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Sixpence : World Bulk Lots

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Date Sold Category Lot Description Sale Price

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots World 19th and (91) a wide variety, most are late 19th and early 20th Century items, includes One Rappen (2) 1857 GVF, 1903 VF, (2) 20 Mils 1941 VF, 10 Mils 1942 VF, 1935 EF, Two Pfennigs 1908E Lustrous GEF, many other countries represented, including , Germany, , , , and more, with many other useful items, in mixed grades a few later items EF

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots World 1944 Fine, GB base metal issues, (29) s (10), s (2), s (5), Sixpences (8), Pennies (2), (2), in mixed circulated grades and Decimal issues (26) 1989 (9), (8), (6), Five Pence (1), Half (2) in mixed grades many EF to UNC and lustrous, Crowns (56) 1953 (1), 1965 (5), 1972 (6), 1977 (42), 1981 (2), EF to UNC

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots (6) 1896 KM#7 Fine, cleaned, 1896 KM#6 Fine, s (2) 1892 KM#5 Near Fine, 1894 KM#5 Fine with grey tone, 1896 Fine/Good Fine, the obverse with some small spots, 1897 KM#3 GEF/AU and lustrous

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots s to (12) comprising Florins (3) 1927 Parliament House GEF/AU with some hairlines on the obverse, 1936 NVF/VF, 1941 VF, s (3) 1916M GVF/VF with some contact marks on the obverse, 1940 NVF/VF, 1961 GVF/EF, s (2) 1960 EF, 1962 EF, 1924 Good Fine/NVF toned, 1919 Dot below bottom scroll GVF, Halfpennies (2) 1951 , with dot GVF, 1951 PL VF, some with light surface residue from long-term vinyl storage, this possibly removable with care

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots s to (17) comprising Florins (2) 1954 Royal Visit EF with some lustre, 1963 EF/AU with some lustre, s (2) 1955 VF/EF, 1962 EF with some lustre, s (2) 1959 GVF/EF, 1963 UNC and lustrous, s (2) 1925 EF with signs of die clashing on the obverse, 1962 EF/AU and lustrous, die flawed on the obverse, Pennies (5) 1931 Good Fine/Fine, 1932 Good Fine, 1944 VG, 1944 (m) Near Fine, 1963 Perth Good Fine/Fine, Halfpennies (4) 1913 Narrow Date Fine, 1921 Fine, 1941 Fine/Good Fine, 1955 without dot Fine, many with surface residue from long-term vinyl storage, this possibly removable with care

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots s to (52) comprising Florins (3) 1942S Fine/Good Fine, 1960 VF with some spots, 1962 Fine, s (3) 1925 GVF, 1950 Near Fone/Fine, 1958 Near Fine/Fine with dirty surface, s (3) 1921 VG, 1952 VG/Fine, 1953 VG/Fine, s (8) 1918M VG/Near Fine, 1922 VG/Near Fine, 1928 NVF/VF, 1943S Near Fine/Fine, 1951PL Fine, 1952 VG/Fine, 1963 Fine/VF, 1964 Good Fine/GVF, Pennies (18) 1917 I Fine/NVF, 1928 Fine with some spots, 1929 Good Fine/NVF, 1933 Fine, 1942 , dot after PENNY VG, 1943 I (I faint) Fine, 1943 (m) Fine, 1947 (m) Fine with some spots, 1950 (m) Good Fine, 1950 Perth Near Fine/Fine (dot faint), 1951 (m) Good Fine, 1951 Perth Fine, 1952 (m) VF, 1956 (m) 956 doubled in date Good Fine, 1956 Perth VF/Good Fine, 1961 Fine, 1964 (m) Good Fine/Fine, 1964 Perth Fine, Halfpennies (17) 1917 I Bold Fine/Good Fine, 1920 VF, 1922 Near Fine/Fine, 1927 NVF/GVF with an edge nick, 1932 VF, 1933 Fine, 1934 VF with some dirt and a tone line on the reverse, 1935 Fine/NVF, 1938 Fine, 1942 Perth Near Fine/Fine, 1943 (m) Fine, 1943 I Fine/Good Fine, 1948 (m) Fine, 1948 Perth Fine/good Fine, 1951 Perth, no dot, Fine, 1959 NVF, 1962 VF with some spots, many with surface residue from long-term vinyl storage, this possibly removable with care

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots , New , and Southern (28) comprising South Africa (15) 1940 About Fine/Fine, s (3) 1894 Fine, 1896 Fine with an attempted piercing at the top of the obverse, 1942 VG/Near Fine, 1932 VG, s (4) 1933 Near Fine/Fine, 1935 EF with a tone spot on the obverse, 1947 Fine, 1955 VG/Fine, (3) 1935 NEF/GVF, 1936 NVF, 1948 Fine/Good Fine, 1964 GVF with spots, 1964 EF, (2) Shilling 1938 VF with some tone spots, Sixpence 1935 NVF with dirt in the legends, East Africa (10) Shillings (3) 1949 (2) both Fine, 1952 Good Fine, (2) 1948 Fine, 1960 Good Fine/VF, (4) 1941 I NVF, 1942 Fine, 1943SA Fine, 1956 VF, 1941 I Fine, 1944 Fine/Near Fine

Auction 186
World Bulk Lots s to (20) comprising Florins (2) 1914 VG with a dent on the obverse, 1926 VG/Near Fine, 1942S Fine, 1945 About Fine/Fine, s (5) 1915 VG/Fine, 1926 Near Fine/Fine with grey tone, 1944 Near Fine/Fine, 1947 Near Fine/Fine, 1961 Fine with dirty surfaces, Pennies (6) 1915 About Fine/Fine, 1920 Dot below bottom scroll About VF/VF, 1942 Near Fine, 1942 , without I, Fine, 1961 Perth Fine, 1962 Perth Fine, Halfpennies (5) 1912H VF, 1945 Perth (without dot) Near Fine/Fine, 1946 Perth VG/Fine, 1949 Perth Near Fine, 1950 Perth Fine, some with surface residue from long-term vinyl storage, this possibly removable with care

Auction 185
World Bulk Lots World in (74) 19th and , comprising (6) s (2) 1910 VG, 1927 Parliament House Good Fine/NVF, 1910 VG, 1910 VG/Fine, s (2) 1910 VG/Near Fine, 1940 Fine, (3) 1918 Fine, 1910 VG/Fine, 1917C VG/Near Fine, (2) Five Cents (2) 1910 VG/Fine the obverse scratched, 1918 VF, (3) 1877 Good Fine, 1886 , B Incuse Good Fine, 1894 Calcutta VF, (2) (2) 1868A VG, 1918 Fine, Gersh 1891 1956 VF/GVF, (2) Two 1944 (2) VF and EF, (4) Halfcrown 1934 VG/Near Fine, Sixpence 1937 Fine/Good Fine, Threepence (2) 1936 NEF, 1937 Good Fine/VF, (11) (5) 1845 VG, 1863 Near Fine, 1915 Fine, 1929 GVF/NEF, 1940 Lustrous EF, 25 Cents (2) 1849 VG, 1912 VG, Ten Cents (4) 1885 Fine, 1893 VG, 1901 VG, 1918 GF, (4) 50 Franc 1950 Dutch Legend Good Fine with some hairlines, (2) 1910 Legend Near Fine/Fine, 1911 Dutch Legend Fine, One Franc 1912 French Legend Fine, (2) Two Lati 1926 Fine, One Lats 1924 Fine, (2) 1916 VG/Near Fine, Ten Ore 1899 Fine, (7) 16 (4) 1856 (2) both VG one with surface residue, 1857 Near Fine, the obverse with some scratches, 1858 Fine, 1900 Good Fine, (2) 1899 Fine, 1919 EF, Lev 1913 Fine, 50 Bani 1910 VG, 1916H Fine, - - Five 1797 VG, 2½ Schilling 1787 VG, Netherlands - Deventer Six Stuivers 1688 VG scratched, 1945 Good Fine/VF, - Lire 1825 Fine, & 1833 VG/Near Fine, Five Cents 1889 Fine, Ten Centesimos 1877A Fine, Three Kreuzer 1833 VG, (11) Two 1945 Good Fine/VF, Krona (6) 1916W Fine, 1924W Fine, 1936G VF, 1937G Fine/GF, 1938G Near Fine/Fine, 1939G Good Fine, 25 Ore (3) 1902EB NVF, 1918W VG, 1934G Near Fine, Ten Cents 1907EB Good Fine

Auction 185
World Bulk Lots (50) s (6) 1910 VG, 1911VG, 1916M About Fine/Fine, 1918M VG, 1927 Parliament House, Fine, 1954 Royal Visit Near Fine/About Fine, s (14) 1910 VG/Fine, 1911 VG/About Fine, 1914 VG or better/Near Fine, 1916M VF cleaned, 1917M Fine, 1918M VG with a spot on the reverse, 1920M VG or better/Near Fine, 1922 Fine with two heavy contact marks on the obverse, 1924 VG/About Fine, 1925 VG, 1926 Near Fine/Fine, 1927 Fine. the reverse slightly better, 1928 VG or better/Fine, 1942S Fine, s (16) 1910 About Fine/Good Fine, 1911 Fine with grey tone and some contact marks, 1912 VG/Near Fine, Rare, 1914 Near Fine/About Fine, 1916M Near Fine/About Fine, Rare, 1917M VG, 1920M Near Fine/Fine, 1923 VG , 1924 VG with a scuff on the reverse, 1925 Fine/Good Fine, 1926 Fine, 1928 Fine/Good Fine, 1936 Fine, 1945 Near Fine/Fine with some edge nicks and surface marks, 1951PL VG/Fine, 1957 VG/Fine, s (14) 1910 Near Fine/Good Fine, 1911 VG/Fine, the obverse with some scratches, 1912 Fine/Good Fine, the obverse with some contact marks, 1918M VG, 1919M Fine/NVF, 1921M GF/NVF with some scratches, 1926 VG/Fine, 1927 Near Fine/Good Fine, 1928 Fine/VF cleaned, 1936 Fine, 1942D VG/Fine, 1943 Near Fine/Good Fine with speckled tone, 1944S Fine/VF, 1950 Fine/VF the obverse with some scratches

Auction 185
World Bulk Lots Edward VIII Fantasy s 1937 (25) by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII, struck in .925 , struck in the early 1990s, the mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces FDC

Auction 185
World Bulk Lots World (7) (4) s (2) 1896 KM#7 Fine or better with grey tone and a scratch in the reverse field, 1897 KM#7 GVF, 1897 KM#5 VF, 1940 KM#26 NEF/EF and lustrous with some small spots, 1927 KM#25 NEF, Southern Sixpence 1937 K#EF/AU, Shilling 1935 KM#3 GVF/About EF, the obverse with some contact marks
£100 London Coins : A185 : Lot 3560 : World (7) South Africa (4) Halfcrowns (2) 1896 KM#7 Fine or better with grey tone and a scratch in t... London Coins : A185 : Lot 3560 : World (7) South Africa (4) Halfcrowns (2) 1896 KM#7 Fine or better with grey tone and a scratch in t...

Auction 185
World Bulk Lots and (13) Australia (11) s (4) 1910 About Fine/Good Fine, 1911 VG/Fine, 1916M Fine/Good Fine, 1926 Fine, s (4) 1910 VG/Fine, 1917M Near Fine, 1927 Good Fine, 1943D Good Fine/VF, s (3) 1911 VG, 1914 VG/Fine, 1927 Fine, Canada (2) 1870 VG, 1883H VG Rare

Auction 185
World Bulk Lots World (10) (2) Five Dollars 2013 Maple Leaf One UNC, 1962 VF, (3) Two s 1896 Near Fine, Shilling 1893 Fair, Rare, 1931 Near Fine, (3) Shilling 1922 VG, s (2) 1942D Fine, 1945 VG/Near Fine, Penny 1953 Near Fine/Fine, and Queen 1897 25mm diameter in silver The Official issue NVF with a stain on the reverse

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots (15) Quarter Eighth Coinage, Fair, One Eighth Thistle Merk Jemes VI (1601-1603) (2) both Fair and clipped, (2) 1557 S.5437 VG, James VI S.5513 Fair, James VI S.5511 Fair with some flan loss, (2) Mary (1542-1558) Fair, Mary (1542-1558) Reverse: Voided Cross S.5433 VG with some flan loss, Lion Mary (1½d) (2) the first with Dolphins to left S.5450 VG, the second worn, Hardhead James VI S.5518, Twopence (3) James VI S.5521 (1597) Fair, James VI Lion rampant with pellets behind (2) S.5523 the first Fair, holed, the second Poor, along with a Twopence Earl of Stirling Coinage Fair, this possibly a contemporary counterfeit
£220 London Coins : A184 : Lot 2501 : Scotland (15) Quarter Thistle Merk James VI Eighth Coinage, Fair, One Eighth Thistle Merk Jemes VI (... London Coins : A184 : Lot 2501 : Scotland (15) Quarter Thistle Merk James VI Eighth Coinage, Fair, One Eighth Thistle Merk Jemes VI (...

