Mint Errors - Mis-strikes (2) Sixpence 1834 Obverse and reverse struck around 2mm off-centre, the obverse with the left half of the legend struck twice, Near Fine/Fine with an x-shaped scratch on the reverse, highly unusual, Halfpenny George III contemporary counterfeit, a spectacular double striking each striking around 6mm apart, dates off the flan, VG with an edge crack, unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikePenny 1964 a spectacular mis-strike, the reverse has received a second strike causing 40% of the coin to have largely blank area, and has caused a 2mm raised lip from 9 to 12 o'clock on the reverse, the obverse with double striking to parts of the legend A/UNC with traces of lustre, Ex- Colin Adams Collection 23/7/2003 Lot 367, a highly unusual piece
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) Florin 1956, the coin appears split in half along the edge, with only the reverse remaining, 4.75 grammes, Good Fine, Penny 1944 weakly struck, on a thin flan of 5.49 grammes, About Fine
Mint Error - Mis-StrikePenny 1965 struck without a collar and off-centre, causing a raised lip from 7 o'clock to 12 o'clock on the reverse, A/UNC and lustrous with a tone spot on the reverse, Ex-Colin Adams Collection 23/7/2003 Lot 369
Mint Error - Mis-strike One Pound 2017 a strike-through error the obverse with an almost circular section blank where the Queen's portrait should be and the outer lettering weakly struck GVF
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeGroat 1836 struck off-centre with a 3mm crescent-shaped area of blank flan, the coin slightly 'dished' as a result, 1.88 grammes, VF/NEF with gold tone and a darker toning area behind the bust
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Two Pence 1987 struck in cupro-Nickel, 6.98 grammes, Fine with test scratches, accompanied by a letter from the Royal Mint darted August 26 1992, confirming the coin has been tested by X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry
Mint Error - Mis Strike DecimalTen Pence 1970 ESC 3203, Davies 2808 dies 4B an off-centre strike on a mis-shapen flan of 29.5mm diameter, with a straight cut across the top of the flan, plain edge, 10.68 grammes, UNC/AU and lustrous
India Temple Token 35mm diameter undated, Near Fine, as part of a group of Mint Errors and Fantasies (12) GB Decimal Five Pence 2014 EF with obverse lettering weakly struck, MaundyTwopence 1838 with a large 'leaf-shaped' flan flaw on the reverse VF, Pennies (2) 1858 No WW, the reverse with a flan flaw and a 'strike-through' error on the R of BRITANNIAR, 1967 with planchet clip GVF cleaned, Halfcrowns 1818 and 1936 base metal contemporary counterfeits both VG, India Quarter Rupee 1945 Bombay EF with long lamination flaw on the obverse, British West Africa Penny 1952H with double struck central hole, GEF and lustrous, Fantasy issues (3) Crown 1936 Edward VIII EDWARD . VIII . KING . & . EMPEROR, Reverse George and the Dragon, Sixpence 1937 Edward VIII Reverse: Lion on crown left, GEF, Trade Dollar undated (2002) Trimetallic with United Kingdom Golden Jubilee / Beefeater with Union Jack flag coloured reverse EF
Mint Error (2) - Mis-Strike India 1/12 Anna 1877, KM#483 the 1 of the date and the 1 of the fraction both barely visible under strong magnification GVF, along with a normal example in NEF for comparison, a highly unusual striking error
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Five Pence 1990 struck off-centre with a recessed rim, much of the beaded border and central part of the coin struck higher than the rim, Fine/Good Fine, unusual
Mint Error - Mis Strike DecimalOne Pound 2016 12-sided Bimetallic the obverse with the legend as normal, but with the centre blank, missing the portrait of the Queen, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 82
Mint Error - Mis-Strike German States - Prussia Two Marks 1902A struck about 5% off centre with around 2mm blank flan between 4 and 9 o'clock Fine and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Victoria Halfpenny 186- (last digit not struck) NEF the lower part of the reverse weakly struck, including the visible part of the date. An unusual item and will appeal to the error coin collector and the Victorian Bun head collector
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalTen Pence 1971 on a small flan 28mm weighing 7.80 grammes, only part of the milling is present NVF weakly struck on the Lion's face
Mint Error - Mis-Strikes Malaysia 50 Sen (2) 2008 the first KM#53 a spectacular double striking with around 40% of a second coin overstruck on both sides with around 18mm of the overstruck coin visible and clear EF , the second with date off flan KM#53 a spectacular double striking with around 40% of a second coin overstruck on both sides with around 20mm of the overstruck coin visible and clear VF
