Great Britain (21) The Kinetic Company Limited, 1910 issue for £3500 First debentures, each for £10 (18) VF to GVF, East LondonWater Works Transfer certificate, No. 2170, dated 19th January 1822, printed on vellum, Fine with some light folds, Insurance Policy Provident Life Office , dated August 15th 1841, some folds, Good Fine, The Victoria Palace Limited, 1929, Share Certificate for 210 shares, red/brown with a picture of the Victoria Palace incorporated into the title heading. The Victoria Palace was situated in Victoria Street, London, was built for Sir Alfred Butt who introduced Pavlova to London, a statue of the ballerina was placed on top of the theatre, maroon, red ink cancellation and paper clip mark on the top edge, Good Fine
USA (8) USA National Union Bank, Philadelphia 1866 Share Certificate for 6 shares of $50 each, VF with some folds, USA Railway shares and scrip certificates (7) Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company Share Certificate 10 shares of $100 each 1890 Vignette of Cattle at watering hole at top, VF with two cancellation punch holes. Utica, Clinton and Binghamton Rail Road Co. 1927, Share Certificate for 36 shares, cancelled, small tears and pinholes otherwise around VF. The Cincinnati, Washington and BaltimoreRailroad Company 1883 Third Mortgage Bond Scrip Certificate for $105, small central hole, otherwise VF. Missouri Kansas Texas Railroad Company 1929 Share Certificate for 5 shares, orange, vignette of steam train at the top, VF with cancellation punch holes. Missouri Kansas Texas Railroad Company 1928 Share Certificate, preferred stock, Series A, 7 per cent, for 7 shares, brown, vignette of steam train at the top, cancelled with punch holes, Near VF with some foxing and a small pencil annotation at the top right corner. Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company, State of Iowa 185- (unissued) share certificate for $100 EF. Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railway Company share certificate for 10 Shares, shares $100 each, green with round vignette of steam train at the right, signed but unissued 18-- (1899) GVF
Bonds and Shares a small collection (8) comprising China (3) ChineseGovernment 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan bond 1911 for £20,Deutsche-Asiatische issue, large format with steam train at top, printed by Waterlow's with 35 coupons, About VF, China, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway 5% Gold Loan 1913, bond for £20, ornate border, blue & green, with all coupons, GVF, China, 6% Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Completion Loan 1936, bond for £50, vignette of Sun Yat Sen, green, with 47 coupons, VF with light central fold, Ethiopia Chemins de Fer Ethiopians, 500 franc share, 1899, with large vignette of king on horseback waiting for a passing train VF with a full set of 48 coupons, German States - Saxony 6% Sterling Loan of 1927, bond for £20 (2000 issued), orange, VF with 15 coupons, USA (3) Colorado - The Acacia Gold MiningCompany 1899, certificate for 500 Shares, cancelled, NVF, Philadelphia - Loan of the City of Philadelphia 1866 6% Loan 1866 Fine with cancellation holes, The Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company 1887 certificate for 100 shares, cancelled, Good Fine
China (12), Chinese Government 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan bond 1911 for £100, American Banks issues (9), red/black, large format with steam train at top, printed by Waterlow's with coupons. All around Fine with some staples and pencil annotations, Chinese Government 5% Hukuamg Railways Sinking Gold Loan bond 1911 for £20, French Indo-China issues (3) green/black, large format with steam train at the top, Fine with coupons and pencil annotations, all with central folds
China, Shanghai Municipal Council, $10,000 Loan of 1940, mauve & black with vignette of council building, printed by Waterlow's, rust mark damage at top left otherwise VF
China, Shanghai yuyuan market Limited Company Stock Certificates 1987, text in Chinese with vignette of buildings, mauve (6). Nationalist Governmentloan for 500 yuan, brown & red. U.S.A. Town of JeffersonWaterworks and Sewer Reserve Bond of 1959 with coupons. AEF.
