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Medals : Auction 185

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Date Sold Category Lot Description Sale Price

Auction 185
Medals Prize Medal Sand & District Floral & Horticultural Society 52mm diameter in bronze Reverse: View of Sandye Place, aded to J.E. 3rd Prize Class 226 1922 NEF, along with National Rose Society Medal 41mm diameter in brass EF, Prize medal 38mm in bronze Reverse: PRESENTED BY THE ICHTHEMIC GUARD Co. IPSWICH, EF boxed, and Beass Medal 32mm Botanical Gardens NVF

Auction 185
Medals English help to the Rebels 1586 31mm diameter in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Two handcuffed hands, reaching for a heart, PB on either side, COR. NOBILE . AFFLICTIS . OPITVLVLATVR, Reverse: Legend in 9 lines: 1586 / BELGIA / HISP: TYRAN / NIDE OPPRESSA ./ PORTVS. VBITA . VI / OBP. RVTA. AVXIL. / [A.DLC] .ET.SER / ANGLIÆ. REG./EXPECT. MI 134/89, 5.60 grammes, Near Fine/VG with some misty areas in the reverse legend
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1003 : English help to the Rebels 1586 31mm diameter in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Two handcuffed hands, re... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1003 : English help to the Rebels 1586 31mm diameter in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Two handcuffed hands, re...

Auction 185
Medals Francis Bacon Memorial 1626 42mm diameter in bronze by J. (struck around 1740) Obverse: bust three-quarters right, draped FRANCISC. BACON, Reverse: , floating on a cloud, approaches the earth, the sun rising, NON PROCUL DIES. Exergue: NAT. 1560. M.1626, 41.78 grammes, Eimer 107, UNC or near so, toning with much eye appeal
£90 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1005 : Francis Bacon Memorial 1626 42mm diameter in bronze by J. Dassier (struck around 1740) Obverse: bust... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1005 : Francis Bacon Memorial 1626 42mm diameter in bronze by J. Dassier (struck around 1740) Obverse: bust...

Auction 185
Medals Earl of , Robert Devereux, 1642, a silver red, cast, 35mm x 26mm on an oval flan, Obverse: Half length figure of Essex, almost facing, armoured and holding an upright sword, above SX incuse, SHOULD HEAR BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT FOR TRUE RELIGION AND SUBIECTS FREDOM STAND, PRO RELIGIONE . LEGE. REGE. ET. PARLIAMENTO (incuse in running script), much of this indistinct, Reverse: Two equal horizontal sections containing the two Parliaments in which the and the Speaker are seated, holed at the top for suspension, 6.16 grammes, Eimer 140, MI i 295/113, Near Fine, the Earls face worn, Rare
£400 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1009 : Earl of Essex, Robert Devereux, 1642, a silver military reward, cast, 35mm x 26mm on an oval flan, O... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1009 : Earl of Essex, Robert Devereux, 1642, a silver military reward, cast, 35mm x 26mm on an oval flan, O...

Auction 185
Medals of I 1685 34mm diameter in silver by J.Roettier The official Coronation issue, Obverse: Bust right laureate, armoured and draped, IACOBVS. II. D.G.ANG.SCO.FR.ET.HI.REX. Reverse: A laurel wreath upon a cushion, a crown held by a hand issuing from heaven, A. MILITARI . AD . REGIAM .Exergue: INAVGVRAT . 23 . AP. 1685, Eimer 273, 16.30 grammes, EF with minor hairlines in the fields, a superb portrait, exhibiting flashes of gold under a blue/green tone
£1,000 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1017 : Coronation of James II 1685 34mm diameter in silver by J.Roettier The official Coronation issue, Obv... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1017 : Coronation of James II 1685 34mm diameter in silver by J.Roettier The official Coronation issue, Obv...

Auction 185
Medals Archbishop Sancroft and the Bishops 1688 51mm diameter in silver, by G. Bower, Obverse: Bust facing right wearing a cap and clerically robed GVIL.SNCROFT.ARCHIEPISC.CANTAVR.1688. Reverse: Seven s containing busts, clerically robed, of William Lloyd, Francis Turner, Lake, Henry Compton, Thomas Ken, Thomas White, and Sir John Trelawney, a field of stars, Lettered Edge: SI FRACTUS ILLABATUR ORBIS IMPAUIDOS FERIENT RUINAE, 54.04 grammes, MI i 622/37, Eimer 288a, VF or better, Note : William Sancroft (1617-1693) Archbishop of refused to read I's 'Declaration of Indulgence' exempting s and dissenters from penal statutes. The bishops were committed to the Tower for opposing the edicts of
£190 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1022 : Archbishop Sancroft and the Bishops 1688 51mm diameter in silver, by G. Bower, Obverse: Bust facing ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1022 : Archbishop Sancroft and the Bishops 1688 51mm diameter in silver, by G. Bower, Obverse: Bust facing ...

Auction 185
Medals Act of Toleration 1689 49mm diameter in silver by P.H. Műller, Obverse Bust right draped, armoured and laureate, GVLIELMVS REX ANGL . SCOT . FRANC . ET . HYBERN PATRIAE DECUS ANGLIAE PRAESIDIVM, Reverse: Britannia, accompanied by Religion and Liberty, grasps the hand of William TE SERVATORE MON SERVIMUS, In Exergue; RESTITUTORI BRITANNIAE 1689, Lettered edge (by Kleinert); REGIA CREDE MIHI RES EST SUCCURRERE LAPSIS, 44.50 grammes, MI i 683/64, Eimer 314, VF with some contact marks
£400 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1024 : Act of Toleration 1689 49mm diameter in silver by P.H. Műller, Obverse Bust right drap... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1024 : Act of Toleration 1689 49mm diameter in silver by P.H. Műller, Obverse Bust right drap...

Auction 185
Medals to Vigo Bay 1702 37mm diameter in silver by J. Croker, Obverse: Obverse: Bust left, crowned and draped, ANNA . DEI . GRA : MAG : BR : FRA : ET . HIB : REGINA., Reverse: Ships burning within a harbour, a fleet lying at it's mouth near a fort, CAPTA. ET. INCENSA. GAL: ET. HISP: CLASSE. Exergue: AG. VIGUM. XII . OCT . MDCCII. MI ii 236/18, Eimer 395a, 18.09 grammes, About Fine
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1028 : Expedition to Vigo Bay 1702 37mm diameter in silver by J. Croker, Obverse: Obverse: Bust left, crown... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1028 : Expedition to Vigo Bay 1702 37mm diameter in silver by J. Croker, Obverse: Obverse: Bust left, crown...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 's Bounty 1704 44mm diameter in bronze by J.Croker, Obverse: Bust left, laureate and draped ANNA D:G: MAG: BRI FR: ET. HIB: REG: Reverse Anne seated right, presents a charter to kneeling clergy. PIETAS. AVGUVSTAE. Exergue. PRIMITIIS. ET. DECIMIS. ECCLESIAE. CONCESSIS. MDCCIV. 33.00 grammes, Eimer 404, VF with a small dark tone patch on PIETAS

Auction 185
Medals Relieved 1706 35mm diameter in bronze by J. Croker, Obverse: Bust left draped, ANNA. D.G: MAG BR FRA : ET . HIB : REG :, Reverse: Sun eclipsed above city and harbour, BARCELONA . LIB . GALLIS . FVG, Exergue: I . MAII . MDCCVI. 14.16 grammes, Eimer 418, Fine/About Fine with a scratch on the reverse
£20 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1030 : Barcelona Relieved 1706 35mm diameter in bronze by J. Croker, Obverse: Bust left draped, ANNA. D.G: ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1030 : Barcelona Relieved 1706 35mm diameter in bronze by J. Croker, Obverse: Bust left draped, ANNA. D.G: ...

Auction 185
Medals 1707 35mm diameter in bronze by J.Croker, Obverse: Bust left draped, ANNA. D:G. MAG. BR. FR. ET. HIB: REG. Reverse: Arms of Britain on an escutcheon, supported on a platform inscribed SEMPER EADEM decorated with a rose and thistle, with two infant genii supporting a crown above the arms; collar and George of the Garter below, 14.97 grammes, Eimer 425, EF with some verdigris spots on the reverse
£100 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1033 : Union of England and Scotland 1707 35mm diameter in bronze by J.Croker, Obverse: Bust left draped, A... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1033 : Union of England and Scotland 1707 35mm diameter in bronze by J.Croker, Obverse: Bust left draped, A...

Auction 185
Medals Prince James (III) Attempted Invasion of 1708 (2) the first 38mm diameter in silver, by N. Roettier, Obverse: Bust right draped CVIVS . EST. Whose (image) is this? Reverse: Map of the Isles marked BRIT SCOT and HIE with ships around the coast, the Capital cities marked by their initial letters, L, D and E, REDDITE on a br above, 20.53 grammes, Fine with old gilding, The second similar but 38mm diameter in bronze, 16.43 grammes, EF with some spots and a darker area of toning on the reverse, we note Eimer lists only a 30mm medal of this type
£340 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1034 : Prince James (III) Attempted Invasion of Scotland 1708 (2) the first 38mm diameter in silver, by N. ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1034 : Prince James (III) Attempted Invasion of Scotland 1708 (2) the first 38mm diameter in silver, by N. ...

Auction 185
Medals of 1714 34mm diameter in silver by J. Croker, the official Coronation issue, Obverse: Bust right armoured and draped GEORGIVS. D.G. MAG. BR. FR. ET. HIB. REX Reverse: the enthroned right is crowned by Britannia, Exergue: INAVGVRAT. XX. OCT. MDCCXIII, 14.92 grammes, Eimer 470, EF/NEF attractively toned, the reverse with some light hairlines
£400 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1036 : Coronation of George I 1714 34mm diameter in silver by J. Croker, the official Coronation issue, Obv... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1036 : Coronation of George I 1714 34mm diameter in silver by J. Croker, the official Coronation issue, Obv...

Auction 185
Medals Birth of Prince James 1720 43mm diameter in bronze by N. Roettier, Obverse: Busts right, conjoined and draped, he armoured and she wearing a bandeau IACOB . III . R. CLEMENTINA . R . Reverse: , leaning against a column, indicates to an infant the territories of , and , on a globe, marked ING. SC. and IR. respectively PROVIDENTIA OBSTETRIX, In Exergue: CAROLO . PRINC . VALLIAE. NAT . DIE . VLTIMA . A : MDCCXX:, MI ii 452/60, Eimer 488, 30.70 grammes, GVF/VF
£240 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1038 : Birth of Prince James 1720 43mm diameter in bronze by N. Roettier, Obverse: Busts right, conjoined a... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1038 : Birth of Prince James 1720 43mm diameter in bronze by N. Roettier, Obverse: Busts right, conjoined a...

Auction 185
Medals Prince James (III) The Only Safeguard 1721, 50mm diameter in bronze, by O. Hamerani, Obverse: Armoured bust of Prince James, right, a sunburst on his breastplate, VNICA SALVS, Reverse: ian horse tramples on the English lion and Scottish unicorn, the distraught figure of Britannia to the left, a view of beyond, MI ii 454/63, Eimer 493, 42.12 grammes, a heavy contact mark on the reverse, otherwise GVF or better
£160 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1039 : Prince James (III) The Only Safeguard 1721, 50mm diameter in bronze, by O. Hamerani, Obverse: Armour... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1039 : Prince James (III) The Only Safeguard 1721, 50mm diameter in bronze, by O. Hamerani, Obverse: Armour...

Auction 185
Medals of Freind 1728 62mm diameter in copper by F. St.Urbain, Obverse: Bust left IOHANNES . FRIEND . COLL . MED . LOND . ET . REG . S . S, Reverse: An ancient and a contemporary physician stand facing each other, their hands clasped, with medical implements at their feet, MEDICINA . VETVS . ET . NOVA . In Exergue: VNAM FACIMVS VTRAMQVE. 78.96 grammes, Eimer 515, EF with some flan flaws
£90 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1040 : Death of John Freind 1728 62mm diameter in copper by F. St.Urbain, Obverse: Bust left IOHANNES . FRI... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1040 : Death of John Freind 1728 62mm diameter in copper by F. St.Urbain, Obverse: Bust left IOHANNES . FRI...

Auction 185
Medals Dedicatory medal 1731, 41mm diameter by J. Obverse: Bust left, laureate armoured and draped, GEORGIUS . II . D.G. MAG. BR. FR. ET. HIB. REX. Reverse: NUMISMATA REGUM ANGLIAE A GULIELMO PRIMO AD HAEC USQUE TEMPORA GEORGIO II. MAGNAE BRITANNIAE ET HIBERNIAE REGI SERENISSIMO ETC. DICATA A JOANNE DASSIER GENEVENSIS REIPUB. CAELATORE MONETALI ANNO M.DCC.XXXI in 14 lines, 38.37 grammes, Eimer 525, EF with some small contact marks and edge nicks
£100 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1041 : George II Dedicatory medal 1731, 41mm diameter by J. Dassier Obverse: Bust left, laureate armoured a... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1041 : George II Dedicatory medal 1731, 41mm diameter by J. Dassier Obverse: Bust left, laureate armoured a...

Auction 185
Medals of 1731 (No.16) 41mm diameter in bronze by J. , Obverse: Bust right, armoured, helmeted, wreathed and crowned, HENRICUS . V. D.G. ANG. FR . ET . HIB . REX . Reverse: A decorated tomb, the plinth inscribed NATUS 1388 CORONAT . 1413 MORT . 1422. Eimer 526, 27.02 grammes , NEF with light surface pitting in places
£30 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1042 : Kings and Queens of England 1731 Henry V (No.16) 41mm diameter in bronze by J. Dassier, Obverse: Bus... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1042 : Kings and Queens of England 1731 Henry V (No.16) 41mm diameter in bronze by J. Dassier, Obverse: Bus...