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeSixpence 1891 struck off-centre with a raised lip from 2 o'clock to 11 o'clock on the reverse, the edge milling between 2 and 11 o'clock only covers half the edge with the remainder plain and of a large diameter, EF/NEF and highly unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfcrown 1874 a small area of the lower field in an arc around the date area on the obverse is raised, this area shows an extra incuse section of rim teeth VG unusual
Mint Error - Belgium 20 Francs 1932 Dutch Legend as KM#102, mint cancelled, the obverse with 'waffle' cancellation, the reverse cancelled with a parallel line pattern, Fine and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeGroat 1839 a spectacular double striking an additional striking over a part of the coin makes the coin 20mm wide at it's widest point, the coin showing an elongated REGINA in the legend, Fine and highly unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Five Pence 1979 struck around 5-10% off centre with around 2mm blank flan from 7 to 12 o'clock, Plain edge, A/UNC, comes with a letter of authenticity signed by G.P.Dyer 27/8/1980
Mint Errors - Mis-strike Sovereigns 2022 King Charles III - Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Sovereign (2) featuring the new portrait of the King by Martin Jennings, and an impressive new reverse design featuring the Royal coat-of-arms of Queen Elizabeth II. Both coins Lustrous UNC to BU with a die flaw on the obverse between the King's forehead and the second I of III, error coins in the gold coinage are very seldom seen, an unusual occurrence on such a recent new issue
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeShilling 1948 English ESC 1474, Bull 4183 struck off-centre with about 1mm blank flan from 5 to 10 o'clock, causing a raised lip from 2 to 8 o'clock on the reverse, all George VI mis-strikes very scarce in an NGC holder graded MINT ERROR MS64
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (8) Australia Threepence 1953 Struck slightly off-centre with around 1mm blank flan between 2 and 6 o'clock on the reverse, Fine, Tanzania One Shilingi 1966 struck off-centre with around 2mm blank flan from 12 to 6 o'clock on the obverse and correspondingly so on the reverse GVF, Southern Rhodesia Penny 1943 VF the central hole not punched out, NVF with some scratches, Rhodesia and Nyasaland Penny 1963 with the central hole mis-positioned around 4mm and obscuring the ON of ONE NEF, East Africa Ten Cents 1934 with doubled-punched central hole, the second punch higher and the right, so touches the lower right of the crown on the reverse, Good Fine, British West Africa One Tenth Penny 1925 with double punched central hole, the second hole to the left and obscuring the ONE TENTH of the legend, Near Fine, Ireland Decimal Penny 1980 struck on a smaller 18mm diameter planchet, Lustrous EF, Nigeria 10 Kobo 1976 struck off-centre with 1-2mm of blank flan, crescent shaped from 4 to 10 o'clock UNC
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) Halfcrown 1961 struck on a thinner lightweight flan of 9.6 grammes, Good Fine, DecimalTen Pence 1969 with the right half of the obverse, and correspondingly the left half of the reverse elongated, the edge milling intact, 11.19 grammes, Fine
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes GB Decimal Issues (10) Two Pounds 2006 missing most of the centre section, has possibly been cut after minting EF and lustrous, Twenty Pence 2009, the obverse with many raised lumps VF, Ten Pence 1968 a strike-through error on the obverse, an 18mm length depression covers much of the Queen's portrait, Fine/Good Fine, Ten Pence a blank flan GEF and lustrous, Ten Pence 2002 struck on a 20mm x 19mm slightly oval flan EF, Two Pence 1999 with around 75% of the coin very weakly struck, the lower left quarter of the obverse and lower right quarter of the reverse show correct detail, the remainder extremely weak, NEF, One Penny (4) 1971 with part of another coin struck from 8 to 9 o'clock on the reverse causing a depression in this area VF, 1971 struck off-centre on an 18mm diameter flan GVF, 1988 Reverse design not struck, reverse shows a faint outline of the Queen's portrait, GVF, 1997 weakly struck with much of the centre of the coin area weak, reverse with portcullis chains normally struck NEF
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes Shillings (2) 1948 Scottish struck around 1mm off-centre causing a raised 'lip' between 3 and 9 o'clock VF, 1966 English struck around 1.5mm off-centre causing a raised 'lip' between 3 and 9 o'clock NEF
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeGroat 1855 Fine, struck off-centre on an 18mm diameter flan with a blank crescent shaped area of flan about 1mm wide at the top, an unusual piece
Mint Error - Mis-StrikePenny 1948 a spectacular strike-through error a triangular area 15mm x 16mm covering PENNY and part of Britannia, Fine with a small hole in the planchet, along with a Decimal Two Pence inverse impression of two 1971 obverses, on a 2.5mm thick planchet, appears 'man-made' rather than an error striking, Fine