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots (5) Eighth Coinage S.5503, Edinburgh Mint S.5200 VG with some flan loss, James V First Coinage S.5381 VG with some flan loss, Edinburgh Mint S.5145 VG on a ragged flan, Lion/Hardhead Mary Reverse: Dolphins to right S.5449 VG some perforation to the flan

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots (32) s 1921 Star (3) VG and Fair (2), s (20) 1910 (5), 1911 (3), 1914 (2), 1916M (VG), 1917M, 1918M (2) (Fine, toned and VG), 1922 (3) (Fine and VG [2]), 1936, 1943S (EF), 1959 (VF/NEF), s (9) 1910 (4) (EF/GEF, NEF, GVF and GF/VF), 1911, 1912, 1914, 1915 (VG, Rare), 1936 (NEF), mostly Fair to Fine, some better as stated, includes some rarer dates and types

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots and (32) British West Africa (19) 1913, 1913H, (2) 1920H, 1940, 1919H, (11) 1908, 1936H Edward VIII (5), 1936KN Edward VIII (4), 1937KN, NEF, (2) 1907 Aluminium, 1908 -, in mixed grades to GVF, some of the Pennies cleaned, East Africa (13) Shillings (7) 1921H, 1924, 1937, 1941 I (4), Half Shilling (1) 1937H, (2) 1936H Edward VIII, 1937KN, (2) 1936KN Edward VIII, 1941 I KM#25.1, East Africa & 1911H, in mixed grades VG to VF

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots (23) s to comprising Florins (5) 1928 Near Fine, 1930 Near Fine, 1931 VG, 1933 VG or better, 1934 Near Fine, s (3) 1934 (2) both GVF/VF one with an edge knock, 1945 NVF/GF cleaned and retoned, 1942 Fine, Pennies (4) 1935 VF, 1937 Fine, cleaned, 1940 Fine, cleaned, Halfpennies (8) 1769 Evasion with George II head VG, 1769 Fair, 1805 (2) Fair and Poor, 1935 VF with some spots, 1941 (3) Near Fine and Fine (2), 1943 Fine, and Two Pence 1971 VF

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots (16) s (2) 1937 VF/GVF, 1941 VF, Two s (3) 1932 Fine/Good Fine, 1941 NVF/VF, 1943 GVF with some spots, Shillings (4) 1936 VF/GVF, 1940 NEF, 1941 (2) EF toned and VF, s (2) 1932 NVF, 1960 NVF/NEF, 1926 GVF, 1942 NVF/VF, 1942 EF, 1965 VF, 1965 NEF

Auction 184
World Bulk Lots (23) s (2) 1951 50th Year Jubilee (2) KM#47 both EF, s (3) 1916M Fine, toned, 1921 Star VG with a tone line on the reverse, Rare, 1946 GVF/NEF, s (3) 1941 NVF/VF, 1942D NEF, 1951PL Good Fine/NVF, s (6) 1942S, 1943D, 1943S, 1944S, 1958 VG to VF some with surface corrosion, Pennies (5) 1911, 1931, 1935, 1955 and 1956 Fine to VF, (4) 1916 I, 1917 I, 1927, 1933, Good Fine to NVF

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots World a varied group (61) with many in includes 1947, 4 1/2 1901 Fine/Good Fine, (6) 1911 Fine, s (3) 1917M Near Fine, 1920M Fine, 1922 VG, s (2) 1921M GVF, 1922 GVF, 1859 9 over 8 NVF, One Cents (8) 1844 Fine, 1846 VG, 1853 VG, 1864L VG, 1868 Fair/VG, 1881 VG, 1888 Fine, scratched, 1894 Fine, Five Lire 1926R NEF, many countries represented includes Canada, , , , , , , and more, some VF to EF includes some useful items, plus a further group of World base metal issues (157) these in mixed circulated grades

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots £1.02 1/2 face, in mixed circulated grades, Ireland s (5) 1928 (2), 1939, 1940 (2), Near Fine to NVF, along with World silver issues (230 grammes), and a small group of World base metal issues (13) in mixed grades, along with n Heads (38) includes 1859 NVG

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots (9) s (3) 1923 VF, 1932 VF, 1934 NVF with some spots, s (3) 1929 NVF/GF the obverse cleaned, 1933VF/Good Fine with some spots, 1936 About VF with some hairlines, s (3) 1924 GVF lightly toned, 1926 VF with some contact marks, lightly toned, 1929 GVF lightly toned with some small spots

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots (9) s (5) 1892 Near Fine/Fine, 1893 Fine, 1894 Near Fine/Fine with some spots, 1895 Fine, 1896 About Fine, toned, with an old this scratch on the reverse, s (4) 1892 Good Fine, toned, 1893 Good Fine/Fine, 1894 Fine, 1896 VF toned

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots s and s (24) Sixpences (11) 1923 VG, 1924 Fine/NVF, 1925 VG with some scratches, 1926 Fine, 1927 About Fine, 1930 Near Fine, 1932 Good Fine, lightly cleaned, 1934 Fine, 1935 VG, 1947 Fine/Good Fine, 1954 VG, Threepences (13) 1923 Fine/Good Fine, 1925 KM#A15 VG/Near Fine, the obverse with some scratches, 1925 KM#15.1 VG, 1927 Fine, the obverse with some scratches, 1928 VG, 1935 Fine, 1936 VG/Near Fine, 1938 Fine with uneven tone, 1939 Fine, 1940 Fine/VF, 1944 Fine, 1946 Fine, 1947 VG

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots (9) s (5) 1941 NEF/EF and lustrous with some spots, 1946 GVF, 1950 VF/GVF, 1958 NEF, 1960 Lustrous UNC with a tone spot on the obverse, (4) 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 these UNC and lustrous, two with small spots

Auction 183
World Bulk Lots s (14) 1938 VF, 1940 VG/Near Fine, 1942 VF, 1944 Fine/NVF, 1945 Fine/Good Fine, 1948 Fine, cleaned, 1949 VG, 1951 Fine, toned with some scratches, 1952 GEF and lustrous, 1953 GVF/NEF, 1955 Fine, 1956 NVF, 1957 VF/EF the reverse lustrous, 1959 Near Fine/Fine

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots Southern (73) s (12) 1932 (3), 1934, 1935 (2), 1936, 1939 (2), 1940, 1941, 1946, Two s (15) 1932 (2), 1935, 1936 (6), 1937 (3), 1939 (2, Fine and Good Fine, Rare), 1940, Shillings (22) 1932 (5), 1934 (3), 1936 (5), 1937 2), 1939 (2), 1940, 1942, 1944 (3), s (16) 1932, 1934, 1935 (2), 1936 (2), 1937 (2), 1941 (2), 1942, 1944, 1945 (2), s (8) 1935 (2), 1939, 1941, 1942, 1946 (3) VG to GVF, a useful group, some scarce or rare

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots Southern , Rhodesia & , Rhodesia and , a in an album (172) comprising (114) Crowns 1953 (2) both Near Fine, s (15) 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940 (EF/GEF and lustrous), 1942, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, (many of the Halfcrowns are taped into the album), Two s (17) 1932, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939 (Fine, scarce), 1940, 1942, 1944 (2), 1946 (About Fine/Good Fine, Rare), 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1954 (About Fine/Fine), Shillings (17) 1932 (2), 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, s (17) 1932, 1934 (VF), 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940 (2), 1941, 1942, 1945 (Fine/GF), 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, s (17) 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1952, Pennies (19) 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 (2), 1940, 1941, 1942 , 1942 -, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1954, (10) 1934, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1951, 1952, 1954, Rhodesia & Nyasaland (28) Halfcrown 1955, Two Shillings (3) 1955, 1956, 1957, Shillings (2) 1956, 1957, Sixpences (4) 1955, 1956, 1957, 1962, Threepences (7) 1955, 1956, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1964 (2), Pennies (7) 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1963, Halfpennies (4) 1955, 1957, 1958, 1964, Rhodesia (28) (3) 1964, 1975 (2), (4) 1964, 1975, 1977 (2), (3) 1964, 1975 (3), (5) 1973, 1975 (2), 1976, 1977, 2½ Cents (4) 1968, 1970 (3), (5) 1970, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1977, s (4) 1970 (2, one gilded), 1971, 1972, 1975, Zimbabwe (2) 20 Cents 1980, One Cent 1980, in mixed grades, along with GB Crown 1937 Fine

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots A general lot that must go (starting bid £1). World coins mostly late base metal issues (over 20 kilos), GB 50p large size (28) from circulation, 1986 (21), 1989 Bill (4) mixed grades a proportion lustrous, a mix of the larger and 5p from circulation over £25 face, s - issues (over £100 face value some lustrous) along with accessories these mostly promoters empty cases, boxes and packaging

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots (12) 1953 nFDC, 1942 GVF, 1942 VF/GVF, s 1937 (2) EF and NEF, 1945 A/UNC, Pennies (3) 1944 GEF with traces of lustre, 1951 Lustrous UNC, 1953 Proof UNC toned, (3) 1942 A/UNC, 1946 UNC with good lustre, 1953 Proof UNC toned

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots World (18) (6) s (2) 1928 Fine, 1940 VG, s (2) 1928 VF, 1942 Fine, s (2) 1928 VF, 1941 VF, (4) Florins (2) 1947 Fine, 1961 GEF and lustrous, Shilling 1910 VG, 1953 Fine, (1) 1931 VG, (2) Shilling 1932 Fine/VF, 1954 Near Fine/Fine, Three 1901 Fair, 25 Cents 1894 VG/Fair, (2) 1995 Queen Mother 95th Birthday FDC in capsule, One Pound 1999 Sir Churchill 125th Anniversary of his Birth Silver Proof nFDC in capsule, 1994 the Queen Mother Silver Proof nFDC

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots (23) s (2) 1938, 1954, Two s (5) 1892, 1932, 1937, 1952, 1958, Shillings (4) 1929, 1941, 1950, 1954, s (6) 1923, 1926, 1936 (EF) , 1941, 1950, 1951, s (6) 1923, 1929, 1933 (GVF), 1943, 1946, 1957, in mixed grades VG to Good Fine unless stated

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots Southern /Rhodesia & /Rhodesia (15) comprising (2) 1937 A/UNC and lustrous, 1950 A/UNC, Rhodesia & Nyasaland (3) Sixpence 1957UNC, (2) 1955 UNC with some lustre, 1964 Lustrous UNC, Rhodesia (10) (2) 1964 UNC, 1975 UNC, (2) 1975 UNC, 1977 Lustrous UNC, (2) 1964 UNC, 1975 Lustrous UNC , 2½ Cents 1970 Lustrous UNC, (2) 1976 Lustrous UNC, 1977 Lustrous UNC, 1975 UNC with traces of lustre

Auction 182
World Bulk Lots World (24) (5) 1927 Parliament House Good Fine, s (3) 1926 VG, 1948 Good Fine, 1951PL NEF toned, 1917M NEF toned, holed, (3) George V worn, (2) 1916 Fine, and another, date worn, (3) s (2) 1896 (2) Good Fine and Fine, Sixpence 1941 VG, 50 Mils 1942 Fine, toned, (5) Ten Cents 1950 (3) EF, GEF and A/UNC, (2) 1948 VF, 1950 A/UNC, 1930 Fine, Shilling 1950H Fine, Shilling 1913 Fine, toned, holed, 1940 , Near Fine, Fine, Ten cents 1921 VG, (2) Ten Centesimos 1877 Near Fine, Two Centesimos 1909 Fine

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots s to a comprehensive group in an album (232) comprising Sixpences (48) 1910, 1911, 1912, 1914, 1916M, 1917M, 1918M, 1919M, 1920M, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1942D, 1942S, 1943D, 1943S, 1944S, 1945, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1951PL, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, s (52) 1910, 1911, 1912, 1914, 1915, 1916M, 1917M, 1918M, 1919M, 1920M, 1921, 1921M, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1942D, 1942S, 1943, 1943D, 1943S, 1944S , 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1951PL, 1952, 1953, 1954, 19551956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, Pennies (74) 1911, 1912H, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1915H, 1916I, 1917, 1918I, 1919 No Dots, 1919 Dot below lower scroll, 1920 No Dots, 1920 Dot below lower scroll, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1938, 1939, 1940 (2), 1941 (2), 1941 Dot after PENNY, 1942 - No I, 1942I, 1943 , 1943I, 1944 , 1944 Perth, 1945, 1946, 1947 Melbourne, 1947 Perth, 1948 Melbourne, 1948 Perth, 1949, 1950 Melbourne, 1950 Perth, 1951 Melbourne, 1951 Perth, 1951 PL, 1952 Melbourne (2), 1953 Melbourne Plain 5, 1953 Melbourne Serif 5, 1955 Melbourne, 1955 Perth, 1956 Melbourne, 1956 Perth, 1957, 1958 Melbourne, 1958 Perth, 1959 Melbourne, 1959 Perth, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 Melbourne, 1964 Perth, and Halfpennies (58) 1911, 1912H, 1913, 1914, 1914H, 1915H Rare, 1916I, 1917I, 1918I, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1924,m 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1939 , 1940, 1941, 1942 Melbourne, 1942 Perth, 1942I, 1943 Melbourne, 1943 Perth, 1944 Melbourne, 1945 Perth - Not Dot, 1945 Perth - Dot, 1946 Perth, 1947 Perth, 1948 Melbourne, 1948 Perth, 1949 Perth, 1950 Perth, 1951 Perth - No Dot, 1951 Perth - Dot, 1951 PL, 1952 Perth, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, the key dates and types mostly in lower grades, the others in mixed grades with some EF and some lustrous, a very useful group

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots World in (15) 1959 GF/NVF, 1934 VG, 1969D GEF and lustrous, 1914 VF, 1959VG, GB 1942 VG, 1900 VG, - 1916F VG, Five s 1961 Good Fine, toned, (6) Krona (2) 1965U EF, 1966U Fine, (2) 1953TS Fine, 1958TS VF, Ten Ore (2) 1953TS Fine, 1954TS Fine, along with World base metal issues (607) includes issues from France, Ireland, Netherlands, , , Germany, Sweden, USA, in mixed circulated grades

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots World (107) includes (7) s (3) 1896 Fine, 1942 About Fine, 1956 Fine/Good Fine, Two s 1896 Fine, Shilling 1896 Fine, 1941 Near Fine, (2) Five s 1953 Hidalgo NEF, Peso 1958 Lustrous UNC, along with 19th and from a wide variety of countries mostly base metal, includes some minors, many countries represented includes issues from , , , , , South Africa, , , , , , , , , , and more, in mixed grades some lustrous

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots issues 1952 (6) Crown, , , , and , the Threepence with a slight hint of toning nFDC to FDC , the others FDC and brilliant

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots World (8) (3) 1897 VF with grey tone, Two s 1896 Good Fine, 1942 GVF with some hairlines, (2) 1927H Good Fine, 1863 Fine with a few small spots, 1941 NEF/EF the obverse with some contact marks, Five Francs 1960 GEF, /Half Shilling 1937H NVF/VF

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots (16) 1937 Good Fine/NVF, s (3) 1951 50th Year Jubilee GVF/NEF toned, 1954 Royal Visit KM#55 GEF/AU and lustrous, 1954 KM#54 Near Fine/Fine, s (3) 1936 Fine/Good Fine, 1943D GVF/NEF, 1945 Fine/Good Fine, s (2) 1910 GVF/NEF lightly toned, 1949 Fine/Good Fine, (5) 1942 , Fine, 1944 Perth, Fine, 1949 Good Fine, 1960 Good Fine, 1962 NVF, 1921 Near Fine, Coinage (2) 2002 VF, along with Five cents 1972 Good Fine/VF