Auction 185
Medals Capture of Portobello 1739 39mm diameter in pinchbeck, Obverse Admiral Vernon full length in frock-coat, facing right, holding sword and staff, cannon and ship behind, THE BRITISH GLORY REVIV'D BT ADMIRAL VERИOИ, Reverse: Six ships entering Portobello harbour, HE TOOK PORTO BELLO WITH SIX SHIPS ONLY, 20.39 grammes, Fine. of Culloden 1746 Obverse Bust right armoured, WILL DUKE CUMB BRITISH HERO, Reverse: A Battle scene REBELLION JUSTLY REWARDED Exergue: AT CULLODEN 16.APR.1746, 10.75 grammes, Near Fine. Medal 1914 39mm diameter in lead? Camp Valcartier, Canadian Training Base, Obverse: Three Musketeers, Reverse: the names of the Allies on a Maple leaf, 24.23 grammes, Fine

Auction 185
Medals 1745 35mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Bust right, draped, WILL : DUKE : CUMB : BRTISH : HERO : BORN . 15 . APR . 1721. Reverse: figure of the Duke directs a soldiers escorting two captive Highlanders, REBELLION : JUSTLY : REWARDED, Exergue: AT . CARLILE . DEC: 1745, 13.20 grammes, Eimer 599, GVF/NEF scarce in this grade
£160 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1046 : Carlisle Recaptured 1745 35mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Bust right, draped, WILL : DUKE ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1046 : Carlisle Recaptured 1745 35mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Bust right, draped, WILL : DUKE ...

Auction 185
Medals 1745 35mm diameter in bronze by Wolff, Obverse: Bust right GUL DUX CUMB DELICIAE MILITUM . NATUS 15. APR. 1721. Reverse: The Duke of , as a rior, shield decorated with a bust of the , attacks a hydra, a city in the distance, PRO PATRE and PATRIA. Exergue: REB. EX ANG. PULLSI. & CARL.REDACTUM DEC : 1745, 11.86 grammes, Eimer 597, VG or slightly better/Fine
£10 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1047 : Carlisle Recaptured 1745 35mm diameter in bronze by Wolff, Obverse: Bust right GUL DUX CUMB DELICIAE... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1047 : Carlisle Recaptured 1745 35mm diameter in bronze by Wolff, Obverse: Bust right GUL DUX CUMB DELICIAE...

Auction 185
Medals : Jacobite Rebels Repulsed 1745. 36mm diameter in bronze by Wolff, Obverse: Bust right, draped, GUL . DUX . CUMB. DELICIAE . MILITUM . NATUS . 15 . APR . 1721, Reverse: The Duke of , as a rior, shield decorated, not with bust of the , attacks a hydra, city in the distance, PRO . PATRE . ET . PATRIA . Exergue: REB : EX . ANG . PUL. ET / CARL. REDACTUM / DEC 1745, as Eimer 597, Eimer mentions 'struck from two pairs of dies', 18.05 grammes, VF/GVF toned, the obverse a little unevenly so, but not unpleasant
£40 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1048 : Carlisle Recaptured: Jacobite Rebels Repulsed 1745. 36mm diameter in bronze by Wolff, Obverse: Bust ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1048 : Carlisle Recaptured: Jacobite Rebels Repulsed 1745. 36mm diameter in bronze by Wolff, Obverse: Bust ...

Auction 185
Medals , The Young Pretender 1745, 42mm diameter in copper by C.N. Roettier, Obverse: Bust right, CAROLUS WALLIAE PRINCEPS 1745, Reverse: Britannia standing on the shore, regards an approaching fleet, her hand resting upon the shield of St. George, which partially reveals a globe marked with the Isles. AMOR ET SPES. In Exergue: BRITANNIA, 27.07 grammes, Eimer 595, NVF/VF with a spot on Britannia's drapery
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1049 : Prince Charles, The Young Pretender 1745, 42mm diameter in copper by C.N. Roettier, Obverse: Bust ri... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1049 : Prince Charles, The Young Pretender 1745, 42mm diameter in copper by C.N. Roettier, Obverse: Bust ri...

Auction 185
Medals Rebels Retreat to 1745 35mm diameter, Obverse: Bust left HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS WILLIAM DUKE OF CUMBERLAND. Reverse: A retreating THE PRETENDERS LAST SHIFT OR REBELS RACE FOR LIFE 1745, 12.11 grammes, About Fine for wear, with some scratches, the reverse with some corrosion, unlisted by Eimer
£24 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1050 : Rebels Retreat to Scotland 1745 35mm diameter, Obverse: Bust left HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS WILLIAM DUKE OF... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1050 : Rebels Retreat to Scotland 1745 35mm diameter, Obverse: Bust left HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS WILLIAM DUKE OF...

Auction 185
Medals Legitimacy of Jacobite Succession 1749 31mm diameter in bronze, unsigned, Obverse: A highlander stands facing, with a shield inscribed QUIS CONTENDAT MECUM and drawn sword, NULLUM NON MOVEBO LAPIDEM UT ILLUD ADIPISCAR 1749, Reverse: An expanded rose MEA . RES AGITUR, Eimer 624, 13.93 grammes, Fine with some residual surface dirt in places, rare
£280 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1052 : Legitimacy of Jacobite Succession 1749 31mm diameter in bronze, unsigned, Obverse: A highlander stan... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1052 : Legitimacy of Jacobite Succession 1749 31mm diameter in bronze, unsigned, Obverse: A highlander stan...

Auction 185
Medals Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle 1749 42mm in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Bust of left GEORGIUS . II . D.G. REX, Reverse: Britannia seated right with olive branch, regards an approaching ship, PEACE . NOURISHES . TRADE, In exergue: PROCLAM'D 2. FEB . 1748, MI ii 652/355, Eimer 620, 15.95 grammes, VF
£60 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1053 : Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle 1749 42mm in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Bust of George II left GEORGIUS . II... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1053 : Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle 1749 42mm in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Bust of George II left GEORGIUS . II...

Auction 185
Medals Loss of Minorca 1756 34mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: A half-length figure facing holding a staff and flag, a fort firing cannons, to right, a ship BRAVE . BLAKENEY REWARD. In Exergue: BUT TO B GIVE A CORD in two lines, Reverse: Half Length figure of Byng left, receiving a purse. A ship to right, Reverse: WAS (incuse) MINORCA SOLD BY (incuse) B (incuse) In exergue: FOR . FRENCH . GOLD, 11.87 grammes, Eimer 653, Near Fine with surface marks and edge knocks. The incuse lettering a later addition as worn in these areas. Note: John Byng (1704-1757) Admiral, gave up Minorca to the after little resistance and was court-halled and subsequently shot. William Blakeney, Deputy Governor of Minorca was acclaimed on his return to and given a baronetcy
£50 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1055 : Loss of Minorca 1756 34mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: A half-length figure facing holding ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1055 : Loss of Minorca 1756 34mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: A half-length figure facing holding ...

Auction 185
Medals 1761 34mm diameter in silver by L.Natter. Obverse Bust right laureate and armoured, GEORGIVS. III. D.G. M. BRI. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. F.D. Ribbon tie-ends extend straight back, listed as RR by BHM, Reverse the enthroned, left crowned by Britannia standing before him. PATRIAE. OVANTI Exergue. CORONAT. XXII. SEPT. CDDCCLXI, 20.97 grammes, Eimer 694, BHM 24 GEF with a lovely tone
£850 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1058 : Coronation of George III 1761 34mm diameter in silver by L.Natter. Obverse Bust right laureate and a... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1058 : Coronation of George III 1761 34mm diameter in silver by L.Natter. Obverse Bust right laureate and a...

Auction 185
Medals 1761 35mm diameter in copper by L. Natter, The Official Coronation issue. Obverse: Bust right, Laureate, cuirassed and draped, offset to the left in the field, GEORGIUS . III . D. G. M. BRI. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. F.D. Reverse: Britannia standing regarding the and holding a crown above his head, the King seated on a throne garnished with a lion facing right, orb to right. PATRIÆ . OVANTI. Exergue: CORON . XXII . SEP . MDCCLXI in two lines, 15.00 grammes, BHM 23A, Fine. Note: BHM states that the copper specimens are much rarer than the silver.
£32 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1059 : Coronation of George III 1761 35mm diameter in copper by L. Natter, The Official Coronation issue. O... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1059 : Coronation of George III 1761 35mm diameter in copper by L. Natter, The Official Coronation issue. O...

Auction 185
Medals of Bell 1770 35mm diameter in silver, unsigned, Obverse: A shield dividing two insects and legend, ANNO XXVII / NAT. MDCCXXXVI / DENAT. /MDCCLXX (Year 27. Born 1736, Died 1770). Around : IOHANNI BELL NATVRÆ ET ANTIQVITATIS INDAGATORI , Reverse: A funerary urn on a plinth inscribed SEDVLO FELICI PROBO Around: LABIA SCIENTIÆ VAS PRETIOSVM, BHM 143, 21.33 grammes, NEF/GVF, listed as RR by BHM
£200 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1065 : Death of John Bell 1770 35mm diameter in silver, unsigned, Obverse: A shield dividing two insects an... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1065 : Death of John Bell 1770 35mm diameter in silver, unsigned, Obverse: A shield dividing two insects an...

Auction 185
Medals 40th of Peter and Mullman 33mm diameter in copper, by T. , Obverse: Conjoined draped busts of Peter and Mary Mullman right, LIVING IN LAWFULL WEDLOCK 40 YEARS / PET . MULLMAN A. 68 MARY CHISWELL A.61, Reverse: View of a building, hill to left with gazebo at the top, KIRBY HALL, Exergue: 28 APR. 1774, BHM 191, Toned UNC with old ticket. Note: Peter Mullman, eminent Dutch Merchant of Kirby Hall, , married Mary Trench Chiswell, daughter of Richard Chiswell of Debden Hall, near and Saffron Walden. This unusual medal was a private commission in 1774 from noted medallist Thomas Pingo
£140 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1067 : 40th Wedding Anniversary of Peter and Mary Mullman 33mm diameter in copper, by T. Pingo, Obverse: Co... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1067 : 40th Wedding Anniversary of Peter and Mary Mullman 33mm diameter in copper, by T. Pingo, Obverse: Co...

Auction 185
Medals of (III) 1788 53mm diameter by G. Hamerani, Bust right, draped, HEN . IX . MAG . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX . FID . DEF . CARD . EP . TVSC, Reverse: Religion standing in foreground holding cross and , lion couchant, cardinal's hat and crown at her feet. Beyond: A view of St. Peter's, Rome, In exergue: AN . MDCCLXXXVIII , BHM 282, Eimer 823, 46.54g, About EF with some minor marks in the reverse field
£140 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1070 : Death of Prince Charles (III) 1788 53mm diameter by G. Hamerani, Bust right, draped, HEN . IX . MAG ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1070 : Death of Prince Charles (III) 1788 53mm diameter by G. Hamerani, Bust right, draped, HEN . IX . MAG ...

Auction 185
Medals Christ's Hospital School, Marker's Prize, 1553, 35mm diameter in silver, (struck c.1790) Obverse Bust of Edd VI right, Reverse open book with HEAR.READ.MARK.LEARN above, Exergue: CHRISTS HOSPITAL INST.MDLIII, Edge (the name of the marker) ALEXANDER E.G.MOORE 1882, 16.70 grammes, Eimer 29, A/UNC with deep toning
£90 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1073 : Christ's Hospital School, Marker's Prize, 1553, 35mm diameter in silver, undated (struck c... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1073 : Christ's Hospital School, Marker's Prize, 1553, 35mm diameter in silver, undated (struck c...

Auction 185
Medals of Lord Effingham, 1791, 35mm diameter in copper, by J. Milton. Obverse: Bust of Lord Effingham left THO . HOWARD . COM .DE . EFFINGHAM . REI . MONET . PRÆF 1784, Reverse: Britannia seated left on a globe with shield and spear, , at her side is a cornucopia overflowing with coins and medals, PRO PATRIÆ, Edge: NATUS . XIII . JAN . MDCCXLVII . OB . XV . NOV . MDCCXCI . AET . XLIV, BHM 353, Eimer 844, 20.90 grammes, GVF/NEF with some darker toning areas, listed as RRR by BHM
£130 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1074 : Death of Lord Effingham, Master of the Mint 1791, 35mm diameter in gilt copper, by J. Milton. Obvers... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1074 : Death of Lord Effingham, Master of the Mint 1791, 35mm diameter in gilt copper, by J. Milton. Obvers...

Auction 185
Medals - , , 32mm diameter in silver by Johann Reich, Obverse: A crowned female figure kneels, mourning at a tomb with bust of Friedrich Wilhelm II, DURCH HULD UND GNADE EWIG UNVERGESSLICH. Reverse: Sun over a city view ENTWEICHT BRESLAUS BURGER GRUKKENDER KUMER Exergue: IN FEBRUAR 1791, 9.77 grammes, VF
£40 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1075 : German States - Prussia, Breslau, 32mm diameter in silver by Johann Reich, Obverse: A crowned female... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1075 : German States - Prussia, Breslau, 32mm diameter in silver by Johann Reich, Obverse: A crowned female...

Auction 185
Medals of George, to Caroline of 1795 25mm diameter in Brass, unsigned, Obverse: Draped bust of Princess Caroline, left, CAROLINE . QUEEN CONSORT OF ENGLAND. Reverse: Crown in splendour, BORN MAY 17 1768 , MARRIED APRIL 8, 1795. 4.91 grammes, BHM 399, NEF/GVF
£40 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1076 : Marriage of George, Prince of Wales to Caroline of Brunswick 1795 25mm diameter in Brass, unsigned, ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1076 : Marriage of George, Prince of Wales to Caroline of Brunswick 1795 25mm diameter in Brass, unsigned, ...

Auction 185
Medals of Cape St. Vincent 1797 38mm diameter in bronze by T. Snr. Obverse: Bust almost facing, EARL St. VINCENT DEFEATED THE SPANISH FLEET, Reverse: Two infant genii display an earl's coronet and ensign above the sea, VALOUR REWARDED. In Exergue: FEB 14 1797 FOUR SHIPS TAKEN OFF CAPE St. VINCENT in 3 lines, BHM 433, Eimer 883, 29.58 grammes, NEF with a flan flaw on the obverse
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1077 : Battle of Cape St. Vincent 1797 38mm diameter in bronze by T.Wyon Snr. Obverse: Bust almost facing, ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1077 : Battle of Cape St. Vincent 1797 38mm diameter in bronze by T.Wyon Snr. Obverse: Bust almost facing, ...