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) Halfpenny George III Contemporary Counterfeitundated, Fair, and Farthing George III Contemporary Counterfeit, the edge of a second coin has been struck, an arc obscures the date area VG/Fair, both are unusual
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (4) GB BrassThreepence 1942 with lamination error causing the obverse surface to lift and split, Penny 1961 struck on a lightweight flan of 6.98 grammes, Fine, Shilling 1839 with NIAR : REG: F:D: struck incuse, a most unusual piece, VG/Fine, along with Shilling 1819 a contemporary counterfeit struck in copper with Roman 1's in the date VG
Mint Error - Mis-Strike 18th Century Farthing Token South Wales, Obverse: Laureate bust right SOUTH WALES FARTHING, Fine, along with Halfpenny 18th Century Angusshire Dundee 1797 DH21 Fine with a large rim cud from 3 to 4 o'clock on the reverse
Mint Error - Mis-Strikes India and Indian States (7) Indian States (5) Jodhpur Takka (2 Paisa) Year 30 (1869) the reverse with a spectacular double striking around halfway across the coin and showing a patterned edge outside the beaded border, Fine, Gwalior Quarter Anna VS1986 struck off-centre with around 3mm blank flan Near Fine, Baroda Two Paisa VS1947 (1890) struck with a die rotation of around 75 degrees, Junagadh Dokdo (1907-1910) KM#45.1 (2) the first struck off-centre and with a 2mm raised 'lip' Fine, the second a multiple strike with an additional piece of flan around 3mm wide showing part of the reverse of another coin VG to Fine and unusual, India Pice 1944 with a small rim cud GVF, India One Anna 1919 a strike through error with two large irregularly shaped depressions in the metal at the top of the obverse each around 3-4mm in area Fine
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalTen Pence 1969 an off-centre strike with around 3mm plain border to the left of the coin from 6 to 12 o'clock, also with a planchet clip from 6 to 7 o'clock, 10.95 grammes, Lustrous UNC and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfpenny 1718 Peck 774 double struck, the strikings around 3mm apart, the reverse showing a partial second date, both obverse and reverse have the right hand portion of the legend struck twice, VG and porous, unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Five Pence 1990 obverse uniface, struck on a thin flan, an off-metal striking, possibly coper plated steel with little of the plating remaining, weight 1.23 grammes, GVF
Mint Error - Mis-Strike a blank flan in gold in an NGC holder labelled '(1974-1979) G.Britain Gold Conservation Series Planchet (33.3 g - 33.3mm diameter) MINT ERROR, plain edge, the planchet for the popular Conservation series from the 1970s, issued for many different, mostly Commonwealth countries
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) Ireland Shilling 1966 an off-metal strike in bronze on a thin flan of 4.02 grammes, A/UNC with some lustre, Ireland Halfcrown 1966 struck on a larger 33.5mm flan the obverse normal, the reverse with a wider rim, the edge milled halfway across, the wider side plain, unusual
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes India (4) Five Rupees 2003 K.Kamaraj an off-centre strike with around 3mm blank flan covering almost half the coin, in a crescent shape EF. 1975 Ten Paisa 1988 struck around 15% off-centre with around 4mm extra flan showing at the lower part of the reverse, in this area around half of an additional date is visible A/UNC. 50 Paise (2) 1998 and 2002 both struck off-centre each with an area of blank flan of around 4mm covering around half the coin in a crescent shape both UNC or near so and lustrous
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfpenny 1694 Peck 602 a double striking with two date visible around 2mm apart, part of the obverse legend also doubled with the top half of ET. MARI struck twice, Good Fine and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India 20 Paise Aluminium 1982-1997 a burst flan showing little of the reverse design, the obverse lustrous UNC, an unusual error piece
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Two Rupees 2003 National Integration an off-metal strike in steel rather than cupro-nickel, struck on a round 26mm flan rather than the standard 11-sided flan, 4.97 grammes, (cupro-nickel standard issue is 6.00 grammes) GEF and highly unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Five Pence 1992 an off metal strike in bronzed steel? 1.54 grammes, appears About VG but probably around 'as made', an unusual piece
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes Sixpences (2) 1963 and 1966 both struck without a collar each with a raised lip between 1 o'clock and 8 o'clock on the obverse NEF to EF very unusual to find two similar mis-strikes in the same series
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (5) Shilling 1915 the obverse laminated with only DEI GR remaining, and a faint outline of the bust where the top surface of the coin is now missing. Penny 1964 struck on a thin flan of 7.54 grammes, Fine. Decimal Five Pence 1980 struck off-centre with a blank crescent-shaped area between 12 and 6 o'clock EF. Decimal Two Pences (2) 1971 with a planchet clip by F.D. Lustrous A/UNC, 1980 weakly struck on a thin and slightly undersized flan, 3.82 grammes EF
