 Fine, 1949 NVF, 1963 VG and EF, 1966 EF, 1967 (56) EF to lustrous UNC, Halfpennies (84) 1921, 1927, 1929, 1930, 1933, and ships (79) in mixed circulated grades, Farthings 1896, 1899, 1909 (2), 1911, 1914, 1915, 1917, 1918 (2), 1920, 1923 (2), 1924, 1925 (4), 1927, 1928, 1929, 1932 (3), 1936 (3), Wrens (105) in mixed grades a few later dates with lustre
Pennies (2) 1858 W.W. on truncation Peck 1517 NEF with a few small spots, 1901 Freeman 154 dies 1+B A/UNC with some lustre, Halfpenny 1855 Peck 1543 A/UNC and nicely toned with a small spot in the obverse field, Farthings (3) 1825 Obverse 1, Peck 1414 NEF the reverse with some spots, 1826 First Reverse Peck 1416 EF/GEF with traces of lustre
Penny 1858 Large Rose, Ornamental Trident, Small Date with WW, unlisted by Peck, believed to be only a few examples known, Fine of better with some contact marks, we note an example described as LCGS Fine 35 sold in our June 2012 auction for £600 hammer price
GB and World an accumulation comprising GB in an album (144) Crowns (13) 1953 (2), 1965 (5), 1972, 1977 (3), 1981 (2), Halfcrowns (21) 1899, 1921, 1922, 1928, 1929 (2), 1932, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1945 (2), 1959, 1966 (5), 1967, Florins (19) 1921 (2), 1922, 1925 (2), 1928, 1929, 1937, 1939 (2), 1940, 1941, 1942 (4), 1947 (2), 1965, Shillings (31) 1826 (4), 1827, 1834 (Good Fine), 1836 (Fine), 1887 Jubilee Head, 1897 (Engraved 'From RD' on the obverse, holed), 1920, 1935, 1936, 1943S, 1947E (3), 1947S, 1948S, 1949S, 1953E, 1954E, 1954S, 1955E, 1955S, 1956S, 1957E, 1957S, 1959E (2), 1961E, 1963E, Sixpences (14) 1817, George IV second type date worn, William IV worn, Victoria Veiled Head worn, 1922, 1931, 1939, 1942, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1962, 1964, 1967, Groats (5) 1839, 1843, and three other worn examples, one of these holed, SilverThreepences (9) 1896, 1917 (2), 1918 (2), 1919, 1921, 1932, 1940, Twopence 1797 GF/NVF with a good edge, Pennies (5) 1797 (3) one with the edge tapped up to resemble a weight (identified by type only), George III 1806/7 (2) both worn, Halfpennies (7) 1806 (3), 1807, 1855, 1858, Farthings (10) 1673, 1754, 1807, 1825, 1826 First type, 1828, 1834, 1836, 1839, 1900, some of the later Crowns and Halfcrowns EF to A/UNC, the others largely in VG to Good Fine generally in line with age. GB Mint Set 1983 UNC in the Royal Mint wallet of issue, USA (20) Quarter Dollar 1935D, Dimes (6) 1905S (holed), 1920, 1956, 1959, 1963D, 1964, Five Cents (3) Buffalos (2) both with the date worn, 1940, One Cent (10) 1888, 1928S, 1945, 1953D, 1956, 1959D, 1962 (2), 1962D, 1985D, in mixed grades VG to Good Fine, Ireland (8) Florin 1941, Shillings (2) 1928, 1963, Sixpence 1942, Threepences (2) 1942, 1950, Penny 1965, Halfpenny 1935, India 2 Annas 1919 Fine, Switzerland (28) Five Francs (5) 1931B Fine, 1932B Fine/Good Fine, toned, 1933B Good Fine, 1939B (2) NVF and VF/GVF, Two Francs (2) 1908B About Fine, 1935B Good Fine, One Franc (4) 1911 VG, 1914 VG, 1943B Fine, 1945 Fine, Half Francs (2) 1943B Fine, 1958B GVF, 20 Rappen (4) 1908B Fine, 1938B NVF, 1953B NVF, 1956VF, 10 Rappen (3) 1933B Fine, 1939B GF, 1943B GF, 5 Rappen (8) 1914B Fine, 1915B Fine/Good Fine, 1919 Fine, 1920B Fine, 1930B VF, 1946B (2) NVF and GVF, 1957B GVF, South Africa Halfcrown 1952 VG. GB a further group of Brass Threepences (40), Pennies (428) Victoria to Elizabeth II, Halfpennies (188) Victoria to Elizabeth II, Farthings Victoria to George VI (31, one holed), mostly Wrens in mixed circulated grades, and World mostly 20th Century European, includes France (30), Netherlands (34), Belgium (18), Sweden (4), Spain (7), Italy (10), Germany (7), Austria (3), base metal issues includes a few silver minors, and a further mixed World group of 20th Century mostly base metal issue (63) a wide range of countries in mixed grades (Total weight around 8.5 Kilos)