Auction 185
Medals of Cape St. Vincent 1797 41mm diameter in White Metal, by G.Mills/ N.G.A. Brenet, Obverse: Bust left ADMIRAL EARL St. VINCENT G C B, Reverse: hovering above two ships, at which she hurls thunderbolts, , Exergue: SPANISH FLEET DEFEATED OFF CAPE ST. VINCENT XIV FEBy. MDCCCLXXXXVII, 30.00 grammes, Eimer 882, BHM 438, EF and lustrous with minor contact marks and hairlines
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1078 : Battle of Cape St. Vincent 1797 41mm diameter in White Metal, by G.Mills/ N.G.A. Brenet, Obverse: Bu... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1078 : Battle of Cape St. Vincent 1797 41mm diameter in White Metal, by G.Mills/ N.G.A. Brenet, Obverse: Bu...

Auction 185
Medals of the Nile 1798 38mm diameter in bronze by T. Snr. Obverse: bust almost facing, uniformed, head three-quarters right, ADMIRAL LORD NELSON OF THE NILE BRITAINS GLORY AND DEFENCE, Reverse a engagement, ALMIGHTY GOD HAS BLESSED HIS MAJESTY'S ARMS Exergue FRENCH FLEET DEFEATED AUGUST 1.1798 Eimer 893, BHM 452, A/UNC with traces of lustre
£300 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1079 : Battle of the Nile 1798 38mm diameter in bronze by T.Wyon Snr.  Obverse: bust almost facing, uniform... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1079 : Battle of the Nile 1798 38mm diameter in bronze by T.Wyon Snr.  Obverse: bust almost facing, uniform...

Auction 185
Medals Victories 1798, 48mm diameter in copper by C.H.Kuchler, Obverse: bust left, armoured and draped, GEORGIUS III . D:G. M. BR. FR. ET. H. REX. Reverse: Britannia seated right, amongst arms and trophies, holds up a figure of . MARI VICTRIX. TERRAQUE . INVICTA. In Exergue: AVITUM TRANSCENDIT HONOREM MDCCXCVIII. BHM 458, Eimer 897, 53.68 grammes, About EF with some spots and surface marks
£42 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1080 : British Victories 1798, 48mm diameter in copper by C.H.Kuchler, Obverse: bust left, armoured and dra... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1080 : British Victories 1798, 48mm diameter in copper by C.H.Kuchler, Obverse: bust left, armoured and dra...

Auction 185
Medals Capture of Helder Point 1799 40mm diameter in bronze, by T. , Obverse: Bust facing, uniformed, head turned to left SIR RALPH ABERCROMBIE K.B. LIEUTENANT GENERAL . Reverse: Column on rock decorated with a crown and flags, , with sea and peninsular beyond, PATRIAE INFELICI FIDELIS , Exergue, : :LANDED IN HOLLAND & TOOK HELDER POINT AUG: 27 1799, 28.65 grammes, Eimer 910, BHM 477, GVF with some small rim nicks
£24 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1081 : Capture of Helder Point 1799 40mm diameter in bronze, by T. Halliday, Obverse: Bust facing, uniforme... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1081 : Capture of Helder Point 1799 40mm diameter in bronze, by T. Halliday, Obverse: Bust facing, uniforme...

Auction 185
Medals of Earl Howe 1799 38mm diameter in copper by T. Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Howe left, uniformed, EARL HOWE ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET MDCCXCIX. Reverse: A trophy of arms and a rostral column decorated with the prows of ships and inscribed MEMORAe.VICTORY JUNE 1st. MDCCXCIV. In Exergue: FRENCH FLEET DEFEATd./ VII SHIPS TAKEN, 25.90 grammes, BHM 468, EF with reflective fields and a small spot on the bust
£90 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1082 : Death of Earl Howe 1799 38mm diameter in copper by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Howe left, unif... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1082 : Death of Earl Howe 1799 38mm diameter in copper by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Howe left, unif...

Auction 185
Medals of Earl Howe 1799 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Howe left, uniformed, EARL HOWE ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET MDCCXCIX. Reverse: A trophy of arms and a rostral column decorated with the prows of ships and inscribed MEMORAe.VICTORY JUNE 1st. MDCCXCIV. In Exergue: FRENCH FLEET DEFEATd./ VII SHIPS TAKEN, 23.00 grammes, BHM 468, EF and lustrous with some contact marks and hairlines
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1083 : Death of Earl Howe 1799 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Howe left,... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1083 : Death of Earl Howe 1799 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Howe left,...

Auction 185
Medals Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty 1799, 38mm diameter in copper by T. Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Spencer left wearing uniform EARL SPENCER FRST LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY, Below : APPOINTED MAR 9. 1795, Reverse: standing, blowing a et, DECORI DECUS ADDIT AVITO. In Exergue: UNDER WISE COUNSELS / THE BRITISH NAVY / TRIUMPHS. / MDCCXCIX. in four lines, BHM 471, 26.04 grammes, About EF with a few small spots
£85 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1084 : Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty 1799, 38mm diameter in copper by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse: Bust... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1084 : Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty 1799, 38mm diameter in copper by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse: Bust...

Auction 185
Medals Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty 1799, 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Sr. Obverse: Bust of Earl Spencer left wearing uniform EARL SPENCER FRST LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY, Below : APPOINTED MAR 9. 1795, Reverse: standing, blowing a et, DECORI DECUS ADDIT AVITO. In Exergue: UNDER WISE COUNSELS / THE BRITISH NAVY / TRIUMPHS. / MDCCXCIX. in four lines, BHM 471, 23.68 grammes, Near EF with some contact marks and hairlines
£70 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1085 : Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty 1799, 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse:... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1085 : Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty 1799, 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Wyon Sr. Obverse:...

Auction 185
Medals Charles James Fox 1800, 53mm diameter in bronze, by J.G. Hancock Obverse: Bust right CHARLES JAMES FOX, Born January 13 1749 Reverse: Legend in 11 lines WITH LEARNING ELOQUENCE AND ZEAL HE MAINTAINS THE RIGHTS OF A FREE AND LOYAL PEOPLE 1800 all within a wreath. 69.62 grammes, BHM 488, EF
£85 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1087 : Charles James Fox 1800, 53mm diameter in bronze, by J.G. Hancock Obverse: Bust right CHARLES JAMES F... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1087 : Charles James Fox 1800, 53mm diameter in bronze, by J.G. Hancock Obverse: Bust right CHARLES JAMES F...

Auction 185
Medals GB and a few World medals a mixed group (114) base metal types 19th and 20th Century, a wide variety of subjects covered, many and types, several are local issues, also includes Handel Festival 1859 51mm in bronze, The Building for the 1851 74mm diameter in copper?, Recovery from Illness 1872 in White Metal, and Exhibition 1901 in White Metal, Prince Albert 's Pride 27mm in White metal, also includes many II types, along with Token 1773 Queen , a group of brass, bronze and White metal medalets and counters, these include and -related items, an interesting selection, in mixed grades many VF or better, some holed

Auction 185
Medals preserved From Assassination 1800 38mm diameter in bronze, by P. Kempson, Obverse: Crown below rays within a wreath entwined with a ribbon inscribed GOD GIVE PRAISE. Above: PRESERVED FROM ASSASSINATION below: MAY 15 1800, Reverse: An Angel kneeling on a cloud holding a bearing the portrait of the and protecting it from an arrow with a shield GOD SAVE THE KING, 28.54 grammes, BHM 486, GVF/NEF. The assassin was James Hadfield a member of a millennialist group who believed that if he himself was killed by the Government the second coming of Christ would follow. Hadfield was acquitted of treason for reasons of insanity leading to major additions to in British statutory law namely Criminal Lunatics Act 1800 and Treason Act 1800 which resulted in Hadfield being detained till he died in 1841 in Bedlam.
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1089 : George III preserved From Assassination 1800 38mm diameter in bronze, by P. Kempson, Obverse: Crown ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1089 : George III preserved From Assassination 1800 38mm diameter in bronze, by P. Kempson, Obverse: Crown ...

Auction 185
Medals Preserved from Assassination 1800, 48mm in bronze by C.H.Kuchler, Obverse : Bust left armoured and draped, GEORGIUS III D:G.MAGN.BRIT.FR.ET,HIB.REX, Reverse: A burning altar inscribed D.O.M. Above, Eye of , PERSPICIT ET PROTEGIT, In Exergue: A SICARIO SERVATUS MAI. XV. MDCCC. BHM 483, Eimer 916, 53.91 grammes, NEF
£130 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1090 : George III Preserved from Assassination 1800, 48mm in bronze by C.H.Kuchler, Obverse : Bust left arm... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1090 : George III Preserved from Assassination 1800, 48mm in bronze by C.H.Kuchler, Obverse : Bust left arm...

Auction 185
Medals Admiral Lord Keith and the of Sir Ralph Abercromby 1801 49mm diameter by J.G. Hancock, Obverse: Bust left LORD KEITH K.B. VICE ADMIRAL OF THE RED Reverse: A Scottish soldier standing, leaning against a pedestal regarding an urn on which is a of Abercromby, Trophy of Arms behind. 1801 - SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY WOUNDED MARCH 21 DIED MARCH 28, 61.39 grammes, BHM 507, Eimer 931, VF/NEF with some light contact marks and small rim nicks

Auction 185
Medals of Sir Ralph Abercromby 1801 40mm diameter in bronze by. T. ? Obverse: Bust facing, uniformed, head turned to left SIR RALPH ABERCROMBIE K.B. LIEUTENANT GENERAL ., Reverse: Britannia lying weeping before a tomb inscribed WOUNDED MAR.21 DIED MAR.28 1801, Exergue: FRENCH DEFEATED/ MAR. 21 1801 in two lines, Palm tree and pyramids in the distance, 30.80 grammes, BHM 505, unlisted by Eimer, VF/GVF
£40 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1092 : Death of Sir Ralph Abercromby 1801 40mm diameter in bronze by. T. Halliday? Obverse: Bust facing, un... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1092 : Death of Sir Ralph Abercromby 1801 40mm diameter in bronze by. T. Halliday? Obverse: Bust facing, un...

Auction 185
Medals Delivered 1801 41mm diameter in bronze by for Mudie Obverse: Bust three-quarters left uniformed . MAJOR GEN. LORD HUTCHINSON Reverse: Exchanging a treaty, Hutchinson stands facing the Bey of Egypt, who hold the reins of a rearing horse, a pyramid beyond. Eimer 934, BHM 509, UNC toned with minor contact marks
£140 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1093 : Egypt Delivered 1801 41mm diameter in bronze by Webb for Mudie  Obverse: Bust three-quarters left un... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1093 : Egypt Delivered 1801 41mm diameter in bronze by Webb for Mudie  Obverse: Bust three-quarters left un...

Auction 185
Medals Preliminaries For The Peace of Amiens 1801 38mm in copper by H. Kettle, Obverse: Oval Shield on crossed swords, PRELIMINARIES OF PEACE BETWEEN GRETA BRITAIN AND FRANCE SIGNED OCTOBER 1st 1801, Reverse: Peace standing on a quay holding an olive branch and emptying a cornucopia, bales at her side, ships at sea, THEY SHALL PROSPER THAT LOVE THEE, ears of corn in exergue. BHM 516. 28.25 grammes, NEF, Peace of Amiens 1802 38mm diameter in Copper by J.G. Hancock, Obverse Bust left, uniformed MARQUIS CORNWALLIS BRITISH PLENIPOTENTIARY AT AMIENS. Reverse Britannia seated beside a cherub, holds a tablet inscribed AD (dington) H (awkesbury) COR (nwallis) BUO (naparte) A of on her lap. POST NUBILA PHOEBUS. Exergue DEFINITIVE TREATY CONCLUDED 1802, BHM 539, 30.36 grammes, EF with some spots and contact marks, of Caroline 1731 ’s “ of ” Series, 40mm diameter in bronze, CAROLINA · D · G · MAG · BR · FR · ET · HIB · REG ·, draped bust right, wearing stephane; J · DASSIER below / DILECTA DEO ET HOMINIBUS. (Beloved to God and men), Charity seated facing slightly right on knoll, head downd to left, holding nursing infant in lap and extending hand to child to right standing facing. from book; to left, child on knoll peering at Charity from behind; child seated right on ground, writing document with quill; I · D · in exergue. 31.09 grammes GVF
£100 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1094 : Preliminaries For The Peace of Amiens 1801 38mm in copper by H. Kettle, Obverse: Oval Shield on cros... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1094 : Preliminaries For The Peace of Amiens 1801 38mm in copper by H. Kettle, Obverse: Oval Shield on cros...

Auction 185
Medals of Charles James Fox 1806 54mm diameter in bronze by T. , Obverse: Bust Right, draped, C.I.FOX OB. SEP.XIII MDCCCVI Reverse standing facing upon a globe marked with Britain. LIBERTATIS . HVMANITATISQVE VINDEX BHM 604, Eimer 979, 67.65 grammes, approaching EF with some contact marks and small spots
£110 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1099 : Death of Charles James Fox 1806 54mm diameter in bronze by T. Webb, Obverse: Bust Right, draped, C.I... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1099 : Death of Charles James Fox 1806 54mm diameter in bronze by T. Webb, Obverse: Bust Right, draped, C.I...

Auction 185
Medals Colonel dle 1809, 53mm diameter in copper, by P. , Obverse: Draped bust facing, three-quarters right, GWYLLM LLOYD WARDLE ESQr. M.P. , A MOST MAGNANIMOUS, FIRM, CANDID, AND INDEPENDENT PATRIOT. Reverse: Inscription in 11 lines: THE DUTY / WHICH I OWE MY / COUNTRY / IS PARAMOUNT / TO / EVERY OTHER / CONSIDERATION / SEE MR WARDLE'S SPEECH / ON THE CHARGES AGt.H.R.H. / THE DUKE OF YORK / MARCH . 8. 1809, 74.31 grammes, BHM 667, EF with some contact marks
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1101 : Colonel Wardle 1809, 53mm diameter in copper, by P. Wyon, Obverse: Draped bust facing, three-quarter... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1101 : Colonel Wardle 1809, 53mm diameter in copper, by P. Wyon, Obverse: Draped bust facing, three-quarter...