Auction 181
World Bulk Lots World (15) (2) 1961 Lustrous UNC, 1951 PL NEF/EF, Ten 1952 VF, 1956 EF, (2) 1953 Dutch legend EF, 1914 legend GVF, 1958 EF, One Franc 1914 GVF, One Korona 1895 Fine, 50 1952 NEF, - (1936-1937) VF, 20 Centavos 1882 Good Fine, 20 Centavos 1914 Fine, 25 Centavos 1958 Fine, Half Dinero 1890 VF

Auction 180
World Bulk Lots to s ZAR issues (19) 2½ Shillings (7) 1892 GVF, 1893 NVF/GF with some repairs on either side, 1894 NVF with some surface marks, 1895 Fine with some surface marks, 1897 (3) GF brushed, NVF/GF toned, and NVF/VF, Two Shillings (4) 1892 Good Fine, 1893 Fine, 1896 Fine/Good Fine, 1897 VF with a scratch in the obverse field, Shillings (4) 1894 Fine, the portrait engraved with hat, jacket and pipe, 1896 GF/NVF the obverse with some scratches, 1897 (2) the first NEF, the second Fine, the portrait engraved with hat, jacket and cigar, the hair and beard tooled, s (2) 1893 Fine, 1896 GVF/NEF, Threepences (2) 1893 Good Fine/Fine, 1896 GVF/VF toned

Auction 180
World Bulk Lots World (22) (4) 1945 EF lightly toned, (3) 1912 GEF with some hairlines, 1936 UNC toned, slightly uneven toning on the obverse, 1943 NEF, (6) 1913 NVF/VF, (5) 1928 (4) A/UNC to UNC, 1950 UNC, & Protectorate 1906 GVF/NEF toned, GB 1893 UNC or near so and lustrous, (2) 1890 CΠБ VF, 1923 Y#82 EF, 50 1916S UNC or near so with minor cabinet friction, 1943D KM#38 Lustrous AU/UNC with some golden toning, AH1293/17 KM#735 EF, Ten 1959 A/UNC and with attractive golden tone, 1910 UNC with practically full lustre, Five Mils 1939 GEF with a small flan flaw, Two 1917 EF, Krona 1947TS Lustrous EF

Auction 180
World Bulk Lots World (36) (4) Dollars (2) 1882 Good Fine/Fine, 1921 Good Fine, the obverse with some surface residue, 1964 UNC and lustrous with a hint of toning, One Cent 1887 VG, (3) Five Francs 1868 Good Fine, Ten Centimes 1832 Fine, 1878 Fine, (3) 1689 OctR VG, Halfcrown 1928 VG, 1693 VG, the reverse better, (2) Two s 1897 NVF, Shilling 1892 Fine, 1936 Good Fine, Near Fine/Fine, Shilling 1913 Fine/VF, (4) 1822A Near Fine, (3) 1912 Fine, 1913 Good Fine, 1918 Good Fine, toned, (2) 1/12th Shilling 1877H Fine, 1/24th Shilling 1877H Fine with some surface marks and spots, 1864 Fine, 1830 Fine, One 1862 VG holed, (2) Five Pfennigs 1906A Fine, City of Duren Ten Pfennigs 1918 Iron, Fine, (2) One Lire 1825 Near Fine, dom of Five Soldi 1813M Fine/Good Fine, Two Centesimi 1867M Fine, Two Centimos 1870 OM Fine, One Cent 1901 Fine, Half Kopek 1897 Good Fine, Four Falus AH1285 VG, 25 Satang Tin BE2489 VG, GB Model 1851 Prince of NVF, Token , J.Huskins King Street Darlaston, Genuine Flour & Bread Warehouse VF

Auction 180
World Bulk Lots World (15) (7) s (4) 1894 (2) both Good Fine, 1896 Fine, 1897 Good Fine, 1893 Fine, One Rand (2) 1966 Lustrous UNC, 1967 Afrikaans legend Lustrous UNC/AU with light toning, 1963 UNC, (4) 1840 About Fine/Fine, 1926 Near Fine, (2) 1884 VG, 1917 Good Fine, - Three Marks 1913A Wilhelm II 25th Year of Reign KM#535 NVF/VF, - Five Reichsmarks (2) 1934F Potsdam Church, with 21 Marz 1933 legend, KM#82 NVF, 1935F Hindenburg KM#86 About VF
£80 London Coins : A180 : Lot 2293 : World (15) South Africa (7) Shillings (4) 1894 (2) both Good Fine, 1896 Fine, 1897 Good Fine, Sixpen... London Coins : A180 : Lot 2293 : World (15) South Africa (7) Shillings (4) 1894 (2) both Good Fine, 1896 Fine, 1897 Good Fine, Sixpen...

Auction 180
World Bulk Lots World a wide ranging group (9) includes medallic issues comprising 2014 Centenary of World War I, 5oz. Gold plated Proof, The Waterloo 1815-2015 by shire Medal Service after B.Pictrucci 88mm diameter in layered with silver, an impressive issue Prooflike UNC in the box of issue with certificate, 2019 50th Anniversary of the First Flight of e in -plated Silver, Proof FDC in the soft case of issue with certificate, 2 1/2 Euros 2015 Battle of Waterloo, UNC on the card of issue, 1972 GVF, GB (2) 1966 VG, Silver 1935 VF, The Duke of Medal 2015 45mm diameter in platinum plated bronze Proof FDC boxed with certificate, GB The Queen's 2002 32mm diameter in Brass UNC, Sets (3) Five Pounds 2014 a 3-coin set 'By Air, By Sea, By Land' each with a different reverse design UNC in the wallet of issue, GB Britain's First Coins 1968/71 UNC in the blue wallet of issue, The Historic an 8-coin set comprising 1947, Florin 1947, Shilling 1957E, 1959, 1967, Penny 1912, 1967 and 1946 in mixed circulated grades, Banknotes (2) One Pound Somerset DX43 011620 EF, Fe A78N 655845 Near EF, and a brass ashtray

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots (44) 30 Pence s (2) 1808 (2) the first NVF cleaned, the second Fine with some haymar and an edge crack, Bank Tokens (3) 1805 the first VG/Near Fine with some scratches, the second Fair, 1813 VG/Near Fine, Five Pence Bank Tokens 1805 (4) NVF and VG (3), Pennies (2) George III worn, and 1822 VG, worn, (28) 1682, 1693, 1723 Woods (2), 1746, 1750, 1769 (5) ,1781 (3), 1782 (2), 1805 (9), 1822 (2), 1823, s (4) 1723 Woods Fair, 1806 (3), Token 1812, VG to Good Fine

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (approximately 12 Kilos) a wide range of countries represented, mostly base metal issues, with many crown-sized, includes some Issues, many EF to Lustrous UNC, includes (351) s (42), s (9), s (13) s (77), s (2), Pennies (47), (21), s (24), (4), Decimal Two Pence (11) Decimal One (12), Decimal Half Penny (89) the pre-Decimals mostly 1960s issues, most are EF to UNC the vast majority lustrous

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (78) (16) Crown 1960, 1955, Two s 1952, Shillings (10) 1896, 1897 (2), 1941, 1943 (2), 1950, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1937, 1959, 1961, (13) Halfcrowns (3) 1934, 1948, 1949, s (8) 1934, 1935, 1942 (2), 1943, 1944, 1945, 1962, (2) 1943, 1944, (2) 20 1900A, 5 Lepta 1900A, 20 Korun 1934, (2) 1854A, Five Centimes 1897A, 1944, Year 31 (1898) , One Lire 1917R, 1915, (7) (3) BE2505 (1962), BE2509 5th n Games - Bangkok 1966, BE2513 6th Asian Games - Bangkok 1970 , 10 Baht BE2514 (2), 50 Satang BE2500, 25 Satang BE2500, (2) 1949 Belgie legend, Reverse inverted, 1904 Dutch Legend, 10 Krajczar 1870KB, 10 1865, Three s 1974 Archbishop Makarios X#M8, Five AH1223/26, Quarter Ore 1638, 25 Cents EE1936 (1943-44), Quarter Tanga 1881, (3) Half Kopek (Denga) (2) 1748, 1749, Quarter Kopek 1735, Token issues (21) (17), GB (3) and Belgium (1) mainly USA Tran Tokens, in mixed grades many VF to UNC with some lustrous

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (20 kilos) mostly post war base metal issues sorted by country but including useable currency such as $2 and $1, $2 and $1, Euros (over 1 face value), including 50p, Pounds and , (over 6 face), including coins, GB - issues including s and s back to George VI (over 5 kilos) will be £45 face. Along with paper money German Marks (pre Euro issues) 180, and £3, USA $6 all circulated

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (24) comprising (14) s (5) 1893 Fine, 1894 About Fine, 1895 VG, 1897 Fine, 1932 Fine/Good Fine, Two s (3) 1892 Fine, toned, 1896 VF, 1930 Near Fine/Fine, 1892 Near Fine/Fine, 1897 VF, (2) Shilling 1910 Good Fine, nicely toned, Sixpence 1911 VF, (3) Shilling 1913 GVF/NEF, Sixpence 1919H Good Fine, Threepence 1919H Fine/Good Fine, 1912 Fine, under Administration (4) One 1907S Good Fine, 1903 VF, 1904S GVF, Ten Centavos 1904S K NEF the last three with matching tone
£160 London Coins : A179 : Lot 2665 : World (24) comprising South Africa (14) Halfcrowns (5) 1893 Fine, 1894 About Fine, 1895 VG, 1897 Fin... London Coins : A179 : Lot 2665 : World (24) comprising South Africa (14) Halfcrowns (5) 1893 Fine, 1894 About Fine, 1895 VG, 1897 Fin...

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots Fantasy issues s 1937 (25) by Maklouf, both bearing the portrait of Edward VIII and struck in .925 . Made in the early 1990s with a mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces, FDC

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots , , Southern and East Africa (35) comprising South Africa (29) s (2) 1935, 1941, Two s (5) 1896 (2), 1927, 1941, 1954, Shillings (2) 1927, 1951, 1935, s (19) 1927 (3), 1930 (2), 1932 (2), 1933, 1935, 19368, 1939 (2), 1955, in mixed grades VG to VF, German East Africa (3) One Rupie 1905J (2) NVF and VF both cleaned, Quarter Rupie 1914J Fine/Good Fine, Threepences (2) 1951 VG, 1952 Fine, East Africa Shilling 1942 I Good Fine

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (11) 1910J KM#9 Good Fine, 1897 KM#4 NEF, 1845 WW on truncation KM#2 Fine, Year 11 (1936) Y#50 Near Fine, Half 1815 KM#80 Fair, - 50 Pfennigs 1875B KM#6 Fine, Germany - Two Marks 1951J KM#111 VF, Five Ore 1920 Iron KM#368a Fine, scarce, Two s 1928 Schubert KM#2843 NVF, Germany - Notgeld issues (2) 500 Marks 1922 Good Fine with some edge knocks, 50 Pfennigs 1924 A/UNC and lustrous

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (13) (2) 1949 Good Fine, 1963 VF/NVF, (2) 1919M VF, 1910 GVF/NEF, (2) 1832 Good Fine, One 1813 NVF/VF () 1891 Fine/VF, (2) 1899 Fine, 1900H Good Fine, (3) s (2) 1933 Fine with some flan flaws, 1935 GVF, 1934 Good Fine, Two Stivers 1815 VG/Near Fine

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (22) Ten Francs 1930 BELGIE Dutch Legend KM#100 Fine, 1970 KM#49 FAO A/UNC, 1895 Fine, Ten Centesimi 1867 OM VF, Five Centimes 1870 NVF, 1874 VF/EF, 40 Reis KM#391 Near Fine, 20 Centimos 1877 VF, GB 1924 EF, Pennies 1958 (4) Lustrous UNC, Rhodesia Sixpence/Five Cent 1964 UNC with some small spots, (7) 1961 UNC and lustrous, Sixpences 1963 (4) all Lustrous UNC with a hint of toning, 1962 (2), Token One 1838 Trade and Navigation Good Fine

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots World (9) 1910 KM#19 VF, 1891 KM#2 NEF, (2) 1927H KM#16 Good Fine, 1927H KM#14 VF, Five Cents 1899 KM#5 NEF, (2) Year 31 (1898) Y#25 Fine/Good Fine, 100 Mon (1835-1870) C#7 Fine, - Four s 1804 KM#266 VG, Tangka (1 1/2 Sho) c.1895 Obverse: 3 dots in angles, Reverse: Single dot in angles VF

Auction 179
World Bulk Lots (38) s (17) 1950, 1962 (5), 1963 (11), s (3) 1962, 1963 (2), 1961, Pennies (6) 1961, 1962 (5), (4) 1961, 1962 (3) A/UNC to UNC all lustrous, some of the - issues with an attractive light tone

Auction 178
World Bulk Lots World in (36) a wide variety of countries represented, comprising 1907 KM#26 GF/NVF, 1936 KM#16.2 UNC or near so and lustrous, 1954 Royal Visit KM#55 A/UNC toned, 1906 KM#3 UNC or near so and lustrous, (4) Five Corona 1907 KM#2807 Fine/Good Fine, Quarter Florin 1862V KM#2214 Fine/Good Fine, 25 1955 Re-Opening of the National Theatre KM#2880 Lustrous UNC, the reverse toned, Five Schillings 1934 KM#2853 EF toned, 1963 KM#56 Lustrous EF with speckled toning, Canada - 25 Cents 1917C About Fine, Ten AH1293/10W (1884) VG, Florin 1945 KM#10 EF and lustrous, Ten Markkaa 1967 50th Anniversary of Independence KM# 50 Lustrous UNC, Ten Francs 1965 KM#932 Lustrous EF, (4) 1862 KM#473.1 Fine, One Rupee 1942 KM#557.14 VF, 1907 KM#506 VG/Fine, toned, 1919 Calcutta KM#518 GVF, (7) Ten Lire 1927R KM#68.1 Good Fine, Five Lire 1930R GVF, Two Lire (2) 1905 KM#33 Fine/Good Fine, 1917R KM#55 GVF, One Lira (3) 1884R KM#24.1 Fine, 1907R KM#32 Fine, 1913R KM#45 Good Fine, 1922 KM#161.1 Fine, Netherland Antilles Gulden 1952 KM#2 Fine, (2) 1934 KM#5 About Fine/Good Fine, Florin 1933 KM#4 Near Fine, (2) Ten 1964 Sesquicentennial KM#413 Lustrous UNC, Ten Ore 1892 KM#350 Fine, 50 Mils 1939 KM#6 Good Fine, Five 1948 KM#581 GVF, Five Francs 1965B KM#40 GVF, 1851 Fair, 50 Centesimos 1917 KM#22 Fine