Crowns to Fractional Farthings (23) Crown 1897 LXI NEF/GVF cleaned, Halfcrowns (2) 1887 Jubilee Head EF/GEF and lustrous with some tone spots, 1931 GVF, Sixpence 1878 Die Number 42 VF, Groats (3) 1837 VG/Fine, 1838 NVF/GF, 1845 VF, SilverThreepences (5) 1838 VF/GVF, 1840 GVF/VF, 1863 NVF, 1865 NVF/VF, 1878 NVF/GVF, Threehalfpences (3) 1834 Fine with some scratches, 1835 5 over 4 Good Fine and toned, 1862 Good Fine, Halfpenny 1858 8 over 6 VF with an edge bruise, Farthings (4) 1839 Good Fine, 1843 Good Fine, 1853 WW Raised, Good Fine, 1857 Good Fine, Third Farthings 1827 (2) Good Fine and VG cleaned, Quarter Farthing 1839 Good Fine, 1843 Good Fine, 1853 WW Raised, Good Fine, 1857 Good Fine
Penny 1851 DEF Far Colon Peck 1498 GVF/VF as part of a group of Pennies (18) 1854 Plain Trident, 1857 Plain Trident, 1858 No WW, 1861, 1862 (3), 1876H, 1890, 1928, 1929, 1935 (2), 1936 (2), 1938, 1949 and Halfpennies (16) 1853, 1856, 1858, 1861, 1862, 1875, 1881, 1886, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1933, 1934 (3), 1936 the Victorian issues Near Fine to VF, the George V and George VI issues VF to GEF most with lustre
Penny 1858 Large Rose, Small date with WW unlisted by Peck NVF/GF cleaned, as part of a group of Pennies (10) 1806 No Incuse Curl Peck 1343 Good Fine, once cleaned, 1826 Reverse A Peck 1422 VG, 1853 Ornamental Trident Peck 1500 Fine/Good Fine, tooled, 1853 Ornamental Trident, with double struck date, Fine the obverse tooled, 1854 Plain Trident Peck 1506 (2) the first VF with some spots, the second NEF, 1855 Plain Trident Peck 1509 Fine, cleaned, 1857 Ornamental Trident Good Fine/Fine with some scratches, 1858 Ornamental Trident, Small date, W.W. Peck 1517 Fine, cleaned
Shillings to Farthings (143) Shilling 1884 Poor, Sixpences (4) 1887 Jubilee Head Revised NVF, 1890 Fair, 1896 VG the reverse better, 1901 NVG, Threepences (15) 1874 Near Fine, 1875 VG/Near Fine, 1878 VG/Fine, 1885 Near Fine, 1889 NVF, 1890 Near Fine/Fine, 1892 EF/GEF with light golden tone, 1897 Lustrous A/UNC with golden tone, 1898 (2) Poor and VG, 1900 NEF, 1903 GVF, 1906 NVF, 1908 VF, 1910 NVF/VF, Twopence 1797 Fair, Pennies (38) 1797 Poor/Fair, 1807 VG, 1831, 1853 OT Italic 5, 1853 OT, 1854OT, 1855, 1862 (2), 1875, 1876H, 1880, 1887, 1889, 1892, 1893 (3), 1895 (2), 1896 (3), 1897 (6), 1898 (2), 1899 (4), 1900, 1901 Fair to About Fine, Halfpennies (30) William III date in legend, date worn, 1731, 1740, 1751, 1771, 1775, 1799 (3), 1806 (4), 1807 (4), 1855 (2), 1858 8 over 6, 1858 (2), 1862 (2), 1875, 1890, 1893 (2)1899, 1901 Fair to Fine, Farthings (54) 1799 (2), 1825, 1828, 1835, these Fair to Fine, Victoria Veiled Head (30) 1895 (4), 1896 (2), 1897 (5), 1899 (4), 1900 (4), 1901 (11) VG to VF, Edward VII (19) 1902 (2), 1903 (2), 1904 (3), 1905 (2), 1906, 1907 (3), 1908, 1909 (4), 1910 Near Fine to NVF, plus Ireland (2) Penny 1822 Poor, Halfpenny 1805 Fair, and GB Halfcrown 1818 a base metal copy in lead (?) Fair, along with a further group of Brass Threepences to Farthings the vast majority George V and Elizabeth II issues (85) comprising Brass Threepences (3), Pennies (28), Halfpennies (16) and Farthings (38) many later pieces in Lustrous EF to UNC