Russia, The Russian General Oil Corporation (Societe Generale Naphthifere Russ) Ltd. bearer certificates for 25 shares 1913, red & black with coupons, printed by Waterlow, VF (2). Brazil, Brazil RailwayCompany 60 year Gold bond 1909, green & black with vignette of train crossing bridge. Large format, printed by Waterlow, no coupons remain. VF. (1)
Great Britain, East LondonWater Works share certificate 1808, on vellum with set company seal, together with a transfer certificate 1822, this stained. VF and better (2)
World (6) Austria, Austrian Government International Loan 1930 bond for £100 , green & black, printed by Waterlow, with coupons. BelgiumMinerva Motors certificate 1931,with coupons blue. Brazil Companhia Brasileira de Exploracao de Portos 1924 (2) with vignette of ship at dock side, with coupons, brown. India, Dawsons Bank Ltd., debenture no. 0299 for 1000 rupees, with coupons Peru The National Pisco To Yca Railway Co. bond for £100 1869, pink & black, with coupons. VF. (6).
World (21) Canada, Inverness Railway & Coal CompanyGold bond 1902 & stock certificate 1902 both with coupons, France Les Affreteurs Reunis certificates for 100f 1902 (9), G.B. Associated Newspapers share certificates (6, three different types), The Stockton & Middlesborough Waterworks Co. share certificate no,. 494, 1860 black on pink. U,S.A. Maderia-Mamore Railway Company share certificates 1922 (3), VF or better (21).
Brazil, Port of Para 5%Gold Bond 1907, for £20 with coupons, green & black with attractive vignette of port. Printed by Waterlow & Sons Ltd.small tear at left edge otherwise VF. (1).
Spain, (6) CadizWaterworks Co. £100 bond 1874, La Union Castellana Valladolid B series share cert. 1864, printed by Perkins Bacon, London. Spanish 5% bond, Madrid 1836, La Corona de Aragon 1858 share cert. , blue. The Valencia and Liria Railway Co. Ltd. £10 share 1888. Compania Del Ferro-Carril Trasversal de Cataluna 1883. GVF. (6).
Great Britain (7) Bishops Waltham Water Co. Ltd. 1865, East London Water Works Co. transfer certs (2) 1842 & 1872, Fluid Meter Company 1870, Liverpool Sewage Utilization Co. 1868, London and Suburban Freehold Land Society 1854, . Pwllheli Gas Co.185-, unissued. VF or better (7).
East LondonWater Works share certificate 1808 (slight damage to red seal) together with a transfer certificate 1822, both on vellum, VF. Together with a valuation of shares of Count Max Hollender, 1906 including over 42K of shares in Harrods. 9 pages. (2).
Great Brirtain, assorted companies from 1857 (17), titles include European & American Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. 1857, Peninsular Co. Ltd. 1867, Grainger Smith 1898 Metropolitan Water Board 1911 (4), National Provincial Bank 1959. AVF and better. (17).
Great Britain (16), titles include European and American Steam Co 1857, New Brewery Carlisle 1879, Peninsular Company 1864, Wallsend Slipway (x2) together with middle Witwatersrand 1936 and Klerksdopp Goldfields 1934 generally GVF
Russia, RussianTobaccoCompany, set of six bearer share warrants, for 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 shares, 1915-16, very attractive Waterlow printed certificates with vignette of allegorical female in tobacco field, various colours, all with coupons, all VF. (6).
Portugal, Lisbon ElectricTramways Ltd., bearer share warrant for ten shares, 1905, very attractive Waterlow printed certificate with three large allegorical females and street scenes, text in English and French, black & yellow, right margin uneven where original coupons cut for payment, with new coupon sheet, central fold, AVF. (1).
Portugal, Lisbon ElectricTramways Ltd., bearer share warrant for 25 shares, 1905, very attractive Waterlow printed certificate with three large allegorical females and street scenes, text in English and French, black & blue, right margin uneven where original coupons cut for payment, with new coupon sheet, central fold, AVF. (1).