Auction 185
Medals Victories in the Peninsular 1810 50mm in bronze, by T. Jnr. Obverse: Bust right, LIEUT. GEN. LORD. VISCOUNT WELLINGTON. K.B.MDCCCX, Reverse: standing right, upon a rock, a fallen standard at her feet, BHM 699, Eimer 1010, 62.90 grammes, EF the reverse with some minor surface marks and a spot on the shield, boxed
£240 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1102 : British Victories in the Peninsular War 1810 50mm in bronze, by T.Wyon Jnr. Obverse: Bust right, LIE... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1102 : British Victories in the Peninsular War 1810 50mm in bronze, by T.Wyon Jnr. Obverse: Bust right, LIE...

Auction 185
Medals 1810 48mm diameter in bronzed copper by C. Kuchler, Obverse: Bust of the left, with short hair, GEORGIUS III . D:G. BRITANNIARUM REX. FID . DEFEN. Reverse: The Arms of supported by two double headed eagles. LUSTRA DECEM COMPLEVIT . REGNAT ADHUC, GEGNETQUE DIU. 53.47 grammes, BHM 684, GVF/NEF lightly cleaned
£70 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1104 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in bronzed copper by C. Kuchler, Obverse: Bust of the K... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1104 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in bronzed copper by C. Kuchler, Obverse: Bust of the K...

Auction 185
Medals 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George III wearing a short wig GEO.III.BORN 4th JUNE 1738. ASCENDd. THE THRONE OCTr.25th 1760. Exergue: COMPLETED 50th. YEAR OF HIS REIGN OCTr.25th. 1810, Reverse: Three young children holding a flaming heart before Britannia upon a plinth inscribed FROGMORE. Rays of Sun above, THE FIFTIETH YEAR, 60.80 grammes, BHM 686, NEF with some small tone spots
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1105 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1105 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George ...

Auction 185
Medals 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George III wearing a short wig GEO.III.BORN 4th JUNE 1738. ASCENDd. THE THRONE OCTr.25th 1760. Exergue: COMPLETED 50th. YEAROF HIS REIGN OCTr.25th. 1810, Reverse: Three young children holding a flaming heart before Britannia upon a plinth inscribed FROGMORE. Rays of Sun above, THE FIFTIETH YEAR, 53.17 grammes, BHM 686, EF and pleasing
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1106 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1106 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George ...

Auction 185
Medals 1810 48mm diameter in White Metal by N. Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust left, wearing short wig, GEO . III . BORN . 4th . JUNE . 1738 . ASCENDd. THE THRONE OCTr. 25th. 1760. I n Exergue: COMPLETED 50TH YEAR / OF HIS REIGN / OCTr. 25th. 1810, in three lines, Reverse: Three young children holding a flaming heart before Britannia upon a plinth inscribed FROGMORE, rays of sun above, THE FIFTIETH YEAR, 40.62 grammes, BHM 686, Eimer 1007, EF or near so with some contact marks and hairlines, the reverse with a scuff in the left field
£70 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1107 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in White Metal by N. Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust left... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1107 : George III Golden Jubilee 1810 48mm diameter in White Metal by N. Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust left...

Auction 185
Medals of Albuera 1811 41mm diameter in bronze, by T. and N.G.A. Brenet, Obverse: Bust right uniformed MARSHAL GEN.LORD BERESFORD, Reverse: A Polish lancer attacks a Infantryman. BATTLE OF ALBUERA XVI. MAY MDCCCXI, BHM 718, Eimer 1017, 40.06 grammes, A/UNC with a few tiny rim nicks
£120 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1108 : Battle of Albuera 1811 41mm diameter in bronze, by T. Webb and N.G.A. Brenet, Obverse: Bust right un... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1108 : Battle of Albuera 1811 41mm diameter in bronze, by T. Webb and N.G.A. Brenet, Obverse: Bust right un...

Auction 185
Medals Presentation of Colours to the College by Queen 1813 41mm diameter in copper by T. and N. Brenet, Obverse: Bare head of the Duke of left, FIELD MARSHALL F. DUKE OF YORK, Reverse: The Queen presenting colours to the students at the college. PRESENTATION OF COLOURS BY HER MAJESTY AUGUST 1813. Exergue: Facade of the college and 1802, the date of it's foundation. 36.62 grammes, BHM 769, Eimer 1035, GEF/UNC with some small spots, a pleasing piece. Note: One of Mudie's series of National medals struck in 1820.
£100 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1110 : Presentation of Colours to the Royal Military College by Queen Charlotte 1813 41mm diameter in coppe... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1110 : Presentation of Colours to the Royal Military College by Queen Charlotte 1813 41mm diameter in coppe...

Auction 185
Medals A Scottish Soldier 1815 42mm diameter in bronze by E.J. Dubois, Obverse: Bust of a soldier in Highland dress, NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT, Reverse: 7-line inscription MDCCCI / EGYPT / PORTUGAL / SPAIN / BELGIUM / MDCCCXV all within a wreath, BHM 868, unlisted by Eimer, 37.80 grammes, GVF/VF the obverse with a stri cud at the base of the bust

Auction 185
Medals Surrender of 1815 41mm diameter in bronze by Brenet, a modern restrike (c.1971-1974) Obverse: Bust right, uniformed, NAPOLEON EMP. ET ROI., Reverse: A fully rigged ship SURRENDERED TO H.B.M.S. BELLEROPHON CAPT. MAITLAND. Exergue: XV JULY MDCCCXV, as BHM 889, Eimer 1078, 37.48 grammes, EF
£40 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1116 : Surrender of Napoleon 1815 41mm diameter in bronze by Brenet, a modern restrike (c.1971-1974) Obvers... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1116 : Surrender of Napoleon 1815 41mm diameter in bronze by Brenet, a modern restrike (c.1971-1974) Obvers...

Auction 185
Medals Admiral Lord Exmouth 1816 Bombardment of Algiers 41mm diameter in copper by L. Brenet and Gerard, Obverse: Uniformed bust right, of Lord Exmouth, ADMIRAL LORD EXMOUTH, Reverse: , with trident, pacifying a sea-horse, In Exergue: ALGIERS AUGUST 1816. 40.04 grammes, BHM 921, Eimer 1085, EF. Note: One of Mudie's series of National medals struck in 1820
£85 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1117 : Admiral Lord Exmouth 1816 Bombardment of Algiers 41mm diameter in copper by L. Brenet and Gerard, Ob... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1117 : Admiral Lord Exmouth 1816 Bombardment of Algiers 41mm diameter in copper by L. Brenet and Gerard, Ob...

Auction 185
Medals Art Medals (6) 1818-1822 all 42mm diameter in bronze by Petit, the obverses depicting En. Quirinus Visconti, Joseph Vernet, J.Francois de la Harpe, Matthieu Mole, J. Rodolphe, Perronet and Dominicus Cimarosa, the reverses with the details of their births, s and achievements, GVF to EF some with small spots

Auction 185
Medals Map of the World : Eastern and Western Hemispheres (c.1820) 74mm diameter , in white metal by T., possibly struck by Edd Tho, Eimer 1139a, Obverse: Detailed Map of the Eastern Hemisphere, the continents AFRICA, ASIA, EUROPE and NEW HOLLAND () identified together with countries and some cities, Reverse: Detailed map of North and identified, together with countries and islands GEF boxed with good surfaces, rare
£1,300 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1125 : Map of the World : Eastern and Western Hemispheres (c.1820) 74mm diameter undated, in white metal by... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1125 : Map of the World : Eastern and Western Hemispheres (c.1820) 74mm diameter undated, in white metal by...

Auction 185
Medals of 1821 35mm diameter in bronze by B.Pistrucci Obverse: GEORGIUS IIII D:G: BRITANNIARUM REX F.D. Reverse: George IV enthroned, left, crowned by behind. Before him stand Britannia, and Scotia, PROPRIO JAMJURE ANIMO PATERNO, In Exergue: INAUGURATUS DIE. JULII XIX. ANNO MDCCCXXI, BHM 1070, Eimer 1146, 22.89g, EF with some minor contact marks and a tiny spot in the 's hair
£120 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1126 : Coronation of George IV 1821 35mm diameter in bronze by B.Pistrucci Obverse: GEORGIUS IIII D:G: BRIT... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1126 : Coronation of George IV 1821 35mm diameter in bronze by B.Pistrucci Obverse: GEORGIUS IIII D:G: BRIT...

Auction 185
Medals of 1821 35mm diameter in gold by B.Pistrucci Obverse: Bust left, laureate GEORGIUS IIII D.G. BRITANNIARUM REX F.D. Reverse: George IV enthroned, left, crowned by , behind, before him stand Britannia, and Scotia PROPRIO JMA JURE ANIMO PATERNO, in exergue INAUGURATUS/ DIE. JULII. XIX. /ANNO.MDCCCXXI. Eimer 1146a, BHM 1070, weight 31.00 grammes. GVF Ex-Jewellery and gilded with some surface marks ands edge knocks
£1,900 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1128 : Coronation of George IV 1821 35mm diameter in gold by B.Pistrucci Obverse: Bust left, laureate GEORG... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1128 : Coronation of George IV 1821 35mm diameter in gold by B.Pistrucci Obverse: Bust left, laureate GEORG...

Auction 185
Medals of V 1830 67mm diameter in copper by W., Obverse: Bare head of right GUILELMO IIII D:G: BRITANNIAR : REGI F:D:, Reverse: ADELAIDE REGIMA CUDI JUSSIT MDCCCXXX within a wreath with trident below, 139 grammes, BHM 1414, GEF with a dark tone patch on the reverse
£180 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1135 : Accession of William IV 1830 67mm diameter in copper by W.Wyon, Obverse: Bare head of William IV rig... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1135 : Accession of William IV 1830 67mm diameter in copper by W.Wyon, Obverse: Bare head of William IV rig...

Auction 185
Medals of 24mm diameter in brass by T. Kettle, Obverse: Bare head left, GEORGE IV KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, Reverse: BORN / AUG.12 1762 / DIED / JUNE 26 1830 /BELOVED / & / LAMENTED all within a circle of palm fronds, BHM 1383, 5.26 grammes, NEF
£30 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1136 : Death of George IV 24mm diameter in brass by T. Kettle, Obverse: Bare head left, GEORGE IV KING OF G... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1136 : Death of George IV 24mm diameter in brass by T. Kettle, Obverse: Bare head left, GEORGE IV KING OF G...

Auction 185
Medals Charity Instituted 1830 36mm in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Inscription in 8 lines: HONORABLE TESTIMONIAL / OF / MASONIC / CHARITY & BENEVOLENCE / INSTITUTED / BY H.R.H. AUG: FRED: / DUKE OF SUSSEX /M:W: GRAND MASTER, Masonic emblems below, Reverse: A Mother with two children, Eye of above, In exergue: MDCCCXXX, 19.69 grammes, BHM 1463, GVF with some hairlines, scuffed on the edge
£10 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1139 : Masonic Charity Instituted 1830 36mm in gilt copper, unsigned, Obverse: Inscription in 8 lines: HONO... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1139 : Masonic Charity Instituted 1830 36mm in gilt copper, unsigned, Obverse: Inscription in 8 lines: HONO...

Auction 185
Medals 1831 25mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Conjoined and draped busts left of William IV and Queen , WILLIAM IV & QUEEN ADELAIDE . CROWNED SEP.8.1831, Reverse: An Crown, WILLIAM IV BORN AUG 21 1765 QUEEN ADELAIDE BORN AUG 13 1765 MARRIED JULY 1818, BHM 1520, 4.45 grammes, About EF and lustrous with some small spots
£34 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1141 : Coronation of William IV 1831 25mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Conjoined and draped busts ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1141 : Coronation of William IV 1831 25mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: Conjoined and draped busts ...

Auction 185
Medals 1831 33mm diameter in silver by W. The official issue after F.Chantrey, Obverse : Bust of William IV right, WILLIAM THE FOURTH CROWNED SEP:8 1831, Reverse: Bust of Queen right, ADELAIDE QUEEN CONSORT. CROWNED SEP:8 1831, 17.72 grammes, Eimer 1251, BHM 1475, GVF cleaned with some scratches and a gentle edge bruise, in the round fitted red case of issue this worn and with the hinge fragile
£200 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1142 : Coronation of William IV 1831 33mm diameter in silver by W.Wyon The official Royal Mint issue after ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1142 : Coronation of William IV 1831 33mm diameter in silver by W.Wyon The official Royal Mint issue after ...

Auction 185
Medals 1831 55mm diameter in White Metal by T.W. , Obverse: Britannia, with and Scotia, offering a crown to the and Queen standing right, Fame flying above. In Exergue: CROWNED SEPr 8th 1831, Reverse: Legend in 7 lines, KING WILLIAM IV / BORN AUGt. 13th. 1765 / QUEEN ADELAIDE / BORN AUGt. 13th. 1792 /MARRIED JULY 11. 1818 / ASCENDED JUNE 29 / 1830 within a closed wreath, 58.48 grammes, BHM 1484, Near VF with some contact marks and edge nicks
£50 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1144 : Coronation of William IV 1831 55mm diameter in White Metal by T.W. Ingram, Obverse: Britannia, with ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1144 : Coronation of William IV 1831 55mm diameter in White Metal by T.W. Ingram, Obverse: Britannia, with ...