Auction 178
World Bulk Lots GB and World comprising GB History of Our Monarchy 1936 Year of the Three s gold 0.50 grammes of 14 carat gold nFDC, s (6) 2012 London s plated , nFDC to FDC in the box of issue with certificate, 2009 3-Year countdown to the London Olympics - UNC on the Royal Mint card of issue, 2012 London Olympics (3) cupro-nickel UNC on the Royal Mint cards of issue, each with a touch of toning at the top, 1996 II 80th Birthday EF, Crowns (53) 1953 (1), 1977 (10), 1980 (15), 1981 (27) EF to UNC, Pre-1947 silver £0.92 1/2 face, Silver s pre-1920 (7, one inscribed A J), s cupro-nickel issues (14), s (33), s (9), Pennies (8), (3), s (2), Coinage (29) 1986 Games (12) EF to UNC, (1), (2), Five Pence (6), Two Pence (4), One (3), Half Penny (1), Promoters items (12) mostly Crown-sized UNC, World (10) 1996 Silver Proof FDC in capsule with certificate, One 1977 Olympic Games, UNC in a slide case, 1964 EF, (4) Punt (3) 1990 (2), 1994, 1992, Ten Francs 1990, Five Pesetas 1999, and a modern token, in mixed circulated grades, Medals (2) Leeds d FA Cup Winners 1992 VF, and a prize medal Assembly League 20th Year VF

Auction 178
World Bulk Lots GB and World comprising GB Plastic Set 1953 (9 coins) UNC in the wallet of issue, Year Set 1983 (8 coins, to Half ) UNC in the wallet of issue, Crowns to s 19th and , Crowns (29) 1953, 1965 (2), 1972 (3), 1977 (9), 1980 (5), 1981 (9), A/UNC to UNC, s (5), s (2), Shillings (21), s (23, one on a chain), s (6), Threepences (6), Pennies (186), (31), Farthings (21), in mixed circulated grades includes a handful of silver issues, Coinage (43) (4) 1986 Games (2), 1989 Bill of Rights, 1994 Bank of , (1), Five Pence (16) One Penny (1), Half Penny (21), in mixed grades, World (190) mostly 20th Century base metal issues a wide variety, with a handful in silver, in mixed grades, GB and World Banknotes GB (20) Cleland polymer (4), One Pound Page (15) B322 (2) HZ04 231170 and HZ04 231171 constives, (last series), B323 MT08 955289 and MT08 955290 consecutives, B337 A30 273126, B339 (10) consecutives 77N 471416 to 471425 , EF to UNC, Fe B310 D02N 587026 last series about Fine with some tears, World (13) mostly World War II issues, includes , , and

Auction 178
World Bulk Lots World (15) (7) s (4) 1894 (2) both Good Fine, 1896 Fine, 1897 Good Fine, 1893 Fine, One Rand (2) 1966 Lustrous UNC, 1967 Afrikaans legend Lustrous UNC/AU with light toning, 1963 UNC, (4) 1840 About Fine/Fine, 1926 Near Fine, (2) 1884 VG, 1917 Good Fine, - Three Marks 1913A Wilhelm II 25th Year of Reign KM#535 NVF/VF, - Five Reichsmarks (2) 1934F Potsdam Church, with 21 Marz 1933 legend, KM#82 NVF, 1935F Hindenburg KM#86 About VF
£95 London Coins : A178 : Lot 2092 : World (15) South Africa (7) Shillings (4) 1894 (2) both Good Fine, 1896 Fine, 1897 Good Fine, Sixpen... London Coins : A178 : Lot 2092 : World (15) South Africa (7) Shillings (4) 1894 (2) both Good Fine, 1896 Fine, 1897 Good Fine, Sixpen...

Auction 178
World Bulk Lots GB and World (25) comprising GB (8) Elizabeth I 1583 mintmark Bell Fair/VG with an edge cut, Penny 1917 Near Fine, (6) 1700 Fair, 1718 Fine, 1731 About Fine, 1773 VG, 1806 VG, 1807 VG, (6) s (2) 1942 Fine, toned, 1944 Good Fine, toned, 1854 NVG, 1898 Near Fine, (2) 1891 G/VG, 1903 EF with traces of lustre, Evasion 1791 GLORIOVS IER VES/HEBRIDES, VG, 1897 Fine, 1840 Continuous Legend VG, Mil 1865 KM#2 Fine, 1870 VG, Four Falus AH1289 Fine, 1956 NEF, 1/12th 1894 Fine, GB Penny Token 1812 Sheffield - For Public Accommodation, Fine, GB Middlesex 1793 Princess of /Portcullis VG, and VG

Auction 178
World Bulk Lots GB and World includes Mis-Strikes, comprising Ancient Pod Duang money (pre-1900) 38.97 grammes Fine, as part of a group (26) containing 1853 Ornamental Trident Fine with some edge knocks, Mis-strikes comprising 1926 Modified Effigy struck slightly off-centre NEF, Sixpence 1964 struck off-centre with around 1.5mm blank flan and a raised lip at the edge EF, Sixpence 1967 with a planchet clip, Crown 1977 with part of the lettering not struck up EF, George VI a double obverse this done after minting, Fine, Penny a blank flan VF, Penny 1967 with a planchet clip EF with traces of lustre, Decimal Penny 1984 struck on a thin flan and weighing 1.71 grammes Good Fine, Decimal Two Pence 1980 struck on an incorrect undersized flan of 22mm diameter, some of the design and much of the legend off-flan EF with lustre, along with other Pre-decimal and decimal coins some with minor mis-mistrikes in mixed grades, all contained in a small Abafil case with one tray

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots World (54) the vast majority silver minors, comprising (13) (9) 1839 O Fine, 1853 Arrows Fine, 1875S Near Fine, 1877 S Fine, 1898VF, 1905 Good Fine, 1917S Good Fine, toned, 1926 Fine toned, 1944 VF, 1842 VG, (3) 1882 Fine, 1913 , type I VF, 1916 Good Fine, (3) s 1910 (2) the first GVF/NEF, the second NVF/VF, 1936 NVF, (2) (2) 1841 Good Fine, 1883 NVF toned, Five Cents 1887 NEF, GB Threepence 1918 NVF/VF, Southern 1940 Fine, (3) Five Cents (3) 1900 Fine, 1902 NVF/VF, 1910 GF/NVF, (3) Five Cents 1945 (3) VF and EF (2), (2) Two 1937 NEF, One Millieme 1917 VF, 1938 I NVF/VF, One Mil 1937 VF, (3) 1911 GVF, 1900 GVF, 10 Cents 1913 VF, One Tenth 1947 NEF/EF and lustrous, Five Cents 1927 GF/NVF, (3) (2) Year 39 (1906) GF , Year 43 (1910) VF, Year 12 (1923) Good Fine, 10 Soldi 1967R VF, (2) Five Centavos 1880 NVF, 1928 VG, Threepences (2) 1933 VF, 1934 Fine with some scratches, Five Centavos 1919 VF/GVF , 10 Centavos 1928 VF, 10 Centavos 1934 Fine, (2) Half Real 1738 About Fine, 1880 Near Fine/Fine, Russia (2) Half Kopek 1898 VF, Five Kopeks 1890 VF holed, - 1873C NVF, 10 Satang BE2487 VF

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots World an interesting mixed group with many in (28) 1891 EF and lustrous, 1935 Fine, 1899 Fine/Good Fine, - Three Marks 1912A VF, Five Marks (2) 1968J Wilhelm Raiffeisen A/UNC and lustrous, 1974F NEF, Germany One Mark 1914A VF, 10 Lire 1927R VF, 25 1933 Good Fine, Quarter Balboa 1933 Fine, 1916 lustrous GEF, (2) Five Piastres 1917 Fine, Five Piastres 1933 About Fine, Russia One (1982) 60th Anniversary of the nFDC, 200 Zloty 1974 30th Anniversary of the Polish Peoples' Republic GEF, Half Real 1863 Mo CH (2) both VF, (2) Five Rials MS2536 Lustrous UNC, SH1364 Lustrous UNC, 1916 VBP (h) GJ VF, Five Reis 1882 EF and lustrous, (2) 2 1/2s Good Fine, imo 1868 Good Fine, 1870 Fine, One Koruna 1946 EF, 10 Ore 1950TS Fine, toned, Netherlands 10 Cents 1919 GVF, 1/10 1941S GVF

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots World (29) (6) Two s 1936 VF, 1924 GF, s (4) 1924 VF nicely toned, 1933 VF, 1943 (2) NVF and VF, (4) (2) 1899 Near Fine, 1902 GF/VF, 1901 NEF, 1863 Good Fine, Five Cents 1945 A/UNC and lustrous, 1835 Fine, 1845 VG, (2) Sixpence 1917H Good Fine, Threepence 1913H Fine, Lepton 1835. Good Fine, 20 1912 VF, - dom of Soldo 1807M Good Fine, 1934 EF, GB (3) 1961 Polished Dies GEF, One Shilling and Sixpence 1811 Good Fine, 1937 VF ed, Bank Token 1805 About Fine/Fine, holed, 1950B Fine, Cents (2) 1887H Good Fine, 1890H Fine, Penny 1903 Good Fine, / Five Centavos 1944 VF, 1931 VF

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots World a mixed group includes some items (90) a wide variety, (5) Pennies (4) 1911, 1922, 1943, 1963, 1943, 100 Mon (1835-1870), (3) (2) 1893 holed, 1953S, 1887, (4) 10 Cents 1939KN, 1900H (GVF toned), One Cent (2) 1880, 1924, One Cent 1870 (2), (3) 1927, Five Cents (2) 1910, 1920, 1/600 1905 Zinc, One Pysa AH1299 (1882) (3), Penny 1936 Edward VIII, Malaya One Cent 1945 (UNC), (2) 1953, 1961H, Two Cents 1868, Southern (2) Pennies (2) 1939, 1947, (3) 1943, Halfpenny 1942, Two Cents 1971, and Provincial (3) 20 Cents Year 9 (1920), 10 undated (1902-1905, Republic (c.1912) Y#302.1, (3) 1973 RCMP, One Cent 1921, Penny 1832, Three Kopeks 1852EM, (2) 10 Cents 886, Five Cents 1877H, (2) Gulden 1966 (GEF), One Cent 1883, 20 Reis 1892, Quarter Tanga 1886, Indian (2) Jaora One Paisa 1896 (2), India - British (12) Two Anna 1841, (2) 1862, 1944, (3) 1862, 1893, 1913, 1/1 1921 (5), 1943, (3) 25 Cents 1943, One Cent (2) 1870, 1891, Quarter Anna AH1318 (1901), 50 Satang BE2493 (c.1954), Ten Centimos 1870, Quarter Real 1745Mo Colony (holed), 1947, Falus AH1285 (1868), 10 Heller 1895, (3) Five Mils (2) 1955, 1956, One Piastre 1946, Penny 1966, Two Centavos 1895 (EF), (3) 1949H, Ten Cents 1941, Five Cents 1942, India - Pie (1831-1835), India - Pie AH1248, Penny 1950, Penny 1958, GB (8) s 1965 (2), Pennies (3) 1895 2mm, 1908, 1937, (3) 1940 (2), 1956, - Wurzburg Half Pfennig undated (1779-1795), and a Royal Artillery button with a shield showing three cannons and cannonballs this very worn, in mixed circulated grades with some better grades as stated

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots World (35) (3) (3) 1872H, 1892, 1909, Canada - 25 Cents 1919C, 5 Cents 1894, (5) 1916M, s (2) 1916M, 1928, s (2) 1912 (NEF/GVF toned), 1924, (3) Two Shillings 1897 (2), Sixpence 1894, Ten Francs (3) 1933 (2), 1934, - Five Reichsmark 1935G, Germany - Five Marks 1966J, Germany - 1919A, 1959, (3) 1928, Shillings 1928 (2), (2) 1835. , 1919 , (4) Halfcrown 1934, Shilling 1934, Sixpence 1936, Threepence 1933, 50 Mils 1927, Five Lire 1938 (Lustrous UNC), 1951 (GEF), Two 1915, 1887 DER BELGEN, 25 s 1956 , in mixed grades, some VF or better

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots (4) 1955 KM#5a, 1955 Silver Proof KM#4a, 1955 Silver Proof KM#3a, 1955 KM#2 nFDC lightly toned, the silver nicely matched, retaining much original mint brilliance

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots s (20) 1940 GEF, 1941 GVF/NEF, 1942 GEF/AU, 1943D GVF, 1944S VF, 1945 (2) VF and NEF with some scratches, 1948 GVF/EF, 1950 NEF, 1951 UNC, 1954 VF/EF, 1955 GVF/EF, 1956 VF/GVF, 1957 Fine/VF, 1958 VF/NEF, 1959 NEF/GEF, 1960 EF, 1961 NEF/EF, 1962 AU/UNC and lustrous, 1963 Lustrous UNC

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots (11) 1951 Good Fine, s (6) 1910 NVF/VF, 1911 Fine, 1926 VG, 1939 Near Fine/Fine, 1960 Lustrous EF, 1910 GVF lightly toned, s (3) 1939 Fine, 1944S Good Fine, 1963 EF and lustrous, 1919 GVF/NEF, and Shilling 1946 Good Fine, along with Africa (3) (2) Threepence 1894 NVF/Fine, 1958 GVF Threepence 1943KN Fine

Auction 177
World Bulk Lots (95) s (7) 1951, 1954, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, s (24) 1928 (2), 1934, 1935, 1939, 1940, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969, s (19) 1928, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1953, 1956, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, Pennies (19) 1928, 1931 (2), 1933, 1935, 1937, (15) 1928, 1935, 1937, 1940 (2), 1941, 1942 (2), 1943, 1946, 1949, 1953 (2), 1964, s (5) 1928, 1931, 1933, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1952, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1980, Decimal Five Pence (2) 1986, 1990, Decimal Two Pence (2) 1971, 1975, Decimal One 1971 in mixed grades with some EF to A/UNC

Auction 176
World Bulk Lots Edward VIII Fantasy s 1937 (25) by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII, struck in .925 , struck in the early 1990s, the mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces FDC

Auction 175
World Bulk Lots World (12) Balboa 1953 50th Anniversary of the Republic KM#21 A/UNC and lustrous, 5000 s AH1320 KM#976 GEF, (3) 1945 KM#9 AU/UNC and lustrous, s (2) 1933 KM#2 EF/GEF and nicely toned, 1937 KM#8 Lustrous UNC, 1941 KM#15UNC/AU and lustrous, Florin 1920 KM#17 VF/NEF, AH1327/6H KM#309 EF toned, Five Francs 1870A KM#799.1 GVF, (2) 1934 KM#582 EF, 1940 KM#582 GEF, Five Ore 1882 (h) CS KM#794.1 VF/NVF
£160 London Coins : A175 : Lot 1426 : World (12) Panama Balboa 1953 50th Anniversary of the Republic KM#21 A/UNC and lustrous, Iran 5000 D... London Coins : A175 : Lot 1426 : World (12) Panama Balboa 1953 50th Anniversary of the Republic KM#21 A/UNC and lustrous, Iran 5000 D...

