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Scottish Banknotes James Douglas Book : Misc Items

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Auction 179
Misc Items s (16) mostly banking and banknote-themed titles, as follows:- Inside The Bank Of England by Philip Geddes (1987), A Handbook Of London Bankers by F.G.Hilton Price (1970 reprint), Country Banks Of England And Wales by Margaret Dawes and C.N. Ward-Perkins (Volume 1, 2000), The Banker's Art - Studies In Paper Money edited by Virginia Hewitt, - A Concise History & Price Catalogue 2007 Edition by Richard Dennett (3 copies), Collecting Paper Money by Colin Narbeth (1986), Investing In Paper Money by Kenneth R.Lake (1972), 20th Century Scottish Banknotes by , Volume 1, (1984), Standard Catalogue of Malaysia Singapore Brunei Paper Money 13th Edition by Steven Tan (1996), Nothing For Nothing For Nobody- A History of Hertfordshire Banks and Banking by Jack Parker (1986), History of the Bank of England by A.Andreades (1924), Money/Modern Currency And The Regulation Of Its Value/Economic Scares (Volume VII) 1997 Edition by Edwin Cannan, The Currency Of British Colonies by James Pennington (1967 reprint), and 41st Edition 2006, all in good second-hand condition

Auction 179
Misc Items Books an interesting selection of mostly Banknote-related titles from a retired Dealer's Library (19) by (4 editions) First Edition 1975, Second Edition 1980, Third Edition (1984) and Fourth Edition (1990), The by G.L.Grant (1977), The by (2010), Modern Issues 1961 to present (22nd Edition), by Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg (2) 15th Edition and 19th Edition, , Second Edition by (1994) (2 copies), 1993 by , Ab 1871 by (1991), The 2001, by (1975), Second Edition (1977) by Publications, -Katalog Munzen und Medaillen by Gerhard Schon (1993), and Postal Orders by Howard Lunn (1984), s of the British Army 1820-1960 by F.Wilkinson (1980-81), all in good second-hand condition (total weight over 12 Kilos)

Auction 177
Misc Items Books (21) comprising 2019 and Decimal issues (new), Spink Standard Catalogue 2008, Standard Catalogue 1969, s (2) 1999 and 2001 Editions, (2) 2000 and 2002 editions, Collectors' Coins (2) 2006 and 2008 editions, 2007 by R.S. 60th Edition, 1961-1997 (1997 Edition), (8th Edition) by /, The (2) Fourth Edition 2005 and Fifth Editions by , Collectors' Banknotes 2008, 20th Century by 1975, The Collector's Handbook 12th Edition by James L. Halperin and Gregory J. Rohan, 2019, April 2005 (Austria), - Jewellery in London from Pre-Roman Times to the 1930s by Tessa Murdoch, and Banknotes 18th Edition by Greg McDonald, and Check You Change No.4 1702-1837, all in good second-hand condition

Auction 165
Misc Items s (6) 20th Century (Volume 1) by 1984, a Library edition signed by the author number 25 of 500. Paper Money of Ireland by Bob Blake and Jonathan Callaway 2009 First edition. A British Collector's Guide to British Cheques by David Shaw 1986. British Military Authority Occupation Currency 1942-1956 Europe and North Africa by T.F.A.van Elmpt 2003. British Armed Forces Special Vouchers by T.F.A.van Elmpt 1994. Illustrated Catalogue of Hong Kong Currency by Mars Numismatic Company, all in very good second-hand condition £120

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