Medals (15) Italy Frencesco de Larderel 1858 Count of Montecerboli by G.Voigt, 51mm diameter in silver 74.4 grammes, EF. Argentina 1910 100th Anniversary of the 1810 Agricultural Exposition - Buenos Aires, 50mm diameter, 56.75 grammes VF with some edge nicks. Columbian Exposition 1892 58mm diameter in White metal Obverse: Discovery of America October 1492 and Landing of the Pilgrims December 1620, Reverse: Signing of the Declaration of Independence July 4th 1776 and World's Columbian Exposition 1892 Chicago. Edge: Boldenweck &Co. Pat'd Oct 7, 1890 in 2 lines EF. Ireland 1897 Lord Lieutenant of Ireland - To Exhibitors at Countess Cadogan's Irish Textile Exhibition, Dublin 1897 38mm diameter in silver by Spink & Son. Obverse as Eimer 1820Diamond Jubilee portrait facing left, crowned and veiled, by F.Bowcher / Reverse: Crowned Crest with ribbon and legend in 7 lines below VF/EF the obverse with some scratches. George VSilver Jubilee 1935 The official Royal Mint issue 36mm diameter in silver Eimer 2029 VF. Bronze medal 1823 39mm diameter Obverse: 11 line legend, I. THOSE PRINCIPLES OF TRUTH AND MORALITYON WHICH POLITICAL LIBERTY AND SOCIAL ORDER DEPEND. II. A MILITIA OF ALL MEN CAPABLE OF ARMSBEARING. III. A WITTENAGEMOTEANNUALLY ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE FOR ENACTING LAWS. Reverse: 12 line legend IV.GRAND AND PETIT JURIESOF THE PEOPLE FAIRLY DRAWN FOR APPLYINGTHE LAWS. V.A MAGISTRACY ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE FOR DULY PERFORMING ALL EXECUTIVE DUTIES. ANTIENT POLITY MDCCCXXIII NVF. British Empire Exhibition 1924 Nobel Industries Ltd. 36mm diameter in bronze NEF. Queen VictoriaDeath 1901 medalet 13mm diameter NEF/GVF. 1901 The Weeping Angel of Amiens by Blasser 15mm diameter, with a loop mount attached NVF. Edward VII Coronation 1902 19mm diameter Obverse: The busts of the King and Queen right, conjoined, with radiant crown above, Reverse: Arms with supporters ER above, Fine. Edward VII Coronation 1902 medalet by Lauer Obverse: The King and Queen, almost facing OUR GRACIOUS KING AND QUEEN with MADE IN GERMANY below, Reverse: Crowned at Westminster VF. Memorial medal Henry Irving In Memoriam - I GO TO MEET MY KING BECKET, undated, GVF. Medalet 28mm diameter Madame de Servigne 1626-1696 Reverse: Souvenir l'Expositionde Clermont Ferrard 1910 - Chocolate de Royat VF. Medalet - The Lord's Prayer, Obverse: George Vleft with FOREIGN below, Reverse: The Lords prayer in 14 Lines, Good Fine. Medalet - Death of Napoleon undated, 14mm diameter in base metal NVF with loop mount. Sentimental Tokens by Kirk (2) 1773 Lord Camden NVF/GF, 1773 D.Carrick Good Fine/Fine, Canada - OntarioMasonic Penny Token undated Cannington - King Darius Chapter No.154 VF with some scratches. also Groat GB 1836 Enamelled in 5 colours, Fair workmanship Fine
Penny 1858 Large date No WW, the 1 of the date is aligned with the top of the other date numerals, Gouby CP1858Hd, GVF with signs of old light cleaning in the fields, and a small spot at the back of the Queen's hair
Penny 1858 Large Rose Ornamental Trident, Small Date with WW unlisted by Peck, believed to be only a few examples in existence, Fine with contact marks we note an example described as CGS Fine 35 sold in our June 2012 auction for £600 hammer price
Pennies (6) 1853 Plain Trident About Fine, 1854 Ornamental Trident, No colons on the reverse, Fine, 1855 Ornamental Trident with a raised dot between the colon dots after FID, giving the impression of a colon with three dots GVF, 1855 Ornamental Trident About VF, 1855 Plain Trident Good Fine, 1858 8 over 2 (previously thought to be 8 over 3, with die cracks showing joining the four digits of the date along the base), Halfpenny 1723 struck on a thin flan of 6.73 grammes (103.86 grains) as Peck 803 (average weight for the standard coins of this series is 150 grains, range 144 to 160 grains) VG to Near Fine with surface corrosion, we note Peck 804 described as 'very thin flan' weighs 72.1 grains, so this coin somewhat between the two types