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFarthing 1694 a double striking, each strike around 1.5mm apart, the reverse with two dates showing VG with some pitting, unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFarthing 1721 a spectacular double striking, with each strike around 4mm apart, two dates are visible on the reverse, Bold Fine and highly unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeShilling 1948 English ESC 1474, Bull 4183 struck off-centre with about 1mm blank flan from 5 to 10 o'clock, causing a raised lip from 2 to 8 o'clock on the reverse, plain edge UNC with a small spot on the bust, all George VI mis-strikes very scarce
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Nigeria Sixpence 1959 KM#4 a spectacular off-centre striking with around 4mm blank flan UNC and lustrous, an eye-catching piece
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfcrown 1970 Proof with edge beading flaw between 1 and 3 o'clock on the reverse, an additional part line of beading appears, before and after DEF, nFDC retaining practically full mint lustre, very unusual to see minting errors on any Proof coins
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFlorin 1921 the obverse with a large area of damaged flan 12 to 3 o'clock from the rim to the back of the King's head, possibly due to a severe lamination flaw, the edge milled largely intact and normal. EF/GEF, and very unusual
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Quarter Rupee George V (1912-1936) in an NGC holder 'Reverse Struck Through Fragment' and graded Mint Error VF Details, the fragment covering most of the central part of the reverse design within the wreath in an irregular 12mm x 15mm area, in this area the incuse outline of the King's head from the obverse is clearly visible
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes India (2) Quarter Anna 1898 the reverse edge tapered inwards with the rims not struck, 5.78 grammes, Fine and unusual, Quarter Rupee 1943L with die axis rotation of 90 degrees GVF and unusual
Mint Error - India Quarter Anna 1877 a 'strike through' error, the reverse with an area around 14mm x 9mm obscuring the top centre part of the coin, NVF extremely unusual to find a minting flaw this large on any coin
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Portuguese India Escudo 1959 KM#33 the obverse with a spectacular strike through/brockage between 3 and 6 o'clock covering 9mm and spreading this part of the flan, UNC with some golden toning, a highly unusual piece
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalOne Pound Obverse: Rank-Broadley portrait of the Queen, Reverse: Royal Arms with supporters, date worn (1993) struck on a incorrect 21mm diameter nickel coated steel thin flan, 4.1 grammes, plain edge, legends worn appears NVG but probably around 'as made', a highly unusual error
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) DecimalFifty Pences (2) 1978 struck on a rotated blank so the 'points' of the coin appear halfway along the straight edges of the flan, also struck slight off-centre A/UNC and lustrous, 1981 struck on a slightly rotated blank the 'points' of the design and flan do not align correctly results in a slightly thicker outer rim EF, both unusual
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Two Annas George V a uniface reverse striking, the obverse with just faint traces of the profile of the bust of the King and of the surrounding circle, 5.12 grammes, Good Fine, a highly unusual piece
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Half Pice 1901 Calcutta SW-6.606, KM#484 a prominent die clash with the complete outline of the Queen's portrait showing through on the reverse, in a PCGS holder Mint Error PCGS MS62 Die Clash Reverse
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India One Naya Paise 1963 KM#8a EF with traces of lustre, struck off-centre with around 1mm blank flan and a raised 'lip' from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock, a small rim crack is evident due to the mis-striking
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Two Rupees 1980-1990 a spectacular double striking with one coin struck around 50% over another, Lustrous UNC and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Two Rupees 2003 a spectacular double striking with 50% of one coin struck over another, Lustrous UNC the edge ragged in two places due to the overstrike, an unusual piece
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (6) USA Cents (3) one appears joined at the edge, another uniface with the reverse smoothed, Decimal Two Pences (3) one on a thin flan, another with the last digit of the date very weak, the third an off-metal strike and weighing 6.79 grammes in mixed grades to EF
