Shillings (2) Charles I Fifth Aberystwyth bust, Group E, type 4.1var, Larger Bust with rounded shoulder, S.2797 mintmark Anchor, 5.94 grammes, NVF/VF with touches of golden tone on the reverse, a pleasing piece with much eye appeal, James I Second Coinage, Third Bust, S.2654, mintmark Lis, 5.58 grammes, VG/Near Fine, Sixpence Charles I Group D, type 3a, no inner circles, S.2813 mintmark Tun, 2.92 grammes, Fair/VG
SixpenceCharles I Group D, Fourth Bust, type 3a, No inner circles, Reverse: Oval Garnished Shield, No CR at sides, S.2813 mintmark Tun, 3.06 grammes, Fine or better on a slightly irregularly shaped flan
SixpenceCharles I Group D, Fourth Bust, type 3a, S.2813 No Inner circles, mintmark Crown, 2.87 grammes, Obverse: portrait VG, legends Fine, the Reverse Fine
SixpenceCharles I Group D, Fourth Bust, type 3a, No inner circles, Reverse: Oval Garnished Shield, No CR at sides, S.2813 mintmark Tun, 3.06 grammes, Fine or better on a slightly irregularly shaped flan
Sixpences Charles I (2) Group D, Fourth Bust type 3a, with falling lace collar, no inner circles S.2813 Mintmark Crown F/NVF, and S.2811 the reverse double struck giving the impression of the shield being broken Near Fine and unusual
SixpenceCharles I Group D Fourth Bust, type 3a, No inner circles, S.2813 mintmark Crown VF with grey tone and some flan stress, both Ex-Middleham hoard
Sixpences Charles I (2) Group D, Fourth Bust type 3a, with falling lace collar, no inner circles S.2813 Mintmark Crown F/NVF, and S.2811 the reverse double struck giving the impression of the shield being broken Near Fine and unusual
Halfcrowns to Halfpennies a wide ranging group (45) Halfcrowns Charles I (2) S.2776 mintmark Triangle, S.2777 mintmark Star, Shillings (11) Edward VI Fine Silver Issue S.2482 mintmark y, Elizabeth I (4) Second issue S.2555 mintmark Cross Crosslet, Sixth Issue (2) S.2577 mintmark Key, S.2577 mintmark Tun, Seventh Issue S.2584 mintmark 1, James I (2) Second Coinage S.2655 Fourth Bust, mintmark Bell, Second Coinage 1607 Fifth Bust S.2656 mintmark Grapes, Charles I (4) Group E, S.2797 mintmark Triangle, Group F, larger bust S.2799 mintmark Triangle in Circle, Group G (under Parliament) S.2800 mintmark Sun (2) one struck on an uneven flan, Sixpences (9) Elizabeth I (5) 1562 S.2560 mintmark Pheon, 1562 Milled Issue (2) S.2595 mintmark Star, S.2596 mintmark Star, 1567 Milled Issue S.2599, Small Bust, mintmark Lis, 1579 Fifth Issue S.2572 Mintmark Greek Cross, James I (2) First Coinage, First Bust 1603 S.2647 mintmark Thistle, Fourth Bust S.2658 mintmark Coronet, Charles I Group D, no inner circles, S.2813 mintmark Bell, Charles II Third Issue S.3323 mintmark Crown, Groats (4) Edward IVLondon Mint, Light Coinage, Henry VIII Facing Bust issue S.2199 mintmark Pansy, Elizabeth I Second Issue, S.2556 mintmark Martlet, Charles II Third IssueS.3324 mintmark Crown, Threepences (2) Elizabeth I Fifth Issue 1569 S.2573 mintmark Coronet, Elizabeth I Fifth issue 1578 S.2573 mintmark Greek Cross, Halfgroats (7) Henry VI Calais Mint, Pinecone-Mascle issue S.1877 Mintmark Cross Patonce, Edward IV Canterbury Mint clipped, Henry VII Canterbury Mint S.2209 Mintmark Tun, Elizabeth I, Pellets behind Bust S.2579 mintmark Crescent, James I (3) Smaller Crown on Obverse S.2660 mintmark Trefoil, S.2659 mintmark Trefoil, S.2660 mintmark Thistle, Pennies (8) Henry III Long Cross (3), Henry III Short Cross (2), Edward I London Mint (3), Halfpennies (2) James I S.2663 (2) Near Fine to GVF the majority of the coins evenly struck and Fine or better, with some nearer VF than Fine, a pleasing group
Halfcrowns Charles I (2) Group IV type 4 horseman, foreshortened horse S.2779 mintmark Triangle in Circle Fair, Group IV transitional typeS.2779B mintmark Sun NF, Sixpence Group D, Fourth Bust type 3a, no inner circles, S.2813 mintmark Crown VG
SixpenceCharles I Group D Fourth Bust, type 3a, No inner circles, S.2813 mintmark Crown VF with grey tone and some flan stress, both Ex-Middleham hoard
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