Auction 175
World Bulk Lots World a mixed group (20) includes (4) Dollars (2) 1881O VG, 1884 NEF, USA 1920 VF, 1844 Good Fine, 1780 Maria Theresa Restrike, UNC, Five Francs 1873 Fine, 1939 NEF/EF and attractively toned, (2) 25 s 1968 Mexico s UNC, One Peso 1967 EF with loop mount at the top, - (2) 1900 Near Fine, Five Cents 1941C Fine, s (2) 1914H GVF/NEF with attractive tone, 1916H GVF/NEF, - British West Africa One Tenth 1908 NEF, 1943 NEF with toning, 20 Centesimi 1918R VF, 1916B Fine, 1901 GVF, , , Hide & De Carle 1857 KM#Tn104 Fine, - Five 1803 Fine, along with a further group of World includes (2) One 1929 GEF and 1929 NVF, (14) (2) 1920H A/UNC and lustrous, 1956 GEF and lustrous, (4) 1864 Fine, 1908H NEF with some lustre, 1920H GEF and lustrous, 1956 Lustrous EF, 1920H A/UNC and lustrous, (7) 1889H Good Fine, 1893H UNC with practically full lustre, 1902H EF toned, 1911H EF, 1929H (2) EF and A/UNC, 1933H EF, (6) Threepence 1957 AUNC and Pennies (5) 1945 George VI, 1945 Elizabeth II, 1960, 1964, 1966 VF to NEF, USA (13) Dollars (8) 1971D, 1972D, 1974D, 1976 Bicentenary (2), 1978 VF to GVF, 1979S Susan B.Anthony VF, 2011 Wampanoag Treaty NVF, s (6) 1964 (2) GEF, 1971D NEF, 1974D NEF, 1976 Bicentenary GVF, 1982 D NEF/EF, USA from circulation 1957-2013 s (14), (9), Five Cents (10), One Cent (16), World 19th and in base metal (40) includes , Italy, Belgium, and Luxembourg VG to Good Fine, Germany Five Marks to One Pfennig (64) Five Marks (7), Two Marks (4), One Mark (20), 50 Pfennigs (28), Five Pfennigs (2), Two Pfennigs (1), One Pfennig (2) in mixed grades, (19) s (3) 1951, 1955, 1959, s (4) 1963 (2), 1966 and 1967, Threepences (5) 1928 (2), 1961 (2), 1964, Pennies (2) 1937, 1946 (GEF), (3) 1933, 1942 and 1943, s 1980 (2) in mixed grades

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots (30) Crowns 1947 (3), 1948 (5), 1949, 1952 (7), 1953, 1958 GVF to GEF some lustrous, some with toning, One Rand 1969 English Legend UNC, 1942 GVF to NEF toned, 1948 Fine, along with Halfcrown to 1954 (8 coins) all UNC, the all lustrous with some choice, the toned with traces of lustre, and Southern Crowns 1953 (3) EF to A/UNC all housed in a Lindner Tray

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots GB and World (11) 1972 KM#21 Lustrous UNC with attractive tone, (2) 500 Lire 1958 Sede Vacante KM#57 Lustrous UNC with two edge nicks, and choice toning, 500 Lire 1970 KM#122 Lustrous UNC with partial toning, 500 Lire (3) 1965 700th Anniversary of the Birth of Dante Alighieri KM#100 Lustrous UNC, 1985 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Alessandro Manzoni KM#123 Prooflike UNC with a hint of tone, along with cased items, Italy 500 Lire 1985R First Italian Presidency of the Common Market KM#115, Lustrous UNC with a choice and colourful tone, 5 1958 10th Anniversary of Israel KM#21 Lustrous UNC, 1976 Legend, Large B, Slant 5, KM#158.1 A/UNC and lustrous, 1963 KM#58 Good Fine/VF, GB s 1973 EEC (2) Prooflike UNC, along with cased items (5) Mint Set 1975 (8 coins) Ten s to Lustrous UNC on the card of issue with certificate, no box, GB 1977 Silver Proof nFDC in the box of issue with certificate, 2000 Queen Mother 100th Birthday Silver Proof FDC in a soft case with certificate, Ten Dollars 1993 Coronation 40th Anniversary Silver Proof FDC in a soft case in capsule with certificate, a 3-coin set 1978 comprising , and 20 Pesos UNC in the plastic sleeve as issued

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots World (91) includes (62) 1937 Good Fine, s (8) 1913 Near Fine/Fine, 1927 Parliament House VF/NEF, 1945 Fine, 1959 VF/GVF, 1960 (3) NEF, EF and GEF the second with uneven tone, s (10) 1917M NVF, 1959 (4) GVF, NEF, EF and UNC, 1960 (3) GVF, EF and UNC, 1961 EF, 1962 EF/NEF, s (19) 1920H Good Fine, 1935 Fine, toned, 1943S Good Fine/NVF, 1957 (2) Fine/Good Fine and VF, 1958 (4) NVF/GVF, VF, EF (2), 1959 (5) EF and UNC (4), 1960 (3) NEF/EF, GEF, and A/UNC the last with a tone spot, 1962 A/UNC and UNC, s (7) 1910 Fine, 1916M Good Fine, 1951 Fine/Good Fine, 1955 Fine/Good Fine, 1960 (2) NEF and EF 1963 EF, 1966 (17) UNC many with good or full lustre, Crown 1949 EF, Five Pesetas 1884 (dated 84) MS-M Fine/Good Fine, toned, (11) 50 Cents 1955 Fine, (5) 1910 Fine/Good Fine, toned, 1957 VF, 1958 NVF/VF, 1966 EF, 1967 GVF, (3) 1902H VF/GVF, 1957 EF, 1967 GVF/NEF, (2) 1910 Fine, 1912 Fine, 1918 Fine/Good Fine nicely toned, (15) s (10) 1954 AU/UNC, 1957 NEF, EF and GEF, 1958D GEF, 1959 UNC (3), 1964 (2) VF/GVF and VF, Ten Cents (5) 1954 GVF, 1957 (2) both EF, 1958 Lustrous A/UNC, 1964 EF, housed in two Lindner Tray

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots (4) (2) 1907 KM#25 About Fine/Fine, toned, 1914 KM#24 NVF, 1917 KM#23 EF with choice tone and some small rim nicks, 1915 KM#22 NEF/EF and scarce, (3) 1916M KM#26 GVF/NEF and attractively toned, s (2) 1911 KM#25 A/UNC and lustrous, 1921 KM#25 GEF with some hairlines
£170 London Coins : A174 : Lot 975 : Canada (4) 25 Cents (2) 1907 KM#25 About Fine/Fine, toned, 1914 KM#24 NVF, Ten Cents 1917 KM#23 EF w... London Coins : A174 : Lot 975 : Canada (4) 25 Cents (2) 1907 KM#25 About Fine/Fine, toned, 1914 KM#24 NVF, Ten Cents 1917 KM#23 EF w...

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots Edward VIII Fantasy s 1937 (25), by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII and struck in .925 . Made in the early 1990s with a mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces, FDC

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots GB and World (36) comprising (8) s (2) 1927 Parliament House (2) GEF with hairlines and Good Fine, toned, s (2) 1916M (2) NEF and Fine/Good Fine, 1914 VF, s (3) 1950 (2) NEF/EF and VF/GVF, 1959 EF, (2) Dollar 1949 Lustrous UNC, 1899 Small 99 Fine, 1914B Lustrous UNC, (2) Threepences (2) 1933 NEF/EF, 1935 GVF, GB (4) Crown 1953 UNC, Threepence 1937 EF, s (2) 1937 EF and 1965 A/UNC, (2) 1901 0 Incuse B Fine, 1841 Near Fine, , (1911-1915) Transitional Coinage VG, - 1935D VF, s (5) 1950 KG close to rim (3), 1951 (2) GVF-NEF, Democratice Republic Ten Francs 1965 Lustrous UNC, iti 1967 UNC, Two s 1968 100th Anniversary of the Death of Schubert KM#2843 UNC, (2) 1934 EF, 500 Reis 1913 GVF, Bolivar 1954 Fine, (2) 1882 NEF, 1882 NEF, (2) 5 Centavos 1921 UNC, 2 1/ 1907 EF

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots GB and World Minors (85) a useful group in a Lindner Tray includes (4) 1942 (m), s (3) 1918M, 1949, 1950, 1959, (8) (3) 1898, 1919, 1931, (5) 1870, 1903, 1904, 1909, 1917, (4) (3) 1841 Divided legend, 1903, 1908, One Twelfth Anna 1936, (2) Ten Cents (2) 1900, 1925, (2) Threepences (2) 1933, 1948, (2) Four Rigsbank 1841 (h)FK, Three 1842 K/FF, (2) Quarter Real 1842 Mo LR, Half Real 1772 Mo FF, 1877H, Ten Cents 1941, Five Cents 1901, Two AH1356 (1937), 1901 KM#51, 50 Para 1915 (2),. Ten Ore 1867ST, (13) 1944 (2) , Ten Cents (11) 1937, 1938 (2), 1939 (2), 1941 (6), GB (33) Sixpences (6) 1887 Withdrawn type, 1920, 1924, 1936, 1945, 1953 , Threepences (24) 1874, 1877, 1887 Jubilee Head (3), 1911, 1913 (2), 1915, 1916 (3), 1917 (3), 1918 (3), 1919, 1920, 1926 Modified Effigy, 1937, 1941 (2), s (2), 1827, - 1823A, - Reichspfennig 1924A, Germany 2 1/ -Notgeld square issue, Germany - One Pfennig (4) 1937A, 1937F, 1938J, 1939F, in mixed grades some VF to EF

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots (37) Crowns (6) 1947 NEF/EF with deep tone, 1948 NEF, 1951 NVF, 1952 (3) NVF, NEF/EF and GVF/NEF cleaned, s (4) 1895 NVF, 1896 Good Fine, 1897 (2) the first NVF, the second GVF nicely toned, Two s (6) 1892 GF/NVF toned, 1895 Near Fine, 1896 (3) the first Near Fine, the second Good Fine, the third GVF and with attractive gold toning, 1897 Good Fine, toned, Shillings (11) 1892 (5) VG, VG/Near Fine (2), Near Fine and NVF, 1895 NVF with gold toning, 1896 (2) both Fine, 1897 (3) the first About Fine, the obverse with some scratches, the second Good Fine, the third Good Fine or better, s (6) 181895 NVG, 1896 (2) the first Near Fine, the second VF with some spots, 1897 Fine, 1948 EF toned, s (3) 1893 GVF/VF, 1896 (2) the first Fine with colourful tone, the second Good Fine, 1898 NVF, along with - dom of Soldi 1811M C#5.1 VG/Fine, all housed in a Lindner Tray

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots GB 1896 Small Rose EF/GEF nicely toned, with two attempted piercings, rated R3 by ESC, as part of a group of GB and World (59) includes (3) Cent 1861 Near Fine/Fine, 1866 NVF 1953D in a Harvey's Restaurant mount, 1910 GVF, 5 Cents 1945 EF, 1918A A/UNC toned, 1922 VF, Five Pesetas (3) 1957 (dated 74) EF, 1957 (dated 75) EF, and 1975 Juan Carlos UNC, 1894 About Fine, Five Rappen 1934B UNC, - Five Cents 1945C EF, Canada - 1864 GVF, - Three Kreuzer 1804 VG scarce, 1936 Edward VIII UNC, Netherlands Indies 1945 Lustrous UNC, 10 otoinki 1962 Fine, along with (40) One to One Kopek base metal issues in mixed circulated grades

Auction 174
World Bulk Lots in an album (390) s (144), (74), (76), and Cents (96) 1946-2007, most are 1960s issues onwards, in mixed circulated grades, some later dates lustrous, USA Presidential issues (8) 2007D (4) , 2007P , 2008D , 2010P Abraham , 2013D , A/UNC to UNC and lustrous, USA Banknotes One Dollar (20) 1988 to 2006 issues in mixed grades, USA Tran Tokens (20), USA lion 2001 Hawks vs. Stars, in mixed grades, along with a further group of USA One Dollar to (39) One Dollar (7), Ten Cents (3), Five Cents (11), One Cent (18) in mixed grades with some later dates lustrous, USA Medals (2) George Washington Peace and Friendship, in , Lustrous UNC, Mint Bicentennial 1992 Lustrous UNC, World (153) a mix of countries, base metal issues includes examples from (21), (1), (8), (1), (1), (2), (23), (9), (5), (22), (22), (5), (4), (3), (4), (14), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (83) One Cent (26) Five Cents (13), Ten Cents (14), (19), Dollars (3), Two Dollars Bimetallic (8), mostly recent issues , many EF -UNC and lustrous, and Maple Leafs - Maple Leaf Gardens medal 1999, Lustrous UNC, USA Fantasy Cents 77mm diameter 1877 and 1909S VDB, as made. (2) 1929 EF, 1929 VF, GB s (2) 1993, 1999 nnium, Crowns (9), 1965, 1972, 1977 (4), 1980, 1981 (2) GEF to UNC, GB Decimal Issues (73) (6), (20), (21), (2), (9), Five Pence (10), Half (5) in mixed circulated grades, GB issues (104) s (24), Pennies (53) includes 1950 Good Fine, 1951 NVF and 1953 NVF, (22), s (5), in mixed circulated grades, (94) Farthings (3), Halfpennies (22), Pennies (26), s (7), Sixpences (7) includes 1934 EF and 1935 Fine, s (7), s (16) includes 1937 Near Fine, s (6), Ireland Fifty Pence (3), Pound/Punt 1990, in mixed grades, Euro Coinage (3) 25 Euros 1996 Squirrel (2) UNC, 2 Euro 2019 UNC

Auction 173
World Bulk Lots Edward VIII Fantasy s 1937 (25), by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII and struck in .925 . Made in the early 1990s with a mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces, FDC

Auction 173
World Bulk Lots World (19) (2) 1901 KM#5 Good Fine, 1871 KM#3 Near Fine/Fine, 1938 900th Anniversary of the Death of S.Stephen KM#516 UNC, 1840 W.W.S Raised on truncation KM#454.4 VF, 1982 Silver nFDC with practically full original brilliance, 1966 Pearce S.6646 UNC, (5) Two 1897 Oscar II KM#762 VF, Two Kronor 1907 of Oscar II and Queen Sofia KM#776 EF, 1938G KM#786.2 UNC, 1936G KM#788 A/UNC, 1857 ST KM#710 GVF, 5 AH1327/1 (1909) KM#786 EF, AH1327/6 (1914) VF/GVF toned, 1910 KM#19 NVF/GVF toned, (2), 1946C Open 9, KM#888.2 GVF/VF, 1898 KM#844.1 Lustrous EF, (2) 500 Lire 1966 Lustrous UNC, 1927R KM#67.1 About EF, Shilling 1893 KM#5 Fine, scarce, 2 Corona 1913 KM#2821 VF/NEF
£150 London Coins : A173 : Lot 1004 : World (19) Canada (2) 25 Cents 1901 KM#5 Good Fine, 10 cents 1871 KM#3 Near Fine/Fine, Hungary 5 Pen... London Coins : A173 : Lot 1004 : World (19) Canada (2) 25 Cents 1901 KM#5 Good Fine, 10 cents 1871 KM#3 Near Fine/Fine, Hungary 5 Pen...