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India Rupee 1942 Bombay Mint Error - Die Adjustment Strike, Broadstruck, around 2mm off-centre, with much of the obverse legend not struck, and in the corresponding position on the reverse, About VF, in an NGC holder and graded MINT ERROR
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes Decimal Coinage (5) Twenty Pence 2005 an off-metal strike weighing 3.31 grammes EF, Ten Pences (2) 1997 and 2014 both struck off-centre, the first with a raised lip from 6 o'clock to 11 o'clock, Plain edge NEF, 2014 EF the edge with only around 25% width milled, the remainder plain, EF, Five Pence 2000 struck on a thin flan of 1.61 grammes Fine and weakly struck, One Penny 1999 has missed the copper plating process, 3.34 grammes EF
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes Pennies (2) 1936 struck on a thin and slightly under-sized flan 30mm diameter and 6.90 grammes, as a result the rim is very thin, the edge shows no signs of tampering or filing, GVF with signs of being struck on an imperfect or previously used flan with slight traces of an under type, 1967 Lustrous UNC, the obverse with a large 'struck through' error, from the shoulder to the wreath
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Two Pence undated, Rank-Broadley portrait, (date off-flan) struck on an incorrect small size 21mm diameter flan, weighing 3.62 grammes, UNC with practically full lustre, interesting and unusual
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) DecimalFifty Pence 1969 obverse and reverse slightly misaligned causing a 'lip' giving the appearance of a wider rim when viewed from the obverse,. 13.49 grammes, GEF the obverse with a small touch of surface residue, Decimal Two Pence undated (date off flan) struck on an undersized 22mm diameter flan, weighing 3.60 grammes, part of the legend and date off flan, UNC with almost full lustre
Mint Error - Mis Strike DecimalOne Pound 2016 12-sided Bimetallic the obverse with the legend as normal, but with the centre blank, missing the portrait of the Queen, in an LCGS holder and graded LCGS 85
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalOne Pound 2017 the obverse central section extends to the outer rim between 4 and 5 o'clock in an oval shape, overlapping the 'ONE POUND' security feature, the coin is also struck off-centre, the reverse having a raised lip between 6 and 8 o'clock, the central section is smaller in this area, not covering all the details of the crown. When viewed from the edge, there is also a raised lip, the obverse measuring 23mm diameter and the reverse 24mm diameter. A highly unusual multi-error coin, EF
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Ireland Halfpenny 1769 both sides double struck The obverse with a partial second legend on the King's head around 7mm from the standard legend, the Reverse displaying two dates the second date appearing on the lower part of the harp, also with a partial second legend mis-placed around 7mm to the left Good Fine and unusual
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) DecimalTen Pence 2011 with weak legends on both sides and weak milling, 6.40 grammes, GVF, and Decimal Two Pence undated (date off flan) struck on an undersized 21mm diameter flan, 3.58 grammes, with part of the date and all of the date off the flan, Lustrous UNC
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalTen Pence 1970 struck on a 25mm diameter flan, 5.51 grammes, (Five Pence flan), struck slightly off-centre with only a trace of edge milling in places, A/UNC and lustrous
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Australia Penny 1943 (m) KM#36 struck about 1mm off-centre giving a raised lip on the coin between 2 and 8 o'clock on the obverse and in the corresponding position on the reverse
Mint Error - Mis-Strikes (2) USA One Cent Lincoln a spectacular off-centre striking with 10mm blank flan, date off-flan, most of Lincoln's head and the date area missing A/UNC with traces of lustre, Europe One Ecu 1995 Reverse: The Mayflower, struck off-centre with around 1mm blank flan this causing a raised 'lip' from 12 o'clock to 7 o'clock on the obverse, Lustrous UNC
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Palestine 20 Mils 1927 as KM#5 with mis-cut central hole with an extra 'notch' cut at 4 o'clock, so when viewed from the obverse the hole is Q-shaped, Fine and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-Strike One Penny Token Sheffield 1812 a double reverse with one side incuse, similar to a brockage but the die axis does not align, as Withers 1045-47, VG/Fine and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFarthing 1849 a spectacular off-centre striking with 3mm blank flan with a large 2mm high 'lip' between 12 and 5 o'clock on the obverse. Obverse with just IA DEI GRATIA legend and part of the 49 part of the date on the flan, Fine/About Fine and boldly struck for the grade, an interesting and unusual piece
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeTwenty Pence Blank flan 4.89 grammes, EF, this similar to the 25 Pence Blank (c.1981) of similar weight and composition from the Tansley Collection sold in September 2005