Auction 185
Medals and William IV (5) 1831 54mm diameter in White Metal by T.W. Obverse: Draped busts left, conjoined, HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY WILLIAM IIII AND HIS CONSORT ADELAIDE, Reverse: Crown within closed wreath of crossed flags, thistles and shamrocks above and below, Above: CORONATION Around: AT WESTMINSTER SEPTEMBER 8 1831, Above: BORN AUGUST 21 1765, Around: ASCENDED THE BRITISH THRONE JUNE 26 1830 IN THE 65 YEAR OF HIS AGE, 49.03 grammes, BHM 1486, VF with some scratches, of William IV 1837 54mm diameter in White metal, unsigned, Obverse: Bare head of William IV right HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY WILLIAM IIII, Reverse: Britannia, with two allegorical figures mourning around a funerary urn, on a plinth inscribed, DIED JUNE 20 1837. BELOVED . REVERED . LAMENTED. Exergue: BORN 21 AUGt.1765, BHM 1726, 49.03 grammes, VF with some scratches, George III 1810 48mm diameter in copper by N.Hyde, Obverse: Uniformed bust of George III wearing a short wig GEO.III.BORN 4th JUNE 1738. ASCENDd. THE THRONE OCTr.25th 1760. Exergue: COMPLETED 50th. YEAROF HIS REIGN OCTr.25th. 1810, Reverse: Three young children holding a flaming heart before Britannia upon a plinth inscribed FROGMORE. Rays of Sun above, THE FIFTIETH YEAR, 51.636 grammes, BHM 686, GVF with some contact marks, George III Enters the 50th Year of his Reign 1809 42mm diameter in White Metal by T. . Snr. Obverse Bust right, cuirassed and draped, GOD SAVE THE KING, Reverse: Inscription within a closed wreath GRAND NATIONAL JUBILEE OCT. 26 .1809 THE 50th YEAR HE HAS GOVERN'D AND PRESERVED AN AFFECTIONATE LOYAL PEOPLE, BHM 653, 28.25 grammes, GVF, George III Enters the 50th Year of his Reign 1809 25mm diameter in copper by Kettle & Sons, Obverse: GRAND NATIONAL JUBILEE CELEBRATED OCT 25 1809 THE KING HAVING ENTERED THE 50th YEAR OF HIS REIGN, Reverse: An Crown above sword and sceptre intertwined with ribbon on which NATIONAL JUBILL OF GEORGE III, Below 50 K&S, BHM 648, 4.38 grammes, Good Fine
£140 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1145 : George III and William IV (5) Coronation of William IV 1831 54mm diameter in White Metal by T.W. Ing... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1145 : George III and William IV (5) Coronation of William IV 1831 54mm diameter in White Metal by T.W. Ing...

Auction 185
Medals Opening of Bridge 1831, 29mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: THE FIRST STONE / OF THE NEW / LONDON BRIDGE / WAS LAID BY / JOHN GARRATT. ESQ./ LORD MAYOR OF LONDON / ON THE 14 OF MARCH 1824 / AND OPEN'D BY THEIR MAJESTIES / AUGUST 1st 1831, Reverse: View of the bridge and St. Paul's cathedral, CARRIAGE WAY 33½ FT. In Exergue: LENGTH OF BRIDGE 782 FT. / CENTRE ARCH 150.. / SIDE ARCH 140, 7.32 grammes, BHM 1547, NEF with some tone spots on the reverse
£30 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1146 : Opening of London Bridge 1831, 29mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: THE FIRST STONE / OF THE N... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1146 : Opening of London Bridge 1831, 29mm diameter in brass, unsigned, Obverse: THE FIRST STONE / OF THE N...

Auction 185
Medals The Reform Bill 1832 39mm diameter in copper by T. , Obverse: Conjoined heads of Earl Grey, Lord Russell and Lord Brougham, left, GREY RUSSELL BROUGHAM . THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE, Reverse: The lion trampling upon a Hydra, CORRUPTION DESTROYED. PURITY RESTORED. Below: THE / REFORM BILL / PASSED JUNE 7. 1832, 20.69 grammes, BHM 1597, GEF with some small spots
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1148 : The Reform Bill 1832 39mm diameter in copper by T. Halliday, Obverse: Conjoined heads of Earl Grey, ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1148 : The Reform Bill 1832 39mm diameter in copper by T. Halliday, Obverse: Conjoined heads of Earl Grey, ...

Auction 185
Medals The Reform Bill 1832 51mm diameter in White Metal by T. , Obverse: Head of V right. WILLIAM IV KING OF Gt. BRITAIN, within a small circle. The remaining area divided into three segments containing a legend THE REFORM BILL PASSED THE COMMONS MARCH 23 THE LORDS JUNE 4 RECd. THE ROYAL ASSENT JUNE 7. 1832 / 56 BOROUGHS DISFRANCHISED 30 Old. BOR TO RETURN 1 MEMBER EA. 22 NEW BOR. TO RET. 2 MEM. EA. 21 NEW BOR. 1 MEM. EA./ THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE VESTED IN FREEHOLDERS / COPYHOLDERS OF £10 P. AN. HOUSEHOLDS. £10 P. AN. , Reverse: Britannia, flourishing a sword attended by Justice and driving corruption from Britain BRITANNIA SUPPORTED BY JUSTICEDRIVES CORRUPTION FROM THE CONSTITUTION. Inscription within triangle and rays. Within: KING / LORDS / COMMONS. In Exergue: MDCCCXXXII, 55.70 grammes, BHM 1597, Eimer 1256, NEF the obverse with some tone spots
£70 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1149 : The Reform Bill 1832 51mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Head of William IV right.... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1149 : The Reform Bill 1832 51mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Head of William IV right....

Auction 185
Medals The Reform Bill 1832 51mm diameter in White Metal by T. , Obverse: Head of V right. WILLIAM IV KING OF Gt. BRITAIN, within a small circle. The remaining area divided into three segments containing a legend THE REFORM BILL PASSED THE COMMONS MARCH 23 THE LORDS JUNE 4 RECd. THE ROYAL ASSENT JUNE 7. 1832 / 56 BOROUGHS DISFRANCHISED 30 Old. BOR TO RETURN 1 MEMBER EA. 22 NEW BOR. TO RET. 2 MEM. EA. 21 NEW BOR. 1 MEM. EA./ THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE VESTED IN FREEHOLDERS / COPYHOLDERS OF £10 P. AN. HOUSEHOLDS. £10 P. AN. , Reverse: Britannia, flourishing a sword attended by Justice and driving corruption from Britain BRITANNIA SUPPORTED BY JUSTICEDRIVES CORRUPTION FROM THE CONSTITUTION. Inscription within triangle and rays. Within: KING / LORDS / COMMONS. In Exergue: MDCCCXXXII. 55.37 grammes, BHM 1597, Eimer 1256, VF with some edge knocks
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1150 : The Reform Bill 1832 51mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Head of William IV right.... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1150 : The Reform Bill 1832 51mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Head of William IV right....

Auction 185
Medals Musical Festival 1834 49mm diameter in White Metal by T. Obverse: View of the Town Hall, In Exergue: EXTREME LENGTH 166 FEET, / WIDTH 104 FEET COMMA, HEIGHT 83 FEET, / FIRST / MUSICAL FESTIVAL / OCT. 1834, Reverse: Interior of the Town Hall INTERIOR VIEW OF THE HALL In Exergue: LENGTH 140 FEET / BREADTH 65 FEET / HEIGHT 65 FEET, BHM 1675, 46.83 grammes, NEF
£42 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1156 : Birmingham Musical Festival 1834 49mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday Obverse: View of the To... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1156 : Birmingham Musical Festival 1834 49mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday Obverse: View of the To...

Auction 185
Medals Foundation of the School 1834 58mm diameter in copper by B. , Obverse: A view of the west front of the school. CITY OF LONDON SCHOOL. Exergue: FOUNDED BY THE CORPORATION 1834. Reverse: Knowledge seated, instructing a youth standing, leaning against a tablet inscribed JOHN CARPENTER 1447.. Arms of the City, above. FOR THE RELIGIOUS & VIRTUOUS EDUCATION OF BOYS & THEIR INSTRUCTION IN LITERATURE & USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. 78.18 grammes, BHM 1680, Eimer 1279, EF with some small spots
£70 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1157 : Foundation of the City of London School 1834 58mm diameter in copper by B. Wyon, Obverse: A view of ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1157 : Foundation of the City of London School 1834 58mm diameter in copper by B. Wyon, Obverse: A view of ...

Auction 185
Medals of V 1837 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. , Obverse: Bare head right, WILLIAM IV . KING OF GREAT BRITAIN BORN AUG. 21 1765, Reverse: A funerary urn and palm branch on a plinth inscribed 'Died June 20 1837' Around: MARRIED JULY 11 1818 ACCESSION JUNE 26 1830 CROWNED SEP 8 1831, 17.57 grammes, BHM 1720, EF with some contact marks and edge nicks
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1160 : Death of William IV 1837 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Bare head right, WILL... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1160 : Death of William IV 1837 38mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Bare head right, WILL...

Auction 185
Medals of Queen (3) 45mm diameter in White Metal by T. , Obverse: Bare head of the Queen left, VICTORIA QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN BORN MAY 24 1819., Reverse: Britannia, Scotia, and with outstretched arms crowning Queen Victoria seated facing. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN. Exergue: CORONATION JUNE 28. 1838, 31.23g, BHM 1822, GVF with uneven surfaces, d for suspension, 46mm diameter in White Metal, unsigned, Obverse: Diademed head left, Above: VICTORIA. Around: ASCENDED THE BRITISH THRONE JUNE.20 1837 IN THE 19. YEAR OF HER AGE, Reverse: Queen Victoria enthroned with her right foot resting on the lion. Commerce, Britannia, Justice and Plenty around. Above: CORONATION, Exergue: AT WESTMINSTER JUNE 28th 1838, 30.15 grammes, BHM 1842, NEF pierced for suspension, 35mm diameter in White Metal, unsigned, Obverse: Diademed head left, Above: VICTORIA. Around: ASCENDED THE BRITISH THRONE JUNE.20 1837 IN THE 19. YEAR OF HER AGE, Reverse: Queen Victoria enthroned with her right foot resting on the British lion. Commerce, Britannia, Justice and Plenty around. Above: CORONATION, Exergue: AT WESTMINSTER JUNE 28. 1838, 12.19 grammes, BHM 1842, NEF with a spot on the Queen's hair, struck from rusty dies
£32 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1162 : Coronation of Queen Victoria (3) 45mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Bare head of ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1162 : Coronation of Queen Victoria (3) 45mm diameter in White Metal by T. Halliday, Obverse: Bare head of ...

Auction 185
Medals of Queen 1838 36mm diameter in copper by B. Pistrucci, The Official issue, Obverse Bust left draped and wearing a bandeau. VICTORIA. D.G. BRITANNIARUM REGINA F.D. Reverse Victoria enthroned left, receives a crown from Britannia, and Scotia ERIMUS TIBI NOBILE REGNUM Exergue. INAUGURATA DIE JUNII XXVIII MDCCCXXXVIII, 25.33 grammes, BHM 1801, Eimer 1315, UNC with minor handling marks, seldom seen in this high grade
£300 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1163 : Coronation of Queen Victoria 1838 36mm diameter in copper by B. Pistrucci, The Official Royal Mint i... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1163 : Coronation of Queen Victoria 1838 36mm diameter in copper by B. Pistrucci, The Official Royal Mint i...

Auction 185
Medals Medals (3) Queen 1897 76mm diameter in oxidised White Metal by F./Spink & Son, Obverse: Crowned, laureate, veiled and draped bust left, VICTORIA . DEI . GRA : BRITT : REGINA . FID : DEF : IND : IMP MDCCCXCVII, Reverse: Arms with supporters above THE within rays. A.D. 1897. Below: Clasped hands in cruciform within a circle, dividing PEACE/LOVE/AND/UNION within sprays. Around: Names of British Territories on 55 shields in two concentric circles, 133.20 grammes, GVF with some scratches and an edge knock, Queen Victoria 1838 48mm diameter in white metal by J. Davis Obverse: Bare head of Queen Victoria left, with hair in chignon HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY VICTORIA, Reverse: Queen Victoria enthroned on decorated plinth, Scotia, and Britannia around, BORN MAY 24 1819 ASCENDED THE THRONE JUNE 20 1837 CROWNED JUNE 26 1838 34.10 grammes, VF, the reverse rim with some corrosion, holed, The Duke of Visit to 1857 55mm diameter in bronze by J.Moore, Obverse: Bust left, draped GENERAL H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, K.G., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.G, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, Reverse: Text in 19 lines: STRUCK AT THE WORKS OF G.R. COLLIS / TO / COMMEMORATE / THE AUSPICIOUS VISIT / OF / HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS / THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE / TO THE TOWN OF / BIRMINGHAM / ON THE OCCASION OF / THE OPENING OF / CALTHORPE PARK / A PLACE OF RECREATION FOR / THE PEOPLE / BY INVITATION OF / JOHN RATCLIFFE ESQr. / MAYOR / JUNE 1st. / 1857., 82.20 grammes, BHM 2594, VF with some spots and light surface marks
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1165 : Medals (3) Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 76mm diameter in oxidised White Metal by F.Bowcher/Sp... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1165 : Medals (3) Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 76mm diameter in oxidised White Metal by F.Bowcher/Sp...

Auction 185
Medals Foundation of the New Exchange 1842 44mm diameter in copper, by W. , Obverse: Diademed head of the Queen left, VICTORIA D:G: BRITANNIARUMREGINA F:D:, Reverse: Legend in 10 lines: IN COMMEMORATION / OF LAYING THE FIRST STONE / BY / H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT / CONSORT OF / H:M: QUEEN VICTORIA / 17 JANUARY 1842 / IN THE FIFTH YEAR / OF HER REIGN, 44.31 grammes, BHM 2078, some residual dirt in the lettering and in the Queen's crown, VF with an edge knock
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1167 : Foundation of the New Royal Exchange 1842 44mm diameter in copper, by W. Wyon, Obverse: Diademed hea... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1167 : Foundation of the New Royal Exchange 1842 44mm diameter in copper, by W. Wyon, Obverse: Diademed hea...

Auction 185
Medals Foundation of the New Exchange 1842 54mm diameter in white metal by J. Davis, Obverse: Conjoined heads of Queen and Prince Albert VICTORIA BORN MAY 24th 1819 ALBERT BORN AUGt. 26th. 1819, Reverse: Façade of a Building NEW ROYAL EXCHANGE LONDON. Exergue: FIRST STONE LAID BY / H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT / IN THE 5th. YEAR OF THE REIGN OF / H.M.G.M VICTORIA / JANy. 17. 1842, 50.63 grammes, BHM 2072, EF and lustrous
£60 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1168 : Foundation of the New Royal Exchange 1842 54mm diameter in white metal by J. Davis, Obverse: Conjoin... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1168 : Foundation of the New Royal Exchange 1842 54mm diameter in white metal by J. Davis, Obverse: Conjoin...