New Zealand, United New Zealand Exploration Ltd., share certificate, 1896, owned property in the Hauraki District, very ornate design, blue, printed by Waterlow, VF. (1).
Great Britain (6) WaterCompany certificates Bishops Waltham Water Company Ltd. 1865, East London Water Works Co. 1872 transfer certificate (2), Norfolk Estuary Co. £50 share 1847 (2), mostly GVF. (6).
Costa Rica, Costa Rica Railway Co. Ltd., unissued £100 mortgage bond, 1901, very ornate design, black & green, printed by Waterlow, with coupons, VF. (1).
China, Peking Running Water Co. Ltd., loan of 1925, bond for 10 yuan, very ornate border, text in Chinese, brown on pale green, two coupons remains, central fold, otherwise VF. (1).
Great Britain, Grand Junction Water Works transfer Certificate no 1313 for transfer of seven shares, 1827, on vellum. Signed Thos Collier & Willm Parker
Great Britain, 5 certificates, Bishops Waltham Water Co. Ltd., 1865, ChichesterOlympia Ltd., 1912, New Brewery Company, Carlisle, Ltd., 1879, and Bournemouth Coffee Tavern Co. Ltd., 2 x transfer certificates, transferor and transferee, both 1885, VF. (5).
China, ChineseGovernment 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan bond 1911 for £20, Banque de L'Indo-Chine issue, large format with steam train at top, printed by Waterlow's with coupons. 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan bond 1913 for £20, Mercury at top, brown, Banque de L'Indo-Chine issue, coupons present but detached. Skoda Loan, bond for £50, ornate border, with red "chop" in centre, with coupons. All three with signs of having been mounted. good F or better. (3).
China, ChineseGovernment 5% Hukuang Railways Sinking Fund Gold Loan bond 1911 for £100, American Banks issue, large format with steam train at top, printed by Waterlow's with coupons. U.S. Tax Stamps at left, central tear at fold otherwise good fine.
Roumania, Kingdom of Roumania Monopolies InstituteLoan of 1929 £100 bond with view of castle at top, blue & black, printed by Waterlow's, with coupons. Brazil, Brazil RailwayCompany £20 Gold bond, 1909, with steam train on bridge, green & black, printed by Waterlow's, no coupons remain, tear to bottom right VF. (2).
China, Chekiang Province, Hang Zhon City Running WaterLoan, bond for 5 yuan, 1930, very ornate design, text in Chinese, red on pale green, with coupons, VF. (1).
Great Britain, South Staffordshire Mines Drainage Commissioners, £100 class ‘B‘ mortgage bond, 1892, very attractive Waterlow printed bond with vignette of allegorical figure with lamp and miner, black & blue, UK revenue stamp, VF. (1).
Ireland, 15 issued cheques, Provincial Bank of Ireland, Waterford, 1868, Munster & Leinster Bank, Waterford, 2 x 1920, and 2 x 1939, (different colour and revenue stamp), Ulster Bank, Naas, 2 x 1928, and Ulster Bank, Pembroke, Dublin, 8 x 1894, mostly VF. (15).
Great Britain, First National Reinsurance Co. Ltd., share certificate, 1920, very attractive Waterlow printed certificate with impressive vignette of steam ship, black, VF. (1).
Ireland, 15 issued cheques on the Bank of Ireland, Waterford, 4 x 1880, 4 x 1886, 5 x 1897, and 2 x 1930, (different paper, sizes, or revenue stamps), mostly VF. (15).
Ireland, 15 issued cheques, Bank of Ireland, Waterford, 4 x 1880, 4 x 1887, (different paper and revenue stamp), and 2 x 1930, also Ulster Bank, Pembroke Branch, 3 x 1894, and Naas Branch, 2 x 1928, mostly VF. (15).
Italy, Genoa and District Water Works Co. Ltd., £20 debenture, 1913, very attractive vignette of Genoa harbour with many ships, text in English and Italian, black & red, with coupons, VF. (1).