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFifty Penceundated Britannia reverse struck off-centre on an undersized 21mm diameter thin flan weighing 3.28 grammes, on the obverse only ELIZABETH II of the legend is on the flan, on the reverse only ENCE at the end of the legend is on the flan, EF and lustrous, highly unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeTwenty Pence 1993 struck on an undersized 19mm flan, weighing 3.27 grammes, the lower part of the legend below the Queen's head in almost totally missing as is the raised rim. On the reverse the figure 20 is half off-flan as is the lower raised rim. EF and unusual
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (6) Shilling 1954E Fine with lamination flaw on the obverse, Sixpence 1964 struck around 1mm off-centre causing a raised lip between 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock on the reverse, only a small part of the edge milling is visible, Fine, BrassThreepence 1966 with a straight planchet clip causing a ragged edge at 2 o'clock on the reverse, NEF, Pennies (2) 1937 struck off-centre with around 1.5mm blank flan causing a raised lip between 3 and 7 o'clock on the reverse Fine with some scratches, 1967 with a small planchet clip, EF and lustrous, Cliché medals (2) the first undated by Phillips Aldershot of London, uniface and 32mm diameter Obverse: Angel holding two laurel wreaths facing, with sun and seascape behind, the second 32mm diameter undated and uniface depicting a standing woman above a kneeling man crowning him with a laurel wreath, loosely based on the style of 'Art is Obtained Through Labour' by Nicolas Reyers (c.1780) both EF with light gold tone
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeSixpence 1948 struck off-centre with 2mm blank flan between 12 and 6 o'clock thus causing a slight raised 'lip' Fine, Penny 1872 Fine with an unofficial 'counterstamp' causing by the coin being placed on a George III type Gaming token, Fine, unusual, as part of a group of minor Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (12) planchet clips, blank flan, some possibly done after minting
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (3) Sixpence 1821 struck with mis-placed collar the reverse 20.5mm diameter, the obverse 20mm diameter resulting in a raised 'lip' when viewed from the edge NEF/GVF and very unusual. Florin 1966 struck on a thin planchet, 9.16 grammes EF. Engraved Penny 1900 Obverse NVF, the reverse engraved with RELEIFS OF KIMBERLEY FEB 16' 123 DAYS/ LADYSMITH FEB 28' 118 DAYS/ MAFEKING MAY 17' 218 DAYS / PRETORIA TAKEN JUNE 5 an interesting item of South African interest, along with Shilling 1872 ESC 1324, Bull 3042, Die Number 25 About EF with some small rim nicks
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes, United Kingdom INA FantasyPattern Euro errors (11) 2 Euros (2) 2002 apparently struck in brass with the outer ring plated, 2003 struck in copper and weighing 13.24 grammes, 50 Cents 2003 with different reverse design: large 50 to right, with globe and dove to left PROVA PROBE believed unique, 9.6 grammes, 10 Cents (2) 2003 struck in copper, 6.27 grammes (normal issue 4.8 grammes) with a sample goldine issue for comparison, 2 Cents (3) 2003 (2) both struck in nickel each 5.47 grammes, UNC and lustrous, and an undated issue (2002) reverse brockage, 2 Cents 2002 the obverse with a tall raised lip over 1mm high, 1 Cent an obverse and reverse uniface pair (2002) each struck in silver, an unusual group, A/UNC to UNC
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFarthing 1775 George III Contemporary Counterfeit a spectacular off-centre strike with 8mm blank flan on either side, the striking that remains is bold and collectable
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Two Pence 1999 Struck around 5% off centre with around 1.5mm of blank flan from 7 to 11 o'clock, the obverse with a raised 'lip' in this area, UNC or near so with around 80% mint lustre
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (2) British West Africa Penny 1943 the central hole double punched and resembling a figure 8 in shape, lustrous UNC with a light golden tone, India 50 Paise 1990 struck off-centre with a round 2.5mm blank flan, the coin also has 3 planchet clips UNC and highly unusual to find multiple mis-strike errors on the same coin, along with Gaming Counters with Chinese Characters (6) most in China or porcelain, with different coloured inks, one octagonal, also Penny Token 19th Century Gloucester - Cheltenham 1812 John Bishop & Co. Good Fine, cleaned
Mint Errors Mis-Strikes (6) Grenada 4 Dollars 1970 FAO KM#15 struck slightly off-centre with a small raised lip from 11 o'clock to 4 o'clock. The milling only shows on the raised lip, with the remainder of the edge plain A/UNC and unusual, Nigeria Halfpennies 1959 (2) KM#1 both struck without collars, off-centre with the central holes misaligned, struck on 22mm and 23mm flans respectively both lustrous UNC, Jersey 1/12 Shilling (3) 1960 Restoration Tercentenary struck without a collar on a 32.5mm diameter flan UNC with some lustre, 1966 (2) both struck slightly off-centre and on 33mm flans, EF cleaned and UNC with partial lustre