Auction 185
Medals Prince Albert Installed as Chancellor of University 1847 44mm diameter in silver, unsigned, Obverse: Bust left, in academicals, PRINCEPS CELSISSIMUS ALBERTUS ACAD: CANTAB: CANCELL 1847, Reverse: Interior view of the House, winged figure holding laurel wreath and palm branch above, Exergue: DEUM TIMETO : REGEM HONORATO : / VIRTUTEM COLITO : / DISCIPLINIS BONIS / OPERAM DATO 37.96 grammes, BHM 2261, GEF and lustrous, listed as Rare by BHM
£650 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1172 : Prince Albert Installed as Chancellor of Cambridge University 1847 44mm diameter in silver, unsigned... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1172 : Prince Albert Installed as Chancellor of Cambridge University 1847 44mm diameter in silver, unsigned...

Auction 185
Medals Inigo Jones Laudatory Medal 1849 54mm diameter in copper by C.F. , Obverse: Bust of Inigo Jones draped left, with cap and long hair, INIGO JONES, Reverse: Façade of the Banqueting House, Whitehall, Exergue: BANQUETING HOUSE / WHITEHALL / 1616. 83.88 grammes, BHM 2348, Eimer 1437, EF with some small spots
£110 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1175 : Inigo Jones Laudatory Medal 1849 54mm diameter in copper by C.F. Carter, Obverse: Bust of Inigo Jone... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1175 : Inigo Jones Laudatory Medal 1849 54mm diameter in copper by C.F. Carter, Obverse: Bust of Inigo Jone...

Auction 185
Medals Opening of the Coal Exchange 1849 27mm diameter in White metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Crowned style portrait of the Queen left H.M.G.M. QUEEN VICTORIA, on surrounding wide border : BORN MAY 24th 1819 CROWNED JUNE 28 1838. MARRIED FEB : 10 1840, Reverse: View of the building THE NEW COAL MARKET, LONDON, Exergue: OPENED BY HER MAJESTY OCT. 30 1849, 6.14 grammes, BHM 2356, NEF with some rim nicks
£32 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1177 : Opening of the Coal Exchange 1849 27mm diameter in White metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Crowne... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1177 : Opening of the Coal Exchange 1849 27mm diameter in White metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Crowne...

Auction 185
Medals 1851 52mm diameter in White metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Conjoined busts left QUEEN VICTORIA & PRINCE ALBERT. Within an ornate border, Reverse: View of the building THE INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION / LONDON 1851 /Exergue: PROPOSED BY H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT, / DESIGNED BY JOSEPH PAXTON ESQ. F. L. S., / ERECTED BY FOX, HENDERSON & CO., / LENGTH 1848 FEET, WIDTH 456 FEET, / HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL ROOF 66 FEET, / HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT 108 FEET, / GLAZED SURFACE 900.000 SUP FEET, / OCCUPIES 18 ACRES / OF GROUND, / ESTIMATED VALUE £150.000, 38.43 grammes, BHM 2419, GVF with a rim nick
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1182 : International Exhibition 1851 52mm diameter in White metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Conjoined ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1182 : International Exhibition 1851 52mm diameter in White metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Conjoined ...

Auction 185
Medals The 1851, 52mm diameter in White Metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Crowned head of Queen left, VICTORIA QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN within a wide border of shamrocks, thistles, roses, laurel and oak, Reverse: View of the Exhibition building, THE INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION LONDON 1851. In Exergue: PROPOSED BY H.R.H. PRINCE ALBERT. / DESIGNED BY JOSEPH PAXTON ESQ. F.L.S. / ERECTED BY FOX, HENDERSON & Co. / LENGTH 1848 FEET, WIDTH 456 FEET, / HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL ROOF 66 FEET, / HEIGHT OF TRANSEPT 108 FEET, / GLAZED SURFACE 900,000 SUP. FEET / OCCUPIES 18 ACRES / OF GROUND / ESTIMATED VALUE £150,000, 39.41 grammes, BHM 2420, About EF with some contact marks and small tone spots
£50 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1183 : The Great Exhibition 1851, 52mm diameter in White Metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Crowned Gothi... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1183 : The Great Exhibition 1851, 52mm diameter in White Metal by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Crowned Gothi...

Auction 185
Medals of Inkerman 1854 41mm diameter in White metal by Messrs. J. Pinches, Obverse: fierce bayonet engagement, INKERMANN, Reverse: RL. ARTILLERY. RL. ENGINEERS. NOVR 5 1854 upon a central shield, Around, six compartments naming the participating s, the divisions of which are identified, on a continuous ribbon, 1ST DIVISION, 2ND DIVISION. 3RD DIVISION, 4TH DIVISION, 5TH DIVISION, and LT. CAVALRY, BHM 2541, Eimer 1492, 18.15 grammes, EF an lustrous
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1188 : Battle of Inkerman 1854 41mm diameter in White metal by Messrs. J. Pinches, Obverse:  fierce bayonet... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1188 : Battle of Inkerman 1854 41mm diameter in White metal by Messrs. J. Pinches, Obverse:  fierce bayonet...

Auction 185
Medals Flaxman Laudatory Medal 1854 55mm diameter in copper by H. Weigall, Obverse: Bust of John Flaxman left, FLAXMAN, Reverse: supporting Pandora, flying left, Edge: ART-UNION OF LONDON 1854, 89.37 grammes, BHM 2530, Eimer 1479, EF with minor contact marks
£160 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1189 : John Flaxman Laudatory Medal 1854 55mm diameter in copper by H. Weigall, Obverse: Bust of John Flaxm... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1189 : John Flaxman Laudatory Medal 1854 55mm diameter in copper by H. Weigall, Obverse: Bust of John Flaxm...

Auction 185
Medals Sir Vanburgh Laudatory Medal 1855 55mm diameter in copper by B. , Obverse Draped bust of Sir John Vanburgh three quarter facing. SIR JOHN VANBURGH, Reverse: Façade of the central block of Blenheim Palace, Exergue: BLENHEIM, Edge: ART-UNION OF LONDON 1855, 101 grammes, BHM 2572, Eimer 1500, EF with and edge nick and some minor contact marks
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1190 : Sir John Vanburgh Laudatory Medal 1855 55mm diameter in copper by B. Wyon, Obverse Draped bust of Si... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1190 : Sir John Vanburgh Laudatory Medal 1855 55mm diameter in copper by B. Wyon, Obverse Draped bust of Si...

Auction 185
Medals Visit of III to 1855, 39mm diameter in White metal, bt Allen & Moore, Obverse: Fame, standing on lion's head, supporting oval s with portraits of Napoleon III and Queen , shields below, Reverse: Crossed flags with oak and palm. THE VISIT OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON III to QUEEN VICTORIA 1 APRIL 1855, 15.49 grammes, BHM 2563, About EF, gilded
£100 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1191 : Visit of Napoleon III to England 1855, 39mm diameter in White metal, bt Allen & Moore, Obverse: ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1191 : Visit of Napoleon III to England 1855, 39mm diameter in White metal, bt Allen & Moore, Obverse: ...

Auction 185
Medals Visit of III to 1855, 39mm diameter in White metal, by Allen & Moore, Obverse: Fame, standing on lion's head, supporting oval s with portraits of Napoleon III and Queen , shields below, Reverse: Crossed flags with oak and palm. THE VISIT OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON III TO QUEEN VICTORIA 1. APRIL 1855 15.91 grammes, BHM 2563, VF
£12 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1192 : Visit of Napoleon III to England 1855, 39mm diameter in White metal, by Allen & Moore, Obverse: ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1192 : Visit of Napoleon III to England 1855, 39mm diameter in White metal, by Allen & Moore, Obverse: ...

Auction 185
Medals Treaty of 1856 41mm diameter in White Metal, by Messrs. Pinches, Obverse: MARCH 30TH 1856 within a closed wreath, upon which are the shields of the four allies Britain, , and . PEACE WITH RUSSIA AND THE ALLIED POWERS SIGNED AT PARIS, Reverse: An altar engraved with a caduceus, A Holy Dove deposits an olive branch on the altar, a cornucopia inscribed PEACE PLENTY either side of the altar emptying contents. In Exergue: PEACE COMMERCE AND FRIENDSHIP WITH ALL NATIONS in three lines, 20.54 grammes, BHM 2580, GVF with an edge nick and minor contact marks
£34 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1193 : Treaty of Paris 1856 41mm diameter in White Metal, by Messrs. Pinches, Obverse:  MARCH 30TH 1856 wit... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1193 : Treaty of Paris 1856 41mm diameter in White Metal, by Messrs. Pinches, Obverse:  MARCH 30TH 1856 wit...

Auction 185
Medals Exhibition of Art Treasures, 1857 41mm diameter in White metal by Messrs. Pinches, Obverse: Three muses seated surrounded by various objects symbolising the subject of the exhibition, Reverse: legend in 8 lines: EXHIBITION OF / ART TREASURES / OF THE / UNITED KINGDOM / OPENED AT MANCHESTER / BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS / PRINCE ALBERT / MAY 5TH 1857., 19.37 grammes, BHM 2606, GEF and lustrous
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1194 : Exhibition of Art Treasures, Manchester 1857 41mm diameter in White metal by Messrs. Pinches, Obvers... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1194 : Exhibition of Art Treasures, Manchester 1857 41mm diameter in White metal by Messrs. Pinches, Obvers...

Auction 185
Medals George Frederick Handel - of His 1859, 51mm diameter in copper by W.J. , Obverse: Draped Bust of George Frederick Handel wearing cap left, GEORGE FREDERIC HANDEL, Reverse: CENTENARY COMMEMORATION CRYSTAL PALACE MDCCCLIX, Aded to W. THEOBALD, Performer, BHM 2656, Eimer 1527, 71.28 grammes, GVF with some contact marks, Crystal Palace Handel Festival 1857 42mm diameter in copper Awarded to E. MOSS Performer, BHM 597, 35.99 grammes, GVF with traces of light smoothing in the fields, along with Prize medal 61mm diameter in bronze, by Elton, EXHIBITION OF APPLIANCES FOR THE ECONOMY OF LABOUR . MANCHESTER . Awarded to J.D.Ashworth - Consolidated Emery Wheels 1875, 108.60 grammes, NEF, come in contemporary case
£70 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1195 : George Frederick Handel - Centenary of His Death 1859, 51mm diameter in copper by W.J. Taylor, Obver... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1195 : George Frederick Handel - Centenary of His Death 1859, 51mm diameter in copper by W.J. Taylor, Obver...

Auction 185
Medals of the Princess and Prince Frederick William of 1858 39mm diameter in White metal by J. Hinks, Obverse: Conjoined draped busts of Prince Frederick William and Princess left, he bare headed, she wearing a chaplet of roses THE PRINCE OF PRUSSIA & THE PRINCESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND, Reverse: Conjoined shields of and Prussia. MARRIED JANy 25 1858 below, all within a wreath, 17.14 grammes, BHM 2622, NEF with some contact marks
£50 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1196 : Marriage of the Princess Royal and Prince Frederick William of Prussia 1858 39mm diameter in White m... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1196 : Marriage of the Princess Royal and Prince Frederick William of Prussia 1858 39mm diameter in White m...

Auction 185
Medals Sir Thomas Lawrence - Art Union of 1860 55mm diameter in bronze by G.G. , Obverse: Bare head of Sir Thomas Lawrence left, LAWRENCE, Reverse: Figure of the standing, wearing a cloak and holding a telescope, from a painting by Lawrence, ART UNION OF LONDON 1860, BHM 2676, Eimer 1539, 94.52 grammes, UNC with reflective fields
£220 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1200 : Sir Thomas Lawrence - Art Union of London 1860 55mm diameter in bronze by G.G. Adams, Obverse: Bare ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1200 : Sir Thomas Lawrence - Art Union of London 1860 55mm diameter in bronze by G.G. Adams, Obverse: Bare ...

Auction 185
Medals 1862 39mm diameter in White Metal by Messrs. Allen & Moore, Obverse: Angel holding s bearing the heads of III and Queen . Arms of and below., Reverse: View of the Exhibition building within a rectangular panel inscribed WEST FRONT VIEW. Above: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION / OPENED MAY 1st 1862 / Below: COVERS A SPACE OF 26 ACRES / 1200FT LONG. 700 FT WIDE / DOMES 250 FT HIGH / COST £300 000, 13.92 grammes, BHM 2717, EF
£30 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1201 : International Exhibition 1862 39mm diameter in White Metal by Messrs. Allen & Moore, Obverse: An... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1201 : International Exhibition 1862 39mm diameter in White Metal by Messrs. Allen & Moore, Obverse: An...

Auction 185
Medals 1862 41mm diameter in copper, by C. Schnitzpahn and J. Wiener, Obverse: Bare head of the Prince Consort, left, TO THE COMMEMORATION OF HIS LATE H.R.H. THE PRINCE CONSORT ALBERT, Reverse: A view of the west front of the Exhibition building. Above: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1862. In Exergue: STAMPED IN THE BUILDING BY H. UHLHORN OF GRAVENBRIOCH. PRUSSIA in four lines, 35.46 grammes, BHM 2743, Eimer 1556, Near EF with some surface marks and edge nicks
£26 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1202 : International Exhibition 1862 41mm diameter in Gilt copper, by C. Schnitzpahn and J. Wiener, Obverse... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1202 : International Exhibition 1862 41mm diameter in Gilt copper, by C. Schnitzpahn and J. Wiener, Obverse...