Auction 173
World Bulk Lots World an interesting group (53) Five Centimes 1860A Fine, 1863 Good Fine, 1915A Near Fine, (4) Pennies (2)1942 Fine, 1949 Good Fine, (2) 1949 VG/Fine, cleaned, 1950 VG/Fine, cleaned, (2) Daler 1716 Emergency Coinage KM#354 VF, 1/8 1833 CB Fine, One Franc 1894A VG, n Republic 2 1/ 1888 Good Fine, NVF with a small stain on the obverse, - 1917 Octagonal struck in Zinc, GVF with some spots, (7) s (3) 1952 Near Fine/Fine, 1958 VG/Fine, 1959 VG/Near Fine, 1949 GVF, s (3) 1952 GVF/NEF with lustre, 1954 Lustrous UNC with a few small spots, 1956 UNC with practically full lustre, (4) (2) 1921 NEF with traces of lustre, 1964 GVF, (2) 1923 Fine, 1942 Lustrous GEF, (18) Two s 1938H EF, Shilling 1920KN FT52 NVF, s (2) 1919H GVF/VF toned, 1936KN VF/NEF with some spots and some remaining lustre, Threepences (3) 1913H VF, 1920KN NEF, 1945H Fine, Pennies (4) 1909 () VF, 1936H Edward VIII Lustrous UNC, 1936KN Edward VIII GEF1952H GVF, (7) 1908 (Nigeria) A/UNC and lustrous, 1910 (Nigeria) A/UNC and lustrous, 1920KN GEF, 1923KN A/UNC, 1928 (2) Near Fine and Fine, 1936 George V FT280 A/UNC, 1865 VF, (2) Two Ore 1891 NVF, One Ore 1884 VF, Penni (3) 1901 NEF, 1907 NVF, 1911 EF with traces of lustre, Two 1926 Fine, s (2) 1950 Fine/Good Fine, 1953 Fine, Five Rappen 1919NVF, 1959 Near Fine

Auction 173
World Bulk Lots GB and World a diverse group (20) includes GB Hammered (3) s Elizabeth I and both Fare, Elizabeth I 1565 mintmark Pheon Fair/VG, Two Reales 1718J Fine toned, Half Real 1800 Mo VG, n Cobs One Real (2) 1766 an d 166- (last digit nor readable) possibly issues, VG to Near Fine, - Grossi worn, (2) 10 Sols 1/12th 1643A VG, 12 Sols 1741 Fine, Dump Coinage (2), Denar 1554 Near Fine, Lead Token uniface with large H on the obverse, 19mm diameter, Fine, Roman Lucius Opeimius 134BC Head of Roma Right /Victory Galloping right in quadriga holding wreath, L.OPEIMI beneath Fine, / 1578 VG, a Shilling sized very worn and damaged flan, and unidentified dump coinage 20mm and 212mm diameter each with a figure on horseback, much of the legend missing off the edge of the respective flans

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots World a varied group (33) (8) 1870 VG, (2) 1813A KM#692.1 VG, 1847A KM#748.1 Good Fine, Fifty Centimes 1898 NF/VG, 1841A VG, Five Centimes 1978 VF, 1850A NVF, Twenty Centimes 1867A Good Fine, Kyat (Rupee) CS1214 (1852) KM#10 Fine with a flan flaw on the obverse, 1890H Near Fine, 1927 KM#144 Good Fine, scarce, (3) 1840 Breen 3022 NF/VG the reverse with some damage, 1904 Fair/Poor, One Cent 1858 Flying Eagle, Open E in ONE, Large Letters on obverse Breen 1932 VG Rare, 1887 Fair, One Ore 1877 NVF with some surface marks, 1934 Fine, - - One Third 1797 IEC KM#1024 NVF, (3) 1771KM Fine, 4 1871 (c)CS Good Fine with some spots, 1907 GJ (h) VBP Fine, (3) 1911 Fine, 1914 NVF toned, 1941 Fine, (2) (2) 1949 Fine, 1957 VF/GVF, Canada - 10 Cents 1942 C Fine, 1876G EF and lustrous, 1946 VG, - One Lira 1866 XXI - R Good Fine, 1907B VG, (2) One Franc 1886 Dutch Legend GF/NVF, 1886 Dutch Legend VG

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots in Whitman folders as follows: s 1933 -1963 (29) complete except for 1940, includes obverses and additional 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1947 coins Near Fine to VF some with attractive tone. s 1933-1965 (28) includes obverses and 1946 Flat back variety in mixed grades VG to NVF, s in a 1933-1966 folder, 1933 to 1957 complete includes obverses (26) in mixed grades VG to VF, s 1933-1966 (38) complete except for 1935 some with lustre, in mixed grades to GVF, Pennies 1940-1966 (29) complete with obverses, in mixed grades to EF grades generally in line with age, 1940-1966 (29) includes obverses, in mixed grades to EF some with lustre, some coins with spots, the folders with some water damage

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots Edward VIII Fantasy s 1937 (25), by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII and struck in .925 . Made in the early 1990s with a mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces, FDC
£130 London Coins : A172 : Lot 1656 : Australia Edward VIII Fantasy Sixpences 1937 (25), by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII a... London Coins : A172 : Lot 1656 : Australia Edward VIII Fantasy Sixpences 1937 (25), by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII a...

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots World 19th and (26) all -size or smaller with 25 in includes 1913 GEF, Canada 1882H GVF, s 1874A GEF and lustrous, 50 1874S EF, 1840 Fine, - dom of 5 Soldi 1809 (2) Fine and Good Fine, many are an issues, includes issues from Italy, , , , and more, a good mix, in mixed grades many Fine to NVF with a few better

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots GB and World (75) includes GB (6) s (2) 1880 Poor, 1940E VG, s (2) 1920 Fine, 1930 Fine, 1901 NVF, 1973 Fine with M ed on the obverse, Token (1863-1869) S.Hague Smith KM#Tn63 Fine, the reverse once lightly cleaned, (4) 20 Lepton 1900A Near Fine, 10 Lepton 1900A KM#4.1 VG, Five Lepton 1900A (2) the first VF with some spots, the second VG, (2) 1938 VG/Fine, One Cent 1955 Fine, (2) 1956 VG/Near Fine, 1938 VG/Near Fine, 1944 UNC, (4) 1975 UNC, 1975 UNC, 2 1/ 1970 UNC, 1975 UNC and lustrous, (2) Five Francs 1938 VF/GF scarce, Five Centimes 1917 EF, (2) 1909B VG, Ten Rappen 1918B Fine, (3) 1925 Good Fine, 1933 (2) both Fine, (2) 1947TS About Fine/Fine, Five Ore 1877 Fine, (3) Five Francs 1936 Fine, Five Centimes 1932 VF, 1869 EF, (4) 1964 D GVF, Ten Cents (2) 1914 Good Fine, 1944 Fine, Five Cents 1927 VG, (2) (2) 1957G Fine, 1968G NEF, Germany - Two Reichsmarks 1939A NVF, Germany - (2) 1925A KM#46 Good Fine, Pfennig 1935A EF with traces of lustre, (2) Ten Cents 1926 Near Fine, Half Cent 1900 Fine, One Tenth 1944 D Fine, 5 Lepton 1878K GVF, (3) One Lire 1863M BN VG, Two Lire 1926R Fine, One Centesimo 1861F VF, (6) 1966 Lustrous UNC (2), Ten Cents 1977 Lustrous UNC, Five Cents 1961 Good Fine, Two Cents 1896 Good Fine, One Cent 1961 VF, One Centavo 1921 VF, Half Cent 1926 GVF, (2) 1968 Gilded GVF, 50 1968 GEF and lustrous, (8) One Peseta 1937 VF, 1937 EF, 2 (3) 1934 Good Fine, 1937 GEF, 1938 UNC with practically full lustre, Two Centimos (3) 1904 SM-V NVF, 1905 SM-V VF, 1911 PC-V Fine, 1/40th AH1293/24 (2) (1898) both EF with lustre, (2) One Rin Year 6 (1873) Y#15 GVF, Austria 2 Heller 1894 EF with some verdigris, 1943 NVF, Five Francs 1959 KM#1 VF

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots World the vast majority in (43) (5) 1933, 1904, (3) 1908, 1912, 1918, (2) (2) 1966, 1968, (14) 1935G, (6) 1914W, 1927W, 1930G, 1943G, 1944, 1954, (7) 1921 W, 1941G, 1944G, 1947TS, 1949TS, 1950TS, 1955TS, s (5) 1934, 1942 (2), 1950, 1954, (3) Dimes (3) 1946, 1947, 1967, (3) 500 Lire 1958R, 1927R, 1863, One 1940 , (2) 10 s (2) 1968, 1970, (2) 1950 Dutch Legend, One Franc 1867, 2 1916, 1928, (2) 10 Cents (2) 1928, 1936, One Lira 1867, 10 Ore 1963 in mixed circulated grades

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots GB and World (140) a wide variety includes GB (4) 1895 Good Fine, 1806 Near Fine, Farthing 1754 Near Fine, 1843 VF, 1910 KM#312 UNC or near so with a verdigris spot, lustrous with prooflike fields (4) Two Shillings 1897 Good Fine, Shilling 1897 Fine, (2) 1898 NVF, 1935 NEF cleaned, 1981 EF, (2) 1942D UNC the obverse unevenly toned, 1952 VF, Southern Penny 1952 EF, Two Centimes 1914 Legend GVF cleaned, Five Bani 1867 EF with traces of lustre, s (3) 1921B Good Fine, 1942B VF, 1945B Near VF, Netherlands (2) 1896 VF/GVF, 2 1/ 1903 GVF, French Indo 1938 Lustrous UNC, 10 Para AH1277/4 Fine, AH1293/30 Fine, - Pfennig 1868B EF with a few small spots, Netherlands East Indies Half 1753 VG, (63) base metal issues One to Five Ore, in mixed circulated grades , 20th Century base metal issues (52) to One Ore in mixed circulated grades

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots Mint Set mixed dates 1970 to 1973 a 10-coin set comprising 100 i (1970) of 1967 KM#94 UNC and lustrous with a small tone spot , 50 Drachmai undated (1970) Revolution of 1967, KM#93 Lustrous UNC with a hint of tone, 20 Drachmai 1973 Wide rim with continuous wave design at rear hoof KM#111.3 UNC , 10 Drachmai 1973 KM#101 Lustrous UNC, 5 Drachmai 1973 KM#100 Lustrous UNC, 2 Drachmai 1973 KM#99 UNC, Drachma 1973 KM#98 Lustrous UNC, 50 1973 KM#97.1 Lustrous UNC, 1973 KM#104 Lustrous UNC and 1973 KM#102 Lustrous UNC, along with Greece 30 Drachmai 1964 Constantine and Anne-Marie Wedding KM#87 VF/GVF cleaned, Five Francs 1988 s (6) UNC and lustrous with light toning, 1986 100th Anniversary of the - Proof FDC in the box of issue with certificate, USA Half Dollar 1980 John F. 20th Anniversary of his Election to the Presidency, ed 1960 and 1980 and plated VF on the card of issue, GB Plastic Set 1953 (9 coins) to UNC in the envelope of issue, GB 1977 FDC in the envelope of issue, 2002 Queen Mother Memorial UNC, 1996 Euro 96 UNC, Crowns (12) 1953 UNC, 1981 (11) UNC two on the cards of issue, GB s 1953 to 1967an unofficial set in mixed circulated grades, 1936 VF, (4) 1912H, 1912, 1918 (2), VG, Accession of Edward VII 1901 24mm diameter VG with loop mount at the top, 1967 with coloured reverse, Numismatic First Day Covers (2) both with Crown 1981 Royal Wedding and 2x Styamps, 25p and 14p UNC on the envelope of issue, Medal Set 1970 350th Anniversary of the of the Pilgrim Fathers in the '' a 3-piece set comprising , Southampton and Plymouth issues UNC in a slide case

Auction 172
World Bulk Lots (11) 1937 S.6626 VG, s (4) 1933 S.6627 VG, 1937 S.6627 NVG/VG the key date in the series, 1939 S.6635 NVF/GF toned, 1942 S.6635 Fine, Toned, s (2) 1934 S.6628 NVF/GF, 1935 S.6628 Good Fine, s (2) 1934 S.6629 VF, 1946 S.6642 Fine, Penny 1940 S.6643 Good Fine, 1935 S.6631 Good Fine
£40 London Coins : A172 : Lot 1683 : Ireland (11) Florin 1937 S.6626 VG, Shillings (4) 1933 S.6627 VG, 1937 S.6627 NVG/VG the key date in... London Coins : A172 : Lot 1683 : Ireland (11) Florin 1937 S.6626 VG, Shillings (4) 1933 S.6627 VG, 1937 S.6627 NVG/VG the key date in...