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalTen Pence 1973 struck off centre with 3mm blank flan from 8 to 2 o'clock the excess with a straight edge between 10 and 12 o'clock, no edge milling present, Lustrous A/UNC and unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeShilling 1839 No WW a double striking with part of another similar coin with clear obverse, overstruck from 12 to 3 o'clock, the edge milling intact other than on the overstruck part of the coin, VF and bold, holed at the top
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalTen Pence struck way off-centre (date off-flan) with around 17mm blank flan only 3 legs of the lion are visible with no body, the remainder off the flan, the obverse has no part of the Queen's head visible above the neck VF and highly unusual to see any coin struck this far off-centre
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimal Two Pence 2006 struck off centre on a 21mm diameter flan, most of the legend missing between 10 o'clock and 5 o'clock on the obverse and correspondingly from 7 o'clock to 12 o'clock on the reverse, Lustrous UNC, the obverse with a few small spots
Mint Errors - Mis-strikes (2) Livonia Solidus 17th Century struck off-centre with the date off the flan, one side showing two part-coins on the same flan EF, German States - Wurttemberg medal? 1605 Obverse brockage WIRTEMBE FRI.D.G.DVX Crowned figure standing, in Coronation robes Fine, ex-mount
Enamelled Coins (62) Crowns (36) 1965, 1972 (3), 1977 (32), Halfcrowns (2) 1951, 1966, DecimalTen Pence 1976, Shillings (2) 1964E, 1965S, SilverThreepences (12) 1937, 1938 (3), 1939 (2), 1940 (5), 1941, Farthing 1932, Gibraltar Crown 1968, Guernsey Ten Pence 1970, Cyprus 10 Mils 1955, East Africa Shilling 1952, Hong Kong Two Dollars 1975, Australia Sixpence 1963, New Zealand (2) 50 Cents 1967, Sixpence 1963, all are enamelled on both sides, an interesting selection many with very good workmanship, in mixed grades, along with Mint Error - Mis-Strike Decimal Five Pence 2002 the reverse very weakly struck with signs of lamination under magnification VF/NF, and a Halfpenny Token 1972 F.J.Jeffery Melksham, Wiltshire, 'England's Leading Provincial Coin Dealer' EF
Mint error - Mis-StrikeHalfpenny 18th Century Middlesex Prince of Wales DH955/956 edge Payable at Lancaster, London or Bristol a spectacular mis-strike with two heads struck on the obverse the second around 90 degrees rotated NVF/VF
Mint Error - Misstrikes a small collection (9) 1950s to 1990s includes Australia Halfpenny 1953 20% off centre with up to 6mm blank flan protruding at an angle, Malaysia Ringitt 1991 the error almost identical, others being off centre, central hole out of position or wrong flans, mixed generally higher grades
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeFarthing Victoria Young Head struck 15-20% off centre the obverse with WW Raised on truncation, Obverse 1 with Reverse type B (1838-1849) NEF/GVF with around 4mm blank flan, an unusual and attractive example
Mint Error - Mis-strike Australia One Cent 1976 with an Australian 5 Cents having been misplaced on top in striking, the obverse showing a large incuse 5, GVF and unusual as part of a group of Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes GB and World (12) planchet clips, double strikings, in mixed grades to EF
Mint Error - Mis-strike Farthing George II 1733 a spectacular double striking, the obverse with the King's head double struck, the reverse with two dates, the two strikings around 3-4mm apart on both sides, VG and unusual
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (10) Crowns (7) 1960, 1965, 1972 (2), 1980 a mix of metal flaws, weak striking, planchet clip and laminated flans, One Pound a very weak strike with little design remaining, on a thin flan and weighing 5.64 grammes, the edge milling weak but DECUS ET TUTAMEN bold, unusual, DecimalTen Pence 1973 with a planchet clip NEF, Iran 2000 Dinars (2 Kran) AH1310 Near Fine struck around 10% off-centre with around 4mm blank flan
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (4) Shilling 1839 a spectacular double strike with a section of another similar coin overstruck between 12 and 3 o'clock on the reverse, the additional piece being 12mm across, and extending beyond the rim of the original coin, showing part profile of the Young Head. GVF and holed at the top. DecimalTen Pence 1973 struck off centre on a 29mm diameter flan with around 3mm blank flan excess around the edge in parts. The additional excess also having a straight cut top edge which does not obstruct the edge of the coin, UNC and lustrous with some odd scuffs, these probably occurring at the time of minting. Decimal Ten Pence undated Large size a spectacular off-centre strike with just 11mm of the coin visible on the 28mm diameter flan, unusually some edge milling remains, this being on the part of the coin that shows part of the Lion, in an area that would normally be in the centre of the coin, GVF and highly unusual. Decimal Two Pence 1971 with a large planchet clip from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock on the obverse, thus only the R of REG remains and the last 1 and lower tip of the 7 of the date NEF/EF with some scratches, and retaining some mint lustre