Auction 185
Medals The 1862 (2) the first 42mm diameter in White Metal by J. Pinches, Obverse: Exterior view of the exhibition buildings, on a plain plinth, Above: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, Exergue: OPENED MAY 1ST. MDCCCLXII, Reverse: Britannia seated holding flag attended by Commerce, holding flag inscribed (raised) EUROPE ASIA AFRICA AMERICA AUSTRALASIA, BHM 2741, 22.37 grammes, UNC or near so and lustrous, the second 54mm diameter in White metal by Ottley, , Obverse: Diademed '' bust of Queen , H.M.C.MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA, Reverse: Exterior view of the exhibition buildings, angel flying above, THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF / 1862. In exergue: +OPENED 1st May 1862 + / DESIGNED BY / CAPTAIN FOWKE R.E. / ERECTED BY / MESSRS KELK AND LUCAS, BHM 2734, 33.45 grammes, lustrous EF with some hairlines and thin scratches
£95 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1203 : The International Exhibition 1862 (2) the first 42mm diameter in White Metal by J. Pinches, Obverse:... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1203 : The International Exhibition 1862 (2) the first 42mm diameter in White Metal by J. Pinches, Obverse:...

Auction 185
Medals Gray Laudatory Medal 1863, 57mm diameter in bronze by G.G. , Obverse: Conjoined busts of John Gray and his wife Marie Emma, right, I.E and M.E. GRAY Reverse: TRUST IN THE LORD AND DO GOOD in three lines, within a wreath, BHM 2787, 72.04 grammes, UNC the reverse with a minor handling mark
£65 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1204 : John Gray Laudatory Medal 1863, 57mm diameter in bronze by G.G. Adams, Obverse: Conjoined busts of J... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1204 : John Gray Laudatory Medal 1863, 57mm diameter in bronze by G.G. Adams, Obverse: Conjoined busts of J...

Auction 185
Medals of the to Princess Alexandra 1863 (2) the first 52mm diameter in White Metal by E. Cotrill, Obverse: Busts right conjoined, Legend on a wide border around: H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA, Reverse: Prince of Wales and motto above inscription, two shields below, within an open wreath of roses, thistles and shamrocks H.R.H. / THE PRINCE OF WALES / BORN NOV.9.1841 / MARRIED MARCH 10 1863 / AT / St. GEORGE'S CHAPEL WINDSOR / TO H.R.H. / ALEXANDRA / PRINCESS OF DENMARK / BORN DEC.1.1864. 34.14 grammes, BHM 2760, Eimer 1563, EF, the second 31mm diameter in White Metal, unsigned, Obverse: The Prince of Wales plumes above conjoined heads of the Princess Alexandra and the Prince of Wales left, a ribbon inscribed MAY THEY BE HAPPY entwined with flowers below. Reverse: Conjoined arms of the Prince and Princess above a of roses H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES / AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA / MARRIED MARCH 10th 1863. 6.12 grammes, BHM 2776, EF d for suspension
£34 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1205 : Marriage of the Prince of Wales to Princess Alexandra 1863 (2) the first 52mm diameter in White Meta... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1205 : Marriage of the Prince of Wales to Princess Alexandra 1863 (2) the first 52mm diameter in White Meta...

Auction 185
Medals Restaurant 1874 69mm diameter in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Interior view of the restaurant, with ribbon in exergue inscribed: PRESENTED BY THE PROPRIETORS, 'To H.E. Marriott Esq.', Reverse: Interior view of the restaurant with guests standing between columns Above: HOLBORN, Below: RESTAURANT Estd. 1874, 217.34 grammes, BHM 2990, Eimer 1640, EF with some peck marks on the edge
£60 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1212 : Holborn Restaurant 1874 69mm diameter in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Interior view of the restaurant,... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1212 : Holborn Restaurant 1874 69mm diameter in copper, unsigned, Obverse: Interior view of the restaurant,...

Auction 185
Medals Medalets (3) W.Griffin Silversmith, Jeweller & Medallist Change Alley, Cornhill, , NEF with traces of old lacquering, S. Hiron Die Engraver and Medallist, St. Paul's and Square, undated VF, Robineau s Medallist, 129 R. Turenne, , VF/EF, along with Medal 1793 38mm diameter in copper? NVF, and Art Medal undated, 42mm square with curved top, Obverse: Female figure right, Reverse: Shield of Arms with four fleur-de-lis, tablet below, signed DESCHAMPS LEON EF boxed

Auction 185
Medals - Cologne 1880 Completion of Cologne Cathedral 51mm diameter in bronze Obverse: View of the cathedral, Reverse: Scene of Adoration of the Magi, 57.36 grammes, VF cleaned. of Eckerne 1849, 32mm diameter in bronze, Obverse: Ships in a battle scene, one destroyed and sin, Reverse: 9 line inscription DEN TAPFEREN DEUTSCHEN KRIEGERN GEWIDMET. ZERSTÖRUNG // D.DÄN.LINIENSCHIFFES // CHRISTIAN VIII // UND // EROBERUNG // DER FREGATTE // GEFION // ECKERNFÖRDE // 5. APRIL 1849, 12.95 grammes, VF

Auction 185
Medals St. Pancras Indus Exhibition ad medal 1881, unnamed, 39mm diameter in bronze, 26.60 grammes, GEF
£42 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1216 : St. Pancras Industrial Exhibition award medal 1881, unnamed, 39mm diameter in bronze, 26.60 grammes,... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1216 : St. Pancras Industrial Exhibition award medal 1881, unnamed, 39mm diameter in bronze, 26.60 grammes,...

Auction 185
Medals of Thomas Coats 1883 49mm diameter in bronze, by N.Macphail, Obverse: Bust left THOMAS COATS, Reverse: View of a house within trees, Exergue: FERGUSLIE / PAISLEY, BHM 3148, 43.48 grammes, EF
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1217 : Death of Thomas Coats 1883 49mm diameter in bronze, by N.Macphail, Obverse: Bust left THOMAS COATS, ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1217 : Death of Thomas Coats 1883 49mm diameter in bronze, by N.Macphail, Obverse: Bust left THOMAS COATS, ...

Auction 185
Medals Prize Medals (6) a group of six medals all aded to J.M Craw, comprising University Athletic Club 44mm diameter in bronze (3) 1883 for One Mile Race (open) Second Prize 7th April 1883, 1884 880 Yards Flat Race Handicap Winner, and 1884 2 Mile Flat Race Handicap Winner, and Scottish Amateur Athletic Association (3) 61mm diameter in bronze (3) Championship Meeting 1884 One Mile Flat Race Winner, Championship Meeting 1885 One Mile Flat Race Winner, and Championship Meeting 1886 Half Mile Flat Race Winner, GVF to EF an interesting group

Auction 185
Medals and n Exhibition, 1886, 52mm diameter in bronze by L.C. , manufactured by R. Heaton & Sons. Obverse: Bare head of the left, ALBERT EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT, Reverse: Inscription within an open wreath COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHIBITION LONDON 1886 in five lines, BHM 3209, Eimer 1725, 80.76 grammes, UNC with some small spots
£120 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1220 : Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London 1886, 52mm diameter in bronze by L.C. Wyon, manufactured by R... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1220 : Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London 1886, 52mm diameter in bronze by L.C. Wyon, manufactured by R...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1887 38mm diameter in bronze by R. Heaton & Sons, Obverse: Diademed Veiled head of Queen Victoria left, VICTORIA REG: JUBILEE YEAR 1887, Reverse: Legend within an open wreath, with crown in splendour above IN COMMEMORATION / OF THE FIFTIETH YEAR / OF THE REIGN OF H.G.M/ QUEEN VICTORIA / ASCENDED THE THRONE / JUNE 20th / 1837, 19.33 grammes, BHM 3249, EF
£40 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1221 : Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 38mm diameter in bronze by R. Heaton & Sons, Obverse: Diademe... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1221 : Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 38mm diameter in bronze by R. Heaton & Sons, Obverse: Diademe...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1887 the Official issue, 77mm diameter in bronze by J.Boehm, , Obverse: left facing bust VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX , Reverse: Enthroned figure of with the five interlinked shields below ASIA, AMERICA, EUROPE, AUSTRALASIA, and AFRICA , 207.52 grammes, Eimer 1733, BHM 3219, EF with some scratches
£350 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1222 : Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 the Official Royal Mint issue, 77mm diameter in bronze by J.Boehm... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1222 : Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 the Official Royal Mint issue, 77mm diameter in bronze by J.Boehm...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1887 the Official issue, 77mm diameter in silver by J.Boehm, , Obverse: left facing bust VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX , Reverse: Enthroned figure of with the five interlinked shields below ASIA, AMERICA, EUROPE, AUSTRALASIA, and AFRICA , 220.00 grammes, Eimer 1733, BHM 3219, EF and lustrous with some hairlines, 2289 minted
£800 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1223 : Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 the Official Royal Mint issue, 77mm diameter in silver by J.Boehm... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1223 : Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 the Official Royal Mint issue, 77mm diameter in silver by J.Boehm...

Auction 185
Medals Exhibition, 1887 45mm diameter in bronze, by R. Heaton & Sons. Obverse: Diademed and veiled head of Queen left, ROYAL JUBILEE EXHIBITION MANCHESTER . 1887. Reverse: A view of the Exhibition building. In Exergue: OPENED BY T.R.H. THE PRINCE / & PRINCESS OF WALES / MAY 3RD 1887. in three lines, 38.97 grammes, BHM 3346, NEF with some edge nicks
£38 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1224 : Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester 1887 45mm diameter in bronze, by R. Heaton & Sons. Obverse:... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1224 : Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester 1887 45mm diameter in bronze, by R. Heaton & Sons. Obverse:...

Auction 185
Medals 1887 77mm diameter in bronze Eimer 1733 the official issue by Boehm, Obv. Bust left crowned and veiled VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX Rev. Enthroned figure of facing, flanked by standing figures of Science, Letters and Art, left, opposite, those of Industry and Agriculture, right. At their feet, below Empire, are reclining and Time, above two cherubs displaying shields inscribed MDCCCLXXXVIII and MDCCCXXXVII and VRI in a wreath in between. IN. COMMEMORATION Exergue. Five linked shields inscribed ASIA, AMERICA, EUROPE, AUSTRALASIA and AFRICA, Eimer 1733, BHM 3219, 197.09 grammes, EF with some scratches in the field on either side
£90 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1225 : Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 77mm diameter in bronze Eimer 1733 the official Royal Mint issue by Boe... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1225 : Victoria Golden Jubilee 1887 77mm diameter in bronze Eimer 1733 the official Royal Mint issue by Boe...

Auction 185
Medals Medal 1889 Universal Exposition, of the 1789 33mm diameter in bronze, by Barre GVF, Medal 1878 Exposition 30mm diameter by Barre VF with some scattered tone spots, France Administration , Obverse: Bust of Louis IV, Reverse: Pomegranate tree, Feuardent 919, 25mm diameter in bronze Good Fine, along with a further group of earlier coins and jetons (25) including pre-Revolution types, these in lower grades

Auction 185
Medals - (1890) of Wilhelm II and e 45mm diameter in silver and weighing 50.49 grammes, by E.Weigand, Obverse: Conjoined Busts right WILHELM D.K. KONIG V. PREUSSEN . AUGUSTE VICTORIA D.K.K.V.PR. Reverse: Legend in five lines SEID FROHLICH IN HOFFNUNG GEDULDIG IN TRUBSAL HALTET AN AM GEBET, with ZUM EHEJUBILAUM-ROMER C.12 V.12 around, the reverse with some digs, VF with some hairlines and edge knocks
£25 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1227 : German States - Prussia undated (1890) Wedding Anniversary of Wilhelm II and Auguste 45mm diameter i... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1227 : German States - Prussia undated (1890) Wedding Anniversary of Wilhelm II and Auguste 45mm diameter i...

Auction 185
Medals Visit of Wilhelm II to the 1891 50mm diameter in bronze, unsigned, Obverse: Busts left of the Emperor and Empress draped, WILHELM . AUGUSTA . VICTORIA . VISITING LONDON JULY 1891, Reverse: The Arms of Britain and upon a laurel branch, 48.54 grammes, BHM 3413, VF/GVF the obverse with some small dark spots

Auction 185
Medals of George, Duke of to of Teck 1893 in White Metal (3) the first 33mm diameter unsigned, BHM 3450, 11.87 grammes, VF d for suspension, the second 39mm diameter by Mint, BHM 3443, 16.22 grammes, Good Fine, pierced for suspension, the third 39mm diameter, unsigned, BHM 3447, 24.92 grammes, VF, and (9) the first The official issue 31mm diameter in silver NVF, the remaining 8 are local issues in base metal in mixed grades to NEF (2 pierced for suspension), along with a Fantasy Crown Edward VII dated 1905 the reverse as the adopted Halfcrown currency design, , A/UNC

Auction 185
Medals Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum, Snbrook, Championship Medal, Reverse: Facing Portrait, In Memoriam of Robert C. Halpin. D.L.J.P.R.N.R., 51mm diameter in silver NEF. Robert Charles Halpin captained the -designed S.S. Great Eastern and was a pioneer in laying transoceanic telegraph cables. He earned the nickname 'Mr. Cable'. (Born Wicklow 18th february 1836, Died 20th January 1894). Johann Strauss 50th Artistic work 1894, 61mm diameter in bronze by Scharff, NEF with s scratch on the obverse, Lusitania Medals 1915 (2) both EF

Auction 185
Medals Opening of Tower Bridge 1894 77mm diameter in bronze, issued by the Obverse: Busts left, conjoined, of Queen , between the Prince and Princess of . Reverse: A view of the bridge, it's bascules raised and a steam yacht passing through, above Bridge-House Estates . TOWER BRIDGE OPENED 30TH JUNE 1894. Exergue:- ON BEHALF OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA BY HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES with shield in the centre, 239.38 grammes, Eimer 1790, BHM 3476, UNC, evenly toned with small edge nicks, in the original Corporation of London box with gold lettering on the lid
£650 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1233 : Opening of Tower Bridge 1894 77mm diameter in bronze, issued by the Corporation of London Obverse: B... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1233 : Opening of Tower Bridge 1894 77mm diameter in bronze, issued by the Corporation of London Obverse: B...