AustraliaPenny Tokens Professor Holloway - Holloways Pills and Ointments issues (10) 1857 KM#Tn278.1 (7), 1858 KM#Tn278.1 (3) Near Fine to VF, one with an interesting striking flaw
AustraliaPenny Tokens (7) 1874 J.G.Fleming Grocer and Tea Dealer, Hobart/Reverse: Sugar Loaf, Scroll at right points to a dot KM#Tn71.1 VF with striking flaw. 1857 Hanks and Lloyd, Sydney, Australian Tea Mart, Sydney, Obverse: Peace and Plenty KM#85.1 VF. undated Iredale & Co. Iron Merchants and General Ironmongers KM#Tn135 VG/Fair. 1857 Holloways Pills and Ointments J.M. on base, KM#278.1 Fine with some pitting. 1858 Peace & Plenty, Melbourne, Australian Arfms without date KM#Tn285.1 Good Fine. 1858 Hide and De Carle Grocers and Wine Merchants KM#Tn104 About Fine. 1865 Alfred Davies Pawnbroker, Fremantle, Near Fine, holed. Australia Halfpenny Token 1855 Hanks and Lloyd , Australian Tea Mart, Sydney/Opening of the Sydney Railway KM#Tn82 Good Fine, along with uniface aluminium? undated token G.Borer & Co. for 1 Small Loaf Good Fine
Penny 1858 8 over 2, this variety previously thought to be 8 over 3 with die cracks showing thinly through the bottom of all four digits of the date showing an earlier stage of the die break associated with this type, recent research has stated this is more likely to be 8 over 2, indeed this coin shows a small point at the bottom left of the 8. Recent research suggest that this die only had a short working life (Source: Michael Gouby, article Spink Numismatic Circular May 2010 pages 72-73) AU/GEF with traces of lustre
AustraliaPenny Tokens (2) R.Parker, Geelong, Victoria, undated VG, 1861 Robert Hyde & Co. Melbourne, Victoria VG, Australia Halfpenny Tokens (2) 1861 Robert Hyde & Co. Melbourne, Victoria Good Fine, 1858 Professor Holloway's Pills and Ointments NVF, New ZealandPennies (2) 1881 Milner and Thompson, Christchurch, KM#Tn28 EF with prooflike fields, Milner and Thompson, Christchurch, undated KM#Tn53 GVF, J.Hurley & Co. undated KM#Tn34 Fine
USAHalf Dollars to Cents (76) 19th and 20th Century, includes plenty of silver minors, in mixed grades VG to VF, Canada, Newfoundland and related, mostly 20th Century (148) the majority in base metal with some silver minors, includes Canada 5 Cents 1965 NGC PL65 and some 19th Century Token issues, in mixed grades, also Australia Tokens (3) Pennies (2) Hide & De Carle 1858 Melbourne Near Fine, cleaned with surface marks, Peace and Plenty 1858 Melbourne Near Fine, Halfpenny 1857 Holloway's Pills and Ointments Good Fine
Penny 1858 8 over 2, this variety previously thought to be 8 over 3 with die cracks through the top half and bottom half of all four digits of the date, recent research has stated this is more likely to be 8 over 2, indeed this coin shows a small part of the point of the 2 at the bottom left of the 8. Recent research suggest that this die only had a short working life (Source: Michael Gouby, article Spink Numismatic Circular May 2010 pages 72-73), UNC or near so, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 75
Penny 1858 Large Rose Ornamental Trident, Small Date with WW unlisted by Peck, believed to be only a few examples in existence, VF, we note an example described as CGS Fine 35 sold in our June 2012 auction for £600
Penny 1858 No WW Peck 1518 UNC and attractively toned with traces of lustre, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 82, the joint finest known of 8 examples thus far recorded by the LCGS Population Report
