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Tiberius : Ancient Coins

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Date Sold Category Lot Description Sale Price

Auction 186
Ancient Coins (14-37AD) Obverse: Laureate head right TI CAESAR DIV [I] [F AV]GVSTVS, Reverse: Liva, as Pax, holding branch and , seated right on chair with plain legs, 3.57 grammes, RIC 26, RSC 16, Fine
£95 London Coins : A186 : Lot 1249 : Roman Denarius Tiberius (14-37AD) Obverse: Laureate head right TI CAESAR DIV [I] [F  AV]GVSTVS, Reve... London Coins : A186 : Lot 1249 : Roman Denarius Tiberius (14-37AD) Obverse: Laureate head right TI CAESAR DIV [I] [F  AV]GVSTVS, Reve...

Auction 185
Ancient Coins (3 ) Ae4 City Commemorative Rome Mint. Obverse: Bust of Roma left wearing visored and crested helmet and ornamental mantle VRBS ROMA, Reverse Wolf and twins left, Mintmark R wreath Q, 2.39 grammes, RIC Rome 354 GVF with good metal, coinage (c.810-830) S.860/862 Fair, Roman Provincial 'Widow's Mite' and Pontius Pilate (26-36AD) Obverse: Lituus, Reverse: LIZ within wreath 2.34 grammes, VG on an irregular flan
£48 London Coins : A185 : Lot 1620 : Roman (3 ) Ae4 City Commemorative Rome Mint. Obverse: Bust of Roma left wearing visored and crested ...

Auction 184
Ancient Coins (17-21AD) 'Tribute' Obverse: Bust right, laureate, Reverse: Livia as Pax seated right, MAXIM [PONTIF] 3.40 grammes, Portrait Near Fine, the remainder of the coin Fair with much of the legend worn
£65 London Coins : A184 : Lot 1402 : Roman Denarius Tiberius (17-21AD) 'Tribute' Penny Obverse: Bust right, laureate, Reverse: ... London Coins : A184 : Lot 1402 : Roman Denarius Tiberius (17-21AD) 'Tribute' Penny Obverse: Bust right, laureate, Reverse: ...

Auction 184
Ancient Coins (7) Ar Siliqua Julian II, Arles. 18mm, 1.91 g. Obverse: Bearded, pearl-diademed draped and cuirassed bust right DN FL CL IVLI-ANVS PF AVG, Reverse: VOT X MVLT XX in four lines within wreath. Eagle in badge at top, Mintmark PCONST 1.91 grammes, RIC 309, NVF with some scratches, Ae (3) Allectus (287-296AD) London. Obverse: Bust right, cuirassed and radiate, IMP C ALLECTVS PF AVG, Reverse: , Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopiae, globe at foot, PROVID AVG, S-A across fields. Mintmark ML. RIC V-2, 35; Sear 13832. VG with much of the legend worn, II Rome mint. 269 AD. Obverse: Radiate head right, IMP CLAVDIVS AVG, Reverse: , Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. FORTVNA REDVX, Z in right field. 2.55 grammes, RIC 41; Sear 11337. Fair with much of the legend worn, Aurelian (270-275AD) mint. Obverse: Radiate and cuirassed bust right, IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, Reverse: , Aurelian and Severina or priest standing facing each other, each holding short , sacrificing at altar between them. PIETAS AVG, Mintmark S. 2.82 grammes, RIC 138, Cohen 170, Sear 11583v. VG with a large edge chip, Ae3 (2) Crispus (306-325AD) Obverse: Bust left holding shield and spear, Reverse: VOT X MVLT XX within wreath, in 4 lines, 2.45 grammes, VG, Valens (367-370 AD) Obverse: Bust right, diademed, draped and cuirassed, DN VALENS PF AVG, Reverse: Victory wal left, holding wreath and palm. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE, No field marks. Mintmark TESA. RIC Thessalonica 18b, Cohen 47. 2.08 grammes, VG, along with Semis (8-10AD) Reverse: Front view of Altar of Lugdunum ROM ET AVG below, 3.19 grammes, Fair
£44 London Coins : A184 : Lot 1393 : Roman (7) Ar Siliqua Julian II, Arles. 18mm, 1.91 g. Obverse: Bearded, pearl-diademed draped and cui... London Coins : A184 : Lot 1393 : Roman (7) Ar Siliqua Julian II, Arles. 18mm, 1.91 g. Obverse: Bearded, pearl-diademed draped and cui...