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots GB Crown 1893 Fine, George V and George VI s to s (29) with face of pre 1947 these from circulation, Wilhelmina I issues (72% purity) 2-1/ (20) (136) total weight 1229 grams mixed grades some lustrous, base metal issues GB Crown 1981, Netherlands 2-1/2 G 1979 and 1980, Gulden 1980, 1972 Cent 1973. Notes Ten Dollars 1999 issue (2) from circulation

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots a high grade group in NGC holders (16) s 1963 (2) KM#29.2 both MS65, s 1963 (5) KM#28.2 MS66, MS65 (3) and MS64, 1963 KM#27.2 (2) MS66 and MS65, s 1963 (4) KM#26.2 MS66 (3) and MS65, s (3) 1957 KM#25.2 MS64, 1963 KM#25.2 (2) MS66 and MS65

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots a in Whitman-style folder (John Bertrand) 1940-1965 including obverses, Pennies 1940-1964 including obverses, s 1933-1966 (no 1941) includes obverses, s 1933-1966 includes obverses, s 1933-1966 includes obverses (no 1941), s 1933-1966 include obverses, with some in EF, some of these are scarcer dates

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots GB and World (32) (8) s (3) 1928 (2) VF and GVF, the second with some spots on the reverse, 1939 Good Fine, Toned. s (2) 1928 NEF, 1940 Fine with some tone spots, 1928 NEF, 1928 EF/NEF, 1928 UNC GB (5) Shilling 1887 GVF, s (2) 1937 GEF, 1943 GEF, (2) 1807 VG, 1944 A/UNC, One 1929 (2) the first NEF, the second EF with lustre and a few spots. 1866 VF, (2) 1901 Good Fine, 5 Cents 1900 Near Fine, Toned, Ten Cents 1890 H VG toned, (3) 1891 VG, (2) 1841 Legend continuous over bust, VG/Near Fine, 1888 VG, 5 Cents 1891 VG/Near Fine. (4) 1909VG/Near Fine, (3) 1894 VG, 1900 (2) Fine and VG, (2) Penny 1917 I GVF with a trace of lustre, 1938 GVF/NEF with some lustre, Penny 1898 VF, Penny 1944 NEF and lustrous, Canada - 1927 Confederation 1867-1927 25mm diameter in VF

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots s (4) 1689 Jan: S.6583J, Timmins TB06H-1E, 3.05 grammes, VG. 1689 July Wide Date, S.6583BB, Timmins TB06B-1A, 1.80 grammes, VG on a porous flan. 1689 Aug S.6583C, Timmins TB06C-1B, 2.73 grammes Fair/VG. 1690 May: S.6583O, Timmins TB06M-1C, Fine/Good Fine, the obverse with a large flan flaw

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots Africa (16) (2) 50 s 2007 UNC and lustrous, 100 Dinars 2009 EF, Shilling 1924KM VF with an edge nick, 1985 Fine, Millieme 1947 (AH1366) GEF with traces of lustre, 1961 Lustrous UNC, 2001 II 75th Birthday nFDC, (3) 1962 UNC with some lustre, One Escudo 1962 EF, 1952 A/UNC, 1965 UNC with some lustre, 1939 Fine, Shilling 1895 GF the obverse with some surface deposit, Southern 1947 EF with dull tone, s 1972 VF (2)

Auction 171
World Bulk Lots 1809 W Fine, 1911 Fine cleaned, ZAR 2 1/2 s 1894 Fine cleaned, 1910 Fine, along five other low grade or damaged base metal issues

Auction 170
World Bulk Lots 1928 , , , , , Penny and UNC to FDC uncased, the with some toning, the retaining good lustre
£150 London Coins : A170 : Lot 2628 : Ireland Proof Set 1928 Halfcrown, Florin, Shilling, Sixpence, Threepence, Penny and Halfpenny UNC to... London Coins : A170 : Lot 2628 : Ireland Proof Set 1928 Halfcrown, Florin, Shilling, Sixpence, Threepence, Penny and Halfpenny UNC to...

Auction 170
World Bulk Lots World a useful group (14) (8) 1950 Prooflike issue KM#40.1 About UNC and highly lustrous, Two s 1896 VF, Shilling 1892 About VF/VF, s (3) 1896 Fine, 1897 (2) GVF lightly toned, and Fine, 1898 (2) Fine and VF/EF, - 1888A KM#510 Lustrous UNC, 1930 Legend KM#99 VF, 1947S KM#184 UNC lightly toned, 1939 Exposition KM#43 A/UNC, 50 Centavos 1916 KM#561 UNC and lustrous with some small tone spots, 1957 2500 Years of Buddhism KM#126 A/UNC

Auction 170
World Bulk Lots (35) 1937 VF. s (4) 1944 GVF/NEF, 1952 A/UNC, 1962 UNC, 1963 A/UNC. s (4) 1943S A/UNC, 1944S GVF, 1960 UNC toned, 1961 GEF. s (12) 1942D A/UNC toned, 1943D NEF, 1943S A/UNC toned, 1951PL AU/UNC and lustrous, 1954 (6) EF to UNC and lustrous, 1955 Lustrous UNC, 1958 Lustrous UNC. s (5) 1917M VF/GVF, 1949 EF cleaned, 1958 A/UNC, 1960 Lustrous UNC, 1964 UNC. Pennies (5) 1949 Good Fine, 1951 A/UNC toned, 1959 A/UNC, 1961 VF/GVF, 1964 UNC and lustrous, partially toned. (3) 1948 A/UNC with traces of lustre, 1949 EF, 1960 GEF toned. 1966 UNC with some small spots

Auction 170
World Bulk Lots A retired dealers ex-retail stock 1961-1964 issues (35) s (16), s (14), s (5) includes lower mintage issues Florin 1963 (8) and Shilling 1961 (1), lustrous UNC many with matching light golden tone, total ticket price £214
£75 London Coins : A170 : Lot 2571 : A retired dealers ex-retail stock  New Zealand 1961-1964 issues (35) Florins (16), Shillings (14), S... London Coins : A170 : Lot 2571 : A retired dealers ex-retail stock  New Zealand 1961-1964 issues (35) Florins (16), Shillings (14), S...

Auction 170
World Bulk Lots World a small group (4) 3 1590 Sigismund III, Riga Mint NVF, 1689 Sept. S.6581D, Timmins TB12D-1E About Fine with an old scratch on the obverse, Token Wiltshire - Malmesbury Walter Woodman W.122 VG/Fine, scarce. clipped to the inner circle leaving a flan of 18mm Fair

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots in high grades s (77) mostly 1963 s 1963 (72) these book at $20 each in Krause, 1964 (2), s (85) these mostly 1963, s (82) mostly 1963, (115) QE II including examples from the 1950s most if not all lustrous Unc

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots (3) 1923 KM#17.1 in a SANGS holder and graded PF65, 1923 Proof KM#A16 in a SANGS holder and graded PF62, 1923 Proof KM#A15 in a SANGS holder and graded PF62
£260 London Coins : A169 : Lot 2247 : South Africa (3) Shilling 1923 Proof KM#17.1 in a SANGS holder and graded PF65, Sixpence 1923 Proof ... London Coins : A169 : Lot 2247 : South Africa (3) Shilling 1923 Proof KM#17.1 in a SANGS holder and graded PF65, Sixpence 1923 Proof ...

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots , and INA Fantasy s (17) Australia (8) s 1920 (2) UNC Toned and Lustrous UNC, 1920 Toned AU/UNC, Crown Obverse ADVANCE AUSTRALIA Emu and with map of Australia all crowned , Reverse MODEL Plated , 40.19 grammes, Lustrous UNC, Crowns 1937 Edward VIII (3) one plated UNC, one with some contact marks on the 's neck, Lead in the style of a 1797 GB AUSTRALIAN PROCLAMATION 1800-2000 UNC with some edge nicks, Canada INA Fantasy s Edward VIII (5) 1937 Crowned and draped bust left in Barton-style gold plate (2), 1937 Bare Head left, in Barton-style gold plate, 1937 Crowned and draped bust left, in Barton-style silver plate (2) all UNC with practically full lustre, Cyprus INA Fantasy 45 1937 Edward VIII (4) comprising Small bust and EDWARDVS VIII REX IMPERATOR continuous legend, in lustrous UNC (2), and Larger bust and EDWARD VIII KING EMPEROR divided legend UNC and lustrous with some toning

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots GB and World (20) (9) (4) 1887 GF/VF,1917 Bombay (3) NEF (2) and EF, (3) 1916 Bombay NVF/VF, 1917 Bombay (2) AU/UNC with some light toning, and VF/NEF, 1918 AU/UNC and lustrous, 1918 Calcutta EF/AU, (2) Dollars 1963 EF/GEF with some lustre, 1903 Fine, 1914 NEF, One Lira 1915R VF, GB 1867 Die Number 20 Good Fine, Dollar 1885O Lustrous UNC with golden tone, Silver 1975 A/UNC, (2) 1972 II and Silver Proof nFDC, Crown 1964 UNC, 1780 Maria Theresa Restrike Prooflike UNC, and 1937 Coronation of Edward VIII 44mm diameter in . Reverse: Britannia standing facing, in an archway holds a Union Jack flag and crown CROWNED A.D. 1937. UNC in the box of issue

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots GB and World a mixed group includes Two s 1992 UNC in the plastic case, Australia Ten Dollars 1991 UNC, in the wallet of issue. GB and World Mint Sets (3) GB 1986, 1993, Australia 1989, UNC in the wallets of issue. Australia Set a 6-coin set comprising 1917M, 1936, 1936, 1936, Penny 1934, 1927 Near Fine to Good Fine in the Sherwood wallet of issue. GB Unofficial Sets (2) 1967 to Halfpenny (6 coins), GB Decimals 1968/71 both UNC in slide cases. Australia Five Dollars 2000 (2) and issues UNC on the cards of issue. Australia Games 2000 Mascots lion UNC. Hong Kong (3) 1876H Fine with speckled tone, 1883 GVF toned, 1865 Fine. GB Threepence 1887 EF toned, along with GB and World 19th and mostly in base metal (30) in mixed grades, and a further group of GB Threepences to s 20th Century (52) and 1967 (63) in mixed grades the Pennies mostly UNC, Banknote 10 Rama IV Fine

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots Edward VIII Fantasy s 1937 (24), by Maklouf, bearing the portrait of Edward VIII and struck in .925 . Made in the early 1990s with a mintage believed to be around 2000 pieces, FDC

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots (79) mostly base metal issues, includes RS114 (1895), and RS 121 (1902), Att CS1249 (1887), fantasy items (4), Paranumismatic (2) also a 1956 Fine, an n Temple Token and 2 1934 Replica Fine

Auction 169
World Bulk Lots Token E.Cleburne, Clothier, Cork Good Fine, Ireland Mint Sets (2) 1969-1971 UNC in the folders of issue George III contemporary counterfeits (2) Good to VG, as part of a group of Ireland (79) comprising s (2), (1), s (5), s (10), s (14), Pennies (33), Halfpennies (5), (2), Decimal Five Pence (1), Decimal Two Pence (2), and Decimal (1), along with Cent 1976D VF and 1948 Fine

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots Mint Set (8 coins) to 1964 and 1959, UNC in the green wallet of issue, Ireland Mint set 1968 (5 coins) to Penny, Ireland Free State coinage (315) Halfcrowns (6), Florin (1), s (5), s (19), s (24), Pennies (260) in mixed circulated grades, also Pennies (2) 1805, 1822, (13) 1682, 1694, 1723 Woods, 1752, 1805 (GVF/NEF), 1823, 1940, 1943, 1949, 1953 (3), 1965, Farthings (5) 1760, 1806 (2), 1933, 1940, Tokens (4) Halfpenny 1814, Pennies (2) 1813 E.Stephens, 1820 E.Stephens, Halfpenny 1832, GB Penny 1890, Penny 1942, these in mixed grades, and two low grade examples of Ireland the surfaces damaged, Decimals (22) 1979 UNC and Two Pences (21) 1971 (16), 1980, 1998, 2000 (3) UNC and lustrous

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots (35) 1937 VF. s (4) 1944 GVF/NEF, 1952 A/UNC, 1962 UNC, 1963 A/UNC. s (4) 1943S A/UNC, 1944S GVF, 1960 UNC toned, 1961 GEF. s (12) 1942D A/UNC toned, 1943D NEF, 1943S A/UNC toned, 1951PL AU/UNC and lustrous, 1954 (6) EF to UNC and lustrous, 1955 Lustrous UNC, 1958 Lustrous UNC. s (5) 1917M VF/GVF, 1949 EF cleaned, 1958 A/UNC, 1960 Lustrous UNC, 1964 UNC. Pennies (5) 1949 Good Fine, 1951 A/UNC toned, 1959 A/UNC, 1961 VF/GVF, 1964 UNC and lustrous, partially toned. (3) 1948 A/UNC with traces of lustre, 1949 EF, 1960 GEF toned. 1966 UNC with some small spots

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots ZAR (23) 2 1/2 s (3) 1894, 1895, 1896, Two Shillings (5) 1892, 1894 (2), 1896 (2), Shillings (8) 1893, 1894 (2), 1895 (2), 1896 (3), 1897, s (3) 1892, 1895, 1896, s (2) 1895, 1897, 1898 in mixed grades VG to VF

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots Two Cents with obverse, Lustrous UNC, New Zealand Mint Set 1963 UNC with some tone spots, New Zealand s (2) 1967 to (6 coins), 1981 50 Cents to One Cent (6 coins) UNC to FDC uncased, New Zealand Crowns to (71) comprising Crown 1949, s (7) 1935, 1940 Centennial, 1943, 1948, 1949, 1950 (2), s (7) 1933, 1934,1940, 1950, 1951, 1961, 1964, s (10) 1934, 1935 (2), 1942, 1950, 1951, 1956, 1964, 1965 (2), s (16) 1933, 1934 (2), 1943, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1952 (2), 1953, 1959, 1964 (2), 1965 (3), s (9) 1933, 1934 (2), 1937, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1955, Pennies (18) 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1945, 1947 (3), 1949, 1950 (4), 1952 (2), 1955, 1956, 1961, Halfpennies (3) 1941, 1942, 1951, New Zealand s (2) 1974, 1976, 50 Cents 1980, (2) 1967, 1982, (2) 1967, 1971, 1973, plus GB Halfcrown 1962, in mixed grades some EF