Australia (14) Penny Tokens (6) 1858 Holloways Pills and Ointments (2) one with a planchet clip, 1857 Hanks and Lloyd, Sydney (2), 1857 Hide & De Carle Grocers and Wine Merchants Melbourne, Victoria, , Halfpenny Tokens (6) Hanks and Lloyd 1855 Sydney Railway, 1857 Peace and Plenty KM#Tn83.1 (AND is 5.5mm long) NEF with some pitting, rare, 1857 Hide & De Carle Grocers and Wine Merchants (2), 1836 Smith, Peate & Co. KM#Tn210, 28mm diameter, some corrosion, rare, Undated, R.S.Waterhouse KM#Tn264, rare, in mixed grades VG to Good Fine unless stated, Farthing-size Tokens (2) 1890 Marcus Clark 'The Great Southern Draper' Newtown, Sydney, NSW, New Zealand Penny Token undated KM#Tn49 Obverse standing female figure with arm on Shield, palm tree behind, Reverse: Maori bust three-quarters right, Ex-jewellery, Coronation Medal 1911 John Danks & Son.Py.Ltd. 324 Pitt St. Sydney 22mm diameter in brass Good Fine
World a small group (6) Switzerland5 Francs 1939 Zurich Exposition KM#43 About UNC, Ceylon5 Rupees 1957 2500 Years of Buddhism KM#126 EF, German States - Prussia2 Marks 1888A KM#510 Lustrous A/UNC, Poland 10 Zloty 1933 70th Anniversary of the 1863 Insurrection Y#24 Fine the reverse with a small stain, Turkey40 Para AH1277/4 KM#702 UNC and colourfully toned, Ireland, Cloghjordan, Penny Token 1858 William Hodgins, Banker NVF
Maundy Sets (9) 1673 Near Fine to Good Fine, 1897 A/UNC to UNC and lustrous, 1902 A/UNC to UNC toned, 1904 Toned A/UNC to UNC, 1905 (3) EF to GEF, A/UNC to with matching tone, UNC with matching tone, 1911 GEF to A/UNC with colourful tone, 1925 EF to UNC and lustrous with small spots, along with Maundy 1902 an assembled set, comprising Fourpence, Twopence and PennyMatt Proofs UNC and Threepence currency GEF, in a slide case, Maundy a 3-part set 1852 comprising Fourpence VF, Twopence EF, and Penny EF, Maundy Odds () Fourpences (33) 1679 (3), 1689, 1731 (2), 1737, 1746, 1827, 1829, 1834, 1836, 1852, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1874, 1878, 1881, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1902 Matt Proof (2), 1902 (2), 1904, 1905, 1908, 1924, 1939, Threepences (11) 1679, 1686, 1762, 1763 (3, one holed), 1786, 1829, 1904, 1909, Twopences (15) 1684 plugged, 1729, 1732, 1742, 1826, 1838 (5), 1840, 1876, 1899, 1903, 1911, Pennies (7) 1772, 1800 (2), 1859, 1868, 1875, 1895 in mixed grades to UNC some lustrous some with attractive toning
Pennies (7) 1874H, 1898, 1912H, 1913, 1917, 1919, 1921, Halfpennies (5) 1826, 1858 8 over 6, 1861, 1862, 1889, the 1826 Halfpenny VF with heavy contact marks, other EF to UNC with many lustrous
Penny 1858 No WW GEF with traces of lustre ands a few minor spots, Penny 1890 Narrow date (14 1/2 teeth date spacing) VG, along with Fantasy pieces (3) ShillingEdward VIII 1937 in silver, Prooflike UNC, Fantasy Crown 1879 Three Graces INA Retro series, plain edge, in copper Lustrous UNC, Ireland Fantasy Crown 1901 plain edge in copper Lustrous UNC
Penny 1858 8 over 2, this variety previously thought to be 8 over 3 with die cracks showing thinly through the bottom of all four digits of the date showing an earlier stage of the die break associated with this type, recent research has stated this is more likely to be 8 over 2, indeed this coin shows a small point at the bottom left of the 8. Recent research suggest that this die only had a short working life (Source: Michael Gouby, article Spink Numismatic Circular May 2010 pages 72-73) A/UNC with a trace of lustre
Penny 1858 Large Rose Ornamental Trident, Small Date with WW unlisted by Peck, believed to be only a few examples in existence, Fine with contact marks we note an example described as CGS Fine 35 sold in our June 2012 auction for £600 hammer price