Auction 183
Ancient Coins and As (10) includes , Antonia, , , , , Senior, , Licilla and types, Fair to Fine
£90 London Coins : A183 : Lot 1313 : Roman Dupondius and As (10) includes Tiberius, Antonia, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian, Faustina Se... London Coins : A183 : Lot 1313 : Roman Dupondius and As (10) includes Tiberius, Antonia, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Hadrian, Faustina Se...

Auction 183
Ancient Coins (12) (8), Anastasius I, Justin I, Justin II, Justin II and Sophia, Maurice (2), Phocas, and Constans II, Half Follis (2) Maurice Tiberius and cles, Decanummion Justin I, and 12 Nummi Maurice Tiberius, Fair to Fine

Auction 183
Ancient Coins (13) (12) Maurice (4), Justin I, Justin II and Sophia, Tiberius , Anastasius I, Phocas, Constans II, Leo III, Leo V, Half Follis Maurice Tiberius, in mixed grades Fair to Fine

Auction 181
Ancient Coins 'Tribute ' Lyons Mint, Obverse bust right, laureate, TI CAESAR DIVI AVG AVGVSTVS, Reverse: Livia (as Pax) seated right, holding olive branch and long , seated right on throne, plain chair legs, single line below, PONTIF MAXIM, RIC 30, RSC 16a, 3.67 grammes, Good Fine with some old lacquering, comes with old collector's ticket
£220 London Coins : A181 : Lot 1324 : Roman Denarius Tiberius 'Tribute Penny' Lyons Mint, Obverse bust right, laureate, TI CAESA... London Coins : A181 : Lot 1324 : Roman Denarius Tiberius 'Tribute Penny' Lyons Mint, Obverse bust right, laureate, TI CAESA...

Auction 181
Ancient Coins (5) (14-37AD) Lyons. Obverse: Laureate head right TI [----] DIVI AVG F AVG[---], Reverse: Livia, as Pax, holding long and olive branch, seated right on throne with ornate legs, single line below, RIC 30, RSC 16a, 3.69 grammes, Fine/Good Fine, (54-68AD) Obverse: head right, laureate, NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, Reverse: Hexastyle temple of with domed roof and statue of Vesta within, VESTA RSC 335, RIC 62, 3.16 grammes,VF with some stains and a small edge chip, (194-195AD) E. Obverse: head right, laureate IMP C AEL SEP SEV PERT AVG COS II, Reverse: Liberalitas standing left holding counting board and cornucopiae, Cohen 283, RIC 400, 2.62 grammes, Fine, (117-138AD) Obverse: Laureate head right IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, Reverse: ia seated left, P M TR P COS III, CONCORD in exergue, holding patera and resting left elbow on statue of Spes, cornucopia below seat RIC 118a 3.42 grammes, Ae the Great. Nicomedia Campgate with two turrets, 2.39 grammes, Near Fine/Fine

Auction 181
Ancient Coins (20) (14), (2), As (3), (1), many rulers represented, includes , I, Faustina II, Lucilla, , , , , types, VG to Fine, some with worn legends

Auction 181
Ancient Coins 'Tribute ' Lugdunum Mint, Obverse bust right, laureate, TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, Reverse: Livia (as Pax) seated right, holding olive branch and inverted spear, plain chair legs, double line below, RIC 28var, 3.80 grammes, Good Fine
£120 London Coins : A181 : Lot 1323 : Roman Denarius Tiberius 'Tribute Penny' Lugdunum Mint, Obverse bust right, laureate, TI CA... London Coins : A181 : Lot 1323 : Roman Denarius Tiberius 'Tribute Penny' Lugdunum Mint, Obverse bust right, laureate, TI CA...

Auction 181
Ancient Coins (19) (12) Anastasius I 491-518AD (1), Justinian I 527-565AD (5), Justin II 565-578AD, (1), Maurice 582-602 (1), Constans II 641-668AD (1), Leo VI 886-912 (1), Basil II 976-1025 (1), Anonymous issue 1020-1028 (1), Half Follis (7) Justinian I 527-565AD (1), Justin II 565-578AD (3), Phocas 602-610AD, Constans II 642-668 (1), Ae12 Nummi Constans II 642-668 (1) VG to Fine, along with Ae4 Aelia Flaccilla. AE14mm. Thessalonica. 383-388 AD. Obverse: Draped bust right AEL FLAC-CILLA AVG, Reverse: Victory seated right inscribing a chi-rho on shield set on narrow column. Mintmark TESΔ. SALVS REI-PVBLICAE, RIC IX Thessalonica 46; Sear 20608. VF

Auction 181
Ancient Coins Ae As. (2) (struck 35-36AD) Obverse: Bust left, laureate TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP [VIIII] Reverse: Globe and rudder S-C PONTIF MAXIM POT XXXVII, RIC