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots (5) 1927 Parliament House, 1916M, s (3) 1950 (2), 1959, (4) Shilling 1945, s 1945 (2), Threepence 1946, Threepence 1933 the first EF with some hairlines, others About EF to Lustrous UNC, a pleasing group

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots s, Tokens, Fantasies and Elongates (85) along with USA (42) 1958 UNC, Dime 1917, (7) 1923, 1924D, 1930S Ex-Mount, 1936 (2), 1939, and another with the date worn, Two Cents (2) 1864, 1865, (32) 18-- Large Cent with date worn, 1861,1879, 1887, 1891, 1911D, 1916, 1919, 1920 (2), 1921, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1936, 1940, 1942, 1945, 1948 (2), 1951, 1951D, 1953D, 1953S, 1994D, in mixed grades, USA Part Mint Set 1970D Quarter Dollar, , and One Cent UNC toned, (3) 1962, 1946 and 1965, GB 1927, Two Pence 1975 and 5 Cents 1980 in mixed grades

Auction 168
World Bulk Lots (5) s (4) 1917M NVF, 1926 VF, 1927 KM#27 NEF/GVF, 1935 GVF, 1920M GVF with some scratches

Auction 167
World Bulk Lots GB and World (20) (9) (4) 1887 GF/VF,1917 Bombay (3) NEF (2) and EF, (3) 1916 Bombay NVF/VF, 1917 Bombay (2) AU/UNC with some light toning, and VF/NEF, 1918 AU/UNC and lustrous, 1918 Calcutta EF/AU, (2) Dollars 1963 EF/GEF with some lustre, 1903 Fine, 1914 NEF, One Lira 1915R VF, GB 1867 Die Number 20 Good Fine, Dollar 1885O Lustrous UNC with golden tone, Silver 1975 A/UNC, (2) 1972 II and Silver Proof nFDC, Crown 1964 UNC, 1780 Maria Theresa Restrike Prooflike UNC, and 1937 Coronation of Edward VIII 44mm diameter in . Reverse: Britannia standing facing, in an archway holds a Union Jack flag and crown CROWNED A.D. 1937. UNC in the box of issue

Auction 167
World Bulk Lots World (22) - (5) (3) 1942C GF/VF, 1945 (2) Fine and NVF, 1941C Good Fine, 1944C Fine, (3) AH1354 (1936) UNC, AH1368 (1948) Lustrous UNC, AH1380 (1961) Lustrous UNC, Saudi Arabia AH1354 (1936) GVF, (9) 20 Mils (3) 1927 Fine, 1942 NVF and 1942 Bronze VF, 10 Mils (6) 1927 (3) Fine and Good Fine (2), 1937 VF, 1939NVF, 1942 Fine, One Cent 1940 VF, 1947 Fine or better, 1933 VG, 10 Cents 1897 VG

Auction 167
World Bulk Lots (23) s (9) 1853 Arrows and Rays, 1857, 1876, 1892, 1900, 1902, 1907, 1908D, 1915, Dimes (13) 1852, 1855 Arrows, 1862, 1886, 1890, 1891 O Open 9, 1892 (2), 1899, 1902, 1906, 1912, 1917S, VG to Good Fine, 1870 NVF/VF, along with s (3) 1914 GF, 1934 About Fine/Fine and 1936 NVF nicely toned

Auction 167
World Bulk Lots GB and World a mixed group includes a locket in the form of a 1953 , (5), (2), and lic issues (5) in a box with certificate. History, International Coin Replicas, and Greatest Coins of the World a 12-coin set in base metal, Prooflike UNC, in a box, ten with certificates, GB and World loose and in capsules (103) includes mostly base metal issues from a wide variety of countries, including (4) 1994, 1996, 1997 and 1999 on waffled flans, these EF to UNC

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots GB s to s, and World a 18th to (363) in albums and pages, includes , , , , , , , , , , and many more, with some issues, in mixed grades to EF, Mint Set 1968 UNC, along with a small group of World Banknotes (23) in mixed circulated grades

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots World 18th to includes in damaged low grade, 2 1810 EF, Shilling 1892 Fine, a good mix of countries includes USA, South Africa, , and more, includes some token issues, in mixed grades to EF. A Collectors folder containing Shillings (32) and s (34) 1937-1967, includes many issues, in mixed circulated grades, issues to Elizabeth II Shillings to s in base metal (lot), in mixed grades, and Pre-Victorian issues in mixed low grades, Plastic Sets 1953 (2) UNC in the wallets of issue, and a Slave Token , London, Liverpool or Bristol edge NVF, along with Banknotes in Photo frames (5 notes in 3 frames) UK Peppiatt Blue £1, Hollom , Page , Somerset One Pound and Royal Bank of One Pound 1982 in mixed grades

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots George V issues in (58) 2 1/2 s (13) a date run except for 1931, (13) a date run except for 1931, Shillings (11) a date run except for 1926 and 1931, s (9) 1923, 1925, 1926, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936, s (12) 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934 (2), 1935, 1936 in mixed grades to GVF

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots a in Whitman-style folder (John Bertrand) 1940-1965 including obverses, Pennies 1940-1964 including obverses, s 1933-1966 (no 1941) includes obverses, s 1933-1966 includes obverses, s 1933-1966 includes obverses (no 1941), s 1933-1966 include obverses, with some in EF, some of these are scarcer dates

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots (3) First Coinage, Second Bust S.6513 mintmark Martlet 4.46 grammes, Fine with some scratches, Six Henry VIII HR either side of the Crowned Harp, Fourth Harp Issue S.6482 mintmark Lis 2.24 grammes Fine, James I First Coinage S.6514 mintmark Martlet 1.96 grammes, (2) , First Period, Edinburgh Mint, Reverse with voided Saltire Cross, and cinquefoil each side, Reversed N in EDINBVRGI S.5433, 1.88 grammes About Fine, Bawbee I 1678 S.5628 VG

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots World a small group (8) 1897 VF/NVF, 1888 NEF toned, s (2) 1914 Fine/Good Fine, 1920M Fine, 1911 GVF/NEF, Southern 1942 Fine with some scratches, 1/12th Shilling 1877H Fine, Token 1811 Obverse: Atlas Davis 13 Fine

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots (3) 1930 GVF with some tone spots, 1935 NVF, 1935 NEF

Auction 166
World Bulk Lots (569) s (16), s (61), s (72), s (39), s (39), Pennies (170), (34), Halfpennies (138) in mixed circulated grades

Auction 165
World Bulk Lots (47) Crown 1949, s (8), s (7), s (2), s (8), s (15), (3) and (1), along with Florin 1935, includes plenty of issues, in mixed grades some EF

Auction 165
World Bulk Lots ZAR (17) s 1894, 1896, 1897 (2), Two s (4) 1895, 1896, 1897 (2), Shillings (6) 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897 (2), s 1897 (2), 1898 in mixed grades a few VF to EF

Auction 165
World Bulk Lots (15) s (7) 1917M NVF, 1927 Parliament House Good Fine, 1942S Fine, 1943 Fine, 1946 VG, 1947 VG, 1951 50th Year Jubilee KM#47 Lustrous UNC, s (5) 1944 Near Fine/Good Fine, 1957 Fine/VF, 1961 A/UNC and lustrous, 1962 UNC and lustrous, lightly toned, 1963 About UNC and lustrous, 1963 UNC with a light tone, s (2) 1942D Fine, 1963 EF, (4) 1952GEF/AU and lustrous, Florin 1952 nFDC, Threepences (2) 1948 Fine/VF, 1951 About Fine/Good Fine, Florin 1935 Fine

Auction 165
World Bulk Lots (12) s 1960 A/UNC, 2 1/ 1896 VF/GVF, Shilling 1896 VG, s (2) 1897 GVF, 1936 Fine, 1941 NEF, Pennies (4) 1935 VF, 1936 VF, 1954 GVF/EF, 1955 GVF, (2) 1956 NEF/EF, 1957 EF, 5 Heller 1913A UNC, Southern 1951 NVF, Penny 1921 VF, New Pennies (2) 1936 EF, 1938 EF, (12) Penny 1920 VG, One Tenth Pennies 1936 George V (11) VF to GEF, along with 4 1/2 1921 NVF, 1942 Fine, 1890 Poor, also (20), 50 Mils (10), 25 Mils (11), 10 Mils (1), 5 Mils (5), 1955-1982 from circulation, mainly high grades, (5), (1), (1), and 50 2000 UNC, (35) 1952, 1 Piastre 1952 (3), 5 1952 (3), 2 Milliemes 1952 (18), 1 Millieme 1952 (10) in mixed grades to UNC

Auction 164
World Bulk Lots GB and World in a box (178) Ancients to , includes a wide variety of countries, , , , , , and a GB 1863 VG, France 1783A 8 over 7 Good Fine, and - Emergency Coinage 1938 consisting of different stamps on cardboard discs, values 10 to (14), many useful items noted, in mixed grades to EF

Auction 164
World Bulk Lots (56) s (6) 1951 (2) S.6640 Lustrous UNC and toned UNC, 1954 (2) S.6640 UNC and Lustrous UNC with few tone spots, 1955 (2) S.6640 both Toned UNC, s (3) 1942 S.6641 A/UNC, 1949 S.6641 UNC with a tone spot on the obverse, 1958 S.6641 UNC and lustrous with small edge nicks, 1934 S.6628 EF with hairlines, s (3) 1939 (2), 1941, s (6) 1939 (2), 1940 (2), 1941, 1955, Shillings (4) 1935, 1939 (2), 1940, Sixpences (4) 1956, 1960, 1961 (2), Threepences (12) 1940, 1942, 1943, 1950, 1953 (2), 1956 (5), 1961, Pennies (10) 1931, 1935 (3), 1940 (6) in mixed grades to GEF, Florin 1959 S.6639 UNC with a small carbon spot, Pennies (4) 1935 S.6630 UNC and nicely toned, 1937 S.6630 UNC and nicely toned, 1943 S.6643 UNC and colourfully toned, 1946 S.6643 Lustrous UNC with a few small spots, (3) 1935 S.6631 UNC or near so with traces of lustre and a flan flaw on the edge, 1937 S.6631 A/UNC and lustrous with a few small tone spots, 1942 S.6644 Lustrous UNC, the reverse nicely toned Shillings (5) 1951 (2) S.6640 GEF and UNC, 1954 S.6640 UNC (2), 1955 S.6640 Lustrous UNC, Sixpences (4) 1940 S.6636 EF, 1949 S.6641 GEF with a small spot on the rim, 1952 GEF with an edge nick 1958 UNC

Auction 164
World Bulk Lots (62) Tokens (3) s (2) 1862 , W.Jamieson, Warrnambool KM#Tn136 GF/NVF, scarce, and , Joseph Moir, , , KM#Tn174 NVF once cleaned now retoned, Token 1860 A.G.Hodgson KM#Tn107 Good Fine, with a weak strike in the centre s to (59) comprising Crowns 1937 (2) VF and NEF with graffiti on the portrait, s (29) 1910, 1914H, 1915H, 1918M, 1923, 1925 (2), 1926, 1927 Parliament House (2), 1928 (2), 1931, 1932 KM#27, 1934 (2), 1935, 1936 (5), 1944S, 1951 50th Anniversary Jubilee (2), 1953, 1954, 1954 Royal Visit, 1963, s (2) 1917M GVF, 1936 EF, s (2) 1914, 1927, s (3) 1915 (Fine), 1917M, 1934, Pennies (7) 1919 Dot below lower scroll, 1922, 1927, 1933, 1936, 1944, 1951, Halfpennies (10) 1911, 1914 (2), 1926, 1933, 1934 (2), 1943 (2), 1951, and Sixpence 1947, in mixed grades to EF, also s (2) Australia - (2) of Queen Victoria 1897 24mm diameter in , Swan Reverse GVF/VF holed at the top, Coronation of George V 1911 31mm diameter EF toned with suspension loop on the edge

Auction 164
World Bulk Lots (658) s (3) 1963, 1964, 1966, s (22) 1961, 1963 (4), 1964 (10), 1965 (1), 1966 (6), s (31) 1964 (2), 1968 (29), s (57) 1963 (2), 1964 (2), 1967 (21), 1968 (28), 1969 (4), s (319) 1950, 1953, 1962, 1963 (9), 1964 (6), 1965 (17), 1966 (36), 1967 (66), 1968 (182), Pennies () 1963 (3), 1964 (3), 1965 (11), 1966 (7), 1967 (116), 1968 (60), (26) 1964, 1966 (4), 1967 (21), NEF to UNC includes plenty in lustrous UNC

Auction 164
World Bulk Lots World a varied group (21) (9) Crown 1953 Lustrous UNC with golden tone, 1953 UNC and with light golden tone, 1953 Lustrous UNC with golden tone, 1953 Lustrous UNC and nicely toned, 1953 Lustrous UNC, lightly toned with small spots, 1953 Lustrous UNC, lightly toned, (the looks to be a matching group) Penny 1953 UNC with subdued lustre, 1953 UNC/AU with a few small spots, 1953 A/UNC with traces of lustre, (3) 1971, Two Cents 1971 and 1971 all lustrous UNC, (2) Penny 1940 GVF, Halfpenny 1928 UNC or near so with good lustre, Florins (2) 1910 Fine/VF, 1914H Good Fine, 1862 NEF and lustrous with some contact marks, 50 1917 EF, 1678 VG, Shilling 1913 NEF, One Korona 1914 Lustrous UNC

Auction 164
World Bulk Lots (33) s (12) 1927, 1931 (2), 1936, 1938, 1941, 1942S, 1944, 1954, 1958, 1960, 1962, s (3) 1925, 1927, 1928, 1952, 1942S, Pennies (11) 1935 ed, 1941, 1942, 1947, 1951 (2) both gilded, 1952 gilded, 1960, 1963, 1964, (2) 1947, 1959, 1966 (3), (13) Florin 1947, Shilling 1933, Sixpences (3) 1943, 1948, 1965, Threepences (2) 1953, 1965, Pennies (6) 1947, 1955, 1958 (2), 1959, 1963 in mixed grades a few later coins in EF

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