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfpenny 1872 obverse and reverse both double struck, two dates visible around 6mm apart, Fine/Near Fine the obverse with some old scratches, an unusual piece
Mint Error - Mis-Strike India 1/12 Anna 1877, KM#483 the 1 of the date and the 1 of the fraction both barely visible under strong magnification GVF, along with a normal example in NEF for comparison, a highly unusual striking error
Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (93) misshapen flans, Spread flans, damaged flans, weak strikes and more, along with a further group of blank flans (15) in mixed grades
Mint Errors (2) Penny 1967 struck off-centre on a 28mm flan UNC with traces of lustre, Decimal One Penny 1999 struck off-centre and with 4mm blank flan between 7 o'clock and 1 o'clock on the obverse
Mint Errors, Mis- strikes (15) includes GothicFlorin two reverses joined together, other laminations, planchet flaws and clips and an aluminium calendar medal in mixed grades
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfpenny 1739 double struck the obverse showing two exergues and part of a duplicated date, the obverse with a doubled portrait profile and interestingly a long die-break, possibly the actual die-break piece, and thereby causing the doubling
Mint Errors - Mis-strikes (2) Penny 1868 with a minting flaw obliterating the first 8 of the date and part of the 6, VG and unusual, Decimal Five Pence 2006 weak strike with much of the legend partly or completely missing, the Queen's head also weak though oddly the tiara seems struck normally, About Fine and extremely unusual
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeDecimalFifty Pence struck on an incorrect flan 21.5mm in bronze. Obverse: Machin bust of the Queen to right the date off flan of the legend, only ELIZABETH II remains on the flan. Reverse: Most of Britannia, to left, with the lion missing the front of the nose. Only FIF remains of the legend, the remainder off the flan, About EF with traces of lustre, an extremely striking error
Gaming Counter Simon de Passee Edward III Fine with a small hole and a small plug, along with Mint Error - Mis-Strikes (3) Shilling 1932 George V partial brockage, the incuse design struck over about 2/3 of the flan, the last digit of the date struck in correct relief on one side, the first three digits incuse and reversed on the other side, Fine and highly unusual, Penny 1917 on a spread flan each side with an incuse impression of the other over the main design, this possibly done after minting, Good Fine, Co-op Brass token - Oldham Threepence with double striking to the reverse, the overstrike covering around half the token on both sides EF and lustrous
Mint Error - Mis-strike Farthing George III a spectacular obverse double struck brockage, the second striking 13mm off the first, the 'overlapped' area showing incuse renditions from both coins, VG a highly unusual piece
Mint Error - Mis-Strike Cyprus 5 Mils 1955 on a smaller 23mm diameter flan, Fine, comes with the standard coin on a 25.5mm diameter flan for comparison
Mint Error - Mis-StrikeHalfpenny 1739 double struck the obverse showing two exergues and part of a duplicated date, the obverse with a doubled portrait profile and interestingly a long die-break, possibly the actual die-break piece, and thereby causing the doubling
Mint Errors - Mis-strikes (11) GB and World includes GB Penny 1963 with a major lamination flaw, also off-centre and planchet clips in mixed grades some in lustrous UNC
GB and World Mint Errors - Mis-Strikes (12) Nigeria Shilling 1959 KM#5 struck without a collar on a larger 24mm diameter flan, interestingly the coin still has the security edge, EF/AU, USA (2) Five Cents 1883 with IN GOD WE TRUST and FIVE CENTS weak or partially missing About UNC, Dime 1862S with die axis misaligned by around 45 degrees VG, India 2 Rupees 2003 struck off-centre with a raised lip around about a third of the coin NEF, GB (8) Halfpenny 1730 struck on a large, spread flan (very similar in appearance to the 1732 example in Peck plate 14, no. 844, but dated 1730) Fine with attempted holing, GB Penny 1962 on a thin flan and weighing 5.89 grammes VF, Small Planchet clips (5) Decimal Ten Pence 1969 NEF and Sixpences (4) 1961, 1967 (3) VF to EF, and Decimal Halfpenny Obverse struck normally, the reverse almost blank with a trace of reversed Queen's portrait, slightly off-centre with raised lip, along with Australia Penny 1964 with edge damage this possibly after minting VF
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