Penny 1858 8 over 2, this variety previously thought to be 8 over 3 with die cracks showing thinly through the bottom of all four digits of the date showing an earlier stage of the die break associated with this type, recent research has stated this is more likely to be 8 over 2, indeed this coin shows a tiny point at the bottom left of the 8 under magnification. Recent research suggest that this die only had a short working life (Source: Michael Gouby, article Spink Numismatic Circular May 2010 pages 72-73) EF/NEF, Ex-I.Robinson 2/10/1997 £55
USA (5) One Cent (4) 1798 Fine with some scratches, 1838 About Fine, 1858 Fine with an attempted piercing, 1881 Fair, Half Cent 1826 VG, CanadaBank Tokens (2) Lower Canada Halfpenny 1837 Fair, Upper Canada Halfpenny 1854 Fine
A mixed group 18th and 19th Century (9) comprising Yorkshire 1813 Phoenix Ironworks EF, Halfpenny Yorkshire Sheffield 1812 Nelson/Victory VF, Staffordshire 1812 Job Wilkes Darleston Lustrous EF, Warwickshire 1796 Union Mills/Cornucopia F scarce, Suffolk Bury 1794 Bust of Cornwallis EF, also Pennies 19th Century New Zealand (2) S.Hague Smith Ironmonger Auckland undated KM#Tn63 VF, 1858 Professor Holloway KM#Tn278 Good Fine, Colliery Mine and Lime Kiln Tickets (2) Hensingham Crest of the Lawson and Brayton family, two arms supporting the sun, VF the first in copper, the second in brass with hole
France, Prefecture De La Seine Service des Aliens bronze prize medal by Roti, to Melle Druon Alice, 1er prix D'Administration 1905, in red leather case of issue. Strasbourg Medical bronze medal, Dr Albert Schweitzer Nobel Prize 1952, gilt metal. Stoke Mandeville International Games medal 1964, winner wheel chair relay. Together with a R.A. music medal 1913, Olympia Exhibition medal 1934 and Professor Holloway's Penny token 1858, AVF or better (7).
Penny 1858 Large Date No WW, the last 8 struck over a higher 8, as Peck 1518 UNC with good subdued lustre, some thin scratches visible under magnification
Penny 1858 Large Rose Ornamental Trident, Small Date with WW unlisted by Peck, believed to be only a few examples in existence, VF with some contact marks and rim nicks, we note an example described as CGS Fine 35 sold in our June 2012 auction for £600 hammer price
Penny 1858 Large Rose Ornamental Trident, Small Date with WW unlisted by Peck, believed to be only a few examples in existence, NVF with some contact marks and rim nicks, we note an example described as CGS Fine 35 sold in our June 2012 auction for £600 hammer price
Halfpennies (14) 1841, 1844, 1851 , 1854, 1858 (3), 1862, 1875, 1877, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1897, plus Isle of Man Halfpenny 1839 GF, in mixed grades to NEF a few of the later coins lustrous
Pennies (4) 1854 Plain Trident, 1855 Ornamental Trident, 1858 Small Date, WW on truncation, Penny 1858 WW on truncation, with second 8 overstruck, the underlying figure unclear, the overstrike similar to Gouby CP1858Ga, VF to EF
Penny 1858 8 over 6 surprisingly unlisted by Peck and Spink the over date very clear EF with an edge bruise and a nick on the truncation, Ex-Croydon Coin Auction £27
Penny 1858 8 over repaired 8, the underlying figure showing to the right indent of the second 8 Gouby CP1858 GEF with some light contact marks, Ex-Satin £17.50
Penny 1858 with the second 8 over struck, though the underlying figure is unclear. Evidence of the underlying figure is in the right centre indent so this would suggest the figure being a 3 or a 9 both of which have been previously suggested for this type, Gouby CP1858G, NEF with some hairlines and thin scratches
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