Russia, RussianCollieries Co. Ltd., share warrants to bearer for 5, 10, 25 and 50 shares, all 1902, very attractive Waterlow printed certificates with large vignette of allegorical female with train and mine in background, various colours, all with coupons, all VF or better, (4).
U.S.A. 10 bonds, CantonAberdeen & Nashville Rail Road Co. 1884, Rome Watertown and Ogdensburgh Rail Road Co. 1874, Winona and Southwestern Railway Co. 1888, Utica and Black River Railroad Co. 1890, ClevelandCincinnatiChicago and St. Louis Railway Co. 1890-91 two types, American Tropical Planting Co. 1899, and West Shore Railroad Co. 1885, all with vignettes, 6 without coupons, F-VF. (10).
Great Britain, 5 Victorian certificates, Liverpool Cold Storage and Ice Co. Ltd. 1897, LeedsYork and Park Place Warehouse Co. Ltd. transfer certificate 1896, Tocopilla Copper Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd. 1887, Benson and Co. Ltd. 1877, and Amalgamated Water-Gas Companies Ltd. 1895, mostly VF. (5).
Great Britain, 12 certificates from the 1930s, 3 x Middle Witwatersrand (Western Areas) Ltd., all 1936, 5 x Ashanti Kotoko Mining Co. Ltd., all 1935, 4 x Klerksdorp Consolidated Goldfields Ltd, bearer option certificates, all 1934, mostly VF. (12).
Italy, Genoa and District Water Works Co. Ltd., £20 debenture, 1913, very attractive vignette of Genoa harbour with many ships, text in English and Italian, black & red, with coupons, VF. (1).
China, Shanghai Power Company, registered debenture, 1934, vignette of waterfront scene which has been overprinted with an endorsement, black & orange, lot also include a 1925 ‘Boxer? bond for $50 gold, both VF. (2).
Great Britain, Schultze Gunpowder Co. Ltd., certificate for ordinary shares, 1905, vignette of fist holding lightening bolts, printed by Waterlow, black & orange, VF. (1).
Ireland, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow and Dublin Railway Co.certificateno. 35110 for one share of £20 to Sir John Doveton of Sussex Square, Hyde Park, K.C.B., dated 30th Jan. 1847, black, very attractive design with large coat of arms at top, black, with green seal, very fine.
Italy, Genoa and District Water Works Co. Ltd., debenture for £20, dated 1913, attractive vignette of Genoa harbour with many ships, text in English and Italian, black & red, with coupons, VF. (1).
Ireland, Waterford and Limerick RailwayCompany Share Certificate for one share of £50 to John Pullien of Dublin dated 19th November 1845.Extremely fine.
Great Britain, Manchester and SalfordWater Works, memorial No.196 in respect of a transfer of ten shares, dated 1819, printed on vellum, black, VF. (1).
Great Britain, 13 unissued certificates, Jewish Times Ltd., 2 x certificates, Consett Waterworks Co., 4 x certificates, Disley Golf Club Ltd., Edouard Boughton Robert Smith & Co. Ltd., William Doxford and Sons Ltd., 2 types, 4 x certificates, and South-Eastern GoldMining Co. Ltd., all VF. (13).
Belgium, International Mineral Water Co. Ltd., bearer warrant for one share, 1902, very ornate border incorporating river scenes, black & blue, with coupons, VF. (1).
Great Britain, 5 cancelled railway certificates, Great Western Railway Co., 1881, Grand Junction Railway, date unclear, London and North Western Railway, date unclear, Waterford, Dungarvan and Lismore Railway Co., 1876, and Liverpool Overhead Railway Co., 1897, all cancelled by various methods, mostly F, some better. (5).
France, S.A. des Eaux Minérales Naturelles de Vichy-Cusett, share certificate, Paris 1910, very attractive Art Nouveau design with vignettes of females collecting spring water and panorama of the ?Source des Fees?, blue on pale green, with coupons, VF. (1).
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