Auction 185
Medals Coronations and Jubilees (23) Queen 1897 25mm diameter in silver, the Official issues (8), 31mm diameter in silver, the Official Royal Mint issues (9), George V 32mm diameter in silver, the Official Royal Mint issues (5), 32mm in silver, the Official Royal Mint issue (1), VF to A/UNC some attractively toned, some cleaned

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1897 25mm diameter in silver, The Official issues (12), Eimer 1817b, BHM 3506, one EF, the others Good Fine to VF, some with toning

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1897 26mm diameter in silver, the Official issue, 9.75 grammes, Eimer 1817, BHM 3506, GVF, along with Prize medals in silver (11) mostly s-related, a number of sports covered, includes , golf, cross-country, some with coloured enamel, some dated, dates ranging from 1907-1938, in mixed grades, most with suspension loops, with an additional square apothecaries weight inscribed Zy Good Fine

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1897 56mm diameter in silver by G.W De Saulles (after T.Brock/W.) The Official issue, Eimer 1817a, BHM 3506, 83.50 grammes, Near EF with some fine scratches and contact marks, the reverse with colourful toning
£150 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1241 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 56mm diameter in silver by G.W De Saulles (after T.Brock/W.Wyon)... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1241 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 56mm diameter in silver by G.W De Saulles (after T.Brock/W.Wyon)...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1897 56mm diameter in silver, by G.W. de Saules after T.Brock/W., The Official issue, Eimer 1817a, BHM 3506, 84.34 grammes, EF brightly cleaned with some scratches and an edge bruise, in the red box of issue
£120 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1243 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 56mm diameter in silver, by G.W. de Saules after T.Brock/W.Wyon,... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1243 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 56mm diameter in silver, by G.W. de Saules after T.Brock/W.Wyon,...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1897 56mm in silver, by T.Brock, after W., the Official issue, Eimer 1817, BHM 3506 84.51 grammes, NEF with some edge knocks, in the box of issue
£80 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1250 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 56mm in silver, by T.Brock, after W.Wyon, the Official Royal Min... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1250 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897 56mm in silver, by T.Brock, after W.Wyon, the Official Royal Min...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 1897, 60mm diameter in silver, unsigned, possibly of German origin, Obverse: Crowned, veiled and draped bust of Queen Victoria VICTORIA D.GT. BRITT. REG. F.D. IND. IMP., Reverse: A female figure, stands on a terrace holding a laurel wreath and shield. A view of castle in the distance, Exergue: 1837-1897. 102.43 grammes, BHM 3587, VF cleaned, ex-swivel mount
£55 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1251 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897, 60mm diameter in silver, unsigned, possibly of German origin, O... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1251 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1897, 60mm diameter in silver, unsigned, possibly of German origin, O...

Auction 185
Medals Queen 56mm in silver, by T.Brock, after W., The Official issue, Eimer 1817, BHM 3506, total weight 95.27 grammes, VF cleaned, in a silver mount
£80 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1252 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 56mm in silver, by T.Brock, after W.Wyon, The Official Royal Mint iss... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1252 : Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 56mm in silver, by T.Brock, after W.Wyon, The Official Royal Mint iss...

Auction 185
Medals The S.S. Hospital Ship 1899, 44mm diameter in White metal, unsigned, Obverse: Crossed Union Jack and Stars and Stripes within a lifebelt inscribed S.S. MAINE within a roseate. Above: FOR THE AMERICAN LADIES HOSPITAL SHIP FUND, Below: CHAIRMAN, LADY R. CHURCHILL , HON. SEC. MRS. A. BLOW HON TRES. MRS. RONALDS, On a wide border around: FITTED AS A HOSPITAL SHIP BY MESSRS FLETCHER SON & FEARNALL LTD. LONDON, Reverse: Starboard view of the ship. Above: S.S. MAINE, Below: BERNARD N. BAKER ESQ. 1899. On a wide border around: -O- LENT TO BRITISH GOVT FOR IN TRANSVAAL WAR BY PRES. OF ATLANTIC TRANSPORT COY, 30.44 grammes, BHM 3650, Eimer 1831, EF and lustrous with a minor scratch by the ship
£80 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1254 : The S.S. Maine Hospital Ship 1899, 44mm diameter in White metal, unsigned, Obverse: Crossed Union Ja... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1254 : The S.S. Maine Hospital Ship 1899, 44mm diameter in White metal, unsigned, Obverse: Crossed Union Ja...

Auction 185
Medals Lord Roberts - Relief of and 1900 45mm diameter in bronze by F. for Spink & Son., Obverse: Bust facing uniformed and holding a baton LORD ROBERTS, Reverse: Three soldiers of the armed forces advancing right, are greeted by a soldier waving his hat, 1900, In exergue: BLOEMFONTEIN - PRETORIA., 41.36 grammes, Eimer 1844a, BHM 3678, UNC or near so with some minor handling marks
£80 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1255 : Lord Roberts - Relief of Bloemfontein and Pretoria 1900 45mm diameter in bronze by F.Bowcher for Spi... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1255 : Lord Roberts - Relief of Bloemfontein and Pretoria 1900 45mm diameter in bronze by F.Bowcher for Spi...

Auction 185
Medals Coronation and Jubilee Medals (20) comprising 1902 I (6), 1911 Coronation of George V (2), 1935 George V (10), 1937 (2) all in silver 31-32mm diameter, the official issues VF to EF

Auction 185
Medals 1902 56mm diameter in bronze, The Official issue, Eimer 1871, BHM 3737, 81.38 grammes, GEF with some small tone spots, in the red box of issue
£22 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1258 : Coronation of Edward VII 1902 56mm diameter in bronze, The Official Royal Mint issue, Eimer 1871, BH... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1258 : Coronation of Edward VII 1902 56mm diameter in bronze, The Official Royal Mint issue, Eimer 1871, BH...

Auction 185
Medals 1902 56mm diameter in silver by G.W. , The Official issue, 85.65 grammes, Eimer 1871, BHM 3737, EF toned with some hairlines and a thin scratch on either side, in the red box of issue
£95 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1259 : Coronation of Edward VII 1902 56mm diameter in silver by G.W. de Saulles, The Official Royal Mint is... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1259 : Coronation of Edward VII 1902 56mm diameter in silver by G.W. de Saulles, The Official Royal Mint is...

Auction 185
Medals Medals (8) 1902 Coronation Procession - City of , Godiva and Trades, 35mm diameter in bronze VF cleaned and d for suspension, 1902 - City of , 38mm diameter in bronze, VF pierced for suspension, 1937 20mm diameter, uniface with suspension bar and pin attached at the top, Miner's check holed with 222 stamped, and an OOO stamp on either side, Near Fine, The 's Medal 1913-1914 for attendance conduct and industry awarded to V.Frost, GVF, Edward VII - County Council Attendance medal, holed for suspension, with 1907 bar attached, awarded to A. Brown for punctual attendance during the year 1906-7 and four previous years VF, 1939-45 Star VF, and - Medal 1971 35mm diameter in bronze, Good Fine with a suspension loop at the top

Auction 185
Medals Gustav de Laval/ strom 1908 25th of the Aktibolaget separator (Cream separator), 50mm diameter in silver by Erik Lindberg, Obverse: Bust of Laval and Bernstrom right, GUSTAF DE . LAVAL . JOHN BERNSTROM, Reverse: Genius seated on rocks and holding a model of a separator; representing commerce at right facing Genius; in the background a hammer and anvil, EUROPA . AMERIKA . AUSTRALIEN . AFRIKA . ASIEN. AKTIBOLAGET SEPARATOR STOCKHOLM 1883-1908, 72.69 grammes, VF
£80 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1262 : Sweden Gustav de Laval/John Bernstrom 1908 25th Anniversary of the Aktibolaget separator (Cream sepa... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1262 : Sweden Gustav de Laval/John Bernstrom 1908 25th Anniversary of the Aktibolaget separator (Cream sepa...

Auction 185
Medals Medals a varied group (21) comprising Service Medals (2) George V Crowned Bust, awarded to James Smith, EF with some scratches, Crowned Bust, INDIAE legend, awarded to Frederick Greenleaf EF cleaned with some scratches, Medal, awarded to William J. Dunbar VF cleaned with some scratches, Medal with clasp, VF with some staining, NATO Medal with Former clasp, Stars (5) 1939-1945 Star, s (2), and s (2) NVF to VF some cleaned or stained, one of the Italy Stars missing it's ribbon, World War II 1939-1945 Medals (2) VF the clasps possibly re-attached, World War II Medal NVF with contact marks, County Council 's Medal , awarded to G. Singleton VF cleaned, Miniatures (3) 1918 Medal NVF, Medal with clasp VG, and 1939 Medal Fine, a Officer Pip and two al s, World War II Service medal , Occupation Forces with clasp, NVF, Co-op Medal 1863-1913 NEF and lustrous, along with a mixed group, comprising Air Engineer Wings, Sergeant stripes, Medals (5) War Medal 1939-1945, Defence medal, 1939-1945 Star with Bomber Command clasp, and , and Italy Star, VF to EF, an RAF cap badge, Squadron 166 card badge, and RAF Arm Eagle badges (2), Postage Medal boxes (3) one containing a British War Medal 1939-1945, along with medal entitlement slips (3), in varied condition

Auction 185
Medals Visit of and Queen to Slaithwaite, near , 1912, 38mm diameter in bronze, unsigned, Obverse: Busts left, conjoined, draped and crowned, KING GEORGE V. AND QUEEN MARY, Reverse: Inscription in six lines: A MEMENTO / OF THE / KING AND QUEEN'S VISIT / TO / SLAITHWAITE / JULY 11th 1912, 22.80 grammes, GEF
£26 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1266 : Visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield, 1912, 38mm diameter in bron... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1266 : Visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield, 1912, 38mm diameter in bron...

Auction 185
Medals group of three, awarded to S-1140 Sjt. T. Ball, 1/E Surr. Regt. with Mons clasp, Medal and Medals, EF to GEF, along with Queen's with three clasps , South Africa 1901 and South Africa 1902 awarded to Sjt T.Ball, EF nicely toned, includes some original paper envelopes
£160 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1267 : Mons Star group of three, awarded to S-1140 Sjt. T. Ball, 1/E Surr. Regt. 1914 Star with Mons clasp,... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1267 : Mons Star group of three, awarded to S-1140 Sjt. T. Ball, 1/E Surr. Regt. 1914 Star with Mons clasp,...

Auction 185
Medals End of 1919 64mm in bronze by Spink & Son, Obverse: Bust of the left, draped and crowned, GEORGIVS V REX ET IMP, Reverse: Peace standing facing with wings spread, a dove with an olive branch in it's beak at her right hand, an olive spray in her left. Surrounded by a laurel wreath. At her feet, to the left, an anchor and ribbon, and to the right a broken sword and a ribbon, 158.70 grammes, BHM 4146VF with some light surface dirt and touches of verdigris in places
£80 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1269 : End of World War I 1919 64mm in bronze by Spink & Son, Obverse: Bust of the King left, draped an... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1269 : End of World War I 1919 64mm in bronze by Spink & Son, Obverse: Bust of the King left, draped an...

Auction 185
Medals Exhibition 1925 51mm diameter in bronze by B. MacKennal/P. Metcalfe, Obverse: Bust left, crowned and draped, GEORGIVS V BRITT: OMN: REX ET IND: IMP: Reverse: Three stylized figures standing, holding objects symbolizing food, tran and housing, BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION 1925, 68.36 grammes, Eimer 1997, UNC in the box of issue. Note: The official ad medal issued to exhibitors in 1925, unnamed
£75 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1271 : British Empire Exhibition 1925 51mm diameter in bronze by B. MacKennal/P. Metcalfe, Obverse: Bust le... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1271 : British Empire Exhibition 1925 51mm diameter in bronze by B. MacKennal/P. Metcalfe, Obverse: Bust le...

Auction 185
Medals and D Railway 1925, 77mm diameter in bronze, by G. Bayes, Obverse: Busts left, conjoined, between shields of Stockton and . EDWARD PEASE. GEORGE STEPHENSON Exergue: STOCKTON & DARLINGTON RAILWAY - INCLUDED IN LONDON & NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY 1825-1925. Reverse: , left, holding a model of an engine, LOCOMOTION No.1 1825 beyond, a 1925 PACIFIC type engine FIRST IN THE WORLD, BHM 4205, Eimer 2001, 252.12 grammes, GVF with some edge nicks, of particular interest to the railway enthusiast and historian
£110 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1272 : Stockton and Darlington Railway centenary 1925, 77mm diameter in bronze, by G. Bayes, Obverse: Busts... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1272 : Stockton and Darlington Railway centenary 1925, 77mm diameter in bronze, by G. Bayes, Obverse: Busts...

Auction 185
Medals Joseph Fry 1928 J.S.Fry & Sons. , 51mm diameter in bronze by H. Youngman, Obverse: Bust left, draped and wearing a hat, JOSEPH FRY 1728-1787, Reverse: A flourishing cocoa plant upon a globe J S FRY & SONS Ltd BICENTENARY 1928, BHM 4221, Eimer 2013 68.59 grammes, UNC in fitted case
£17 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1274 : Joseph Fry 1928 J.S.Fry & Sons. Bicentenary, 51mm diameter in bronze by H. Youngman, Obverse: Bu... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1274 : Joseph Fry 1928 J.S.Fry & Sons. Bicentenary, 51mm diameter in bronze by H. Youngman, Obverse: Bu...

Auction 185
Medals 1935 57mm diameter in silver by P. Metcalfe, the Official issue, Eimer 2029, 85.93 grammes, EF, cleaned and retoned, in the red box of issue
£110 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1277 : George V Silver Jubilee 1935 57mm diameter in silver by P. Metcalfe, the Official Royal Mint issue, ... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1277 : George V Silver Jubilee 1935 57mm diameter in silver by P. Metcalfe, the Official Royal Mint issue, ...

Auction 185
Medals George V and Queen , (2) and and a 4-medal set each 32mm diameter in plated bronze, by W.H.Hasler, comprising George V 1935 uniface, Edward VIII / 1936 (2), and George VI Coronation 1937 matt finish, nEF to UNC with a 3-piece fitted case, along with I 1937 35mm diameter in silver by Pinches Lustrous UNC
£220 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1278 : King George V and Queen Mary, Edward VIII (2) and George VI and Queen Elizabeth a 4-medal set each 3... London Coins : A185 : Lot 1278 : King George V and Queen Mary, Edward VIII (2) and George VI and Queen Elizabeth a 4-medal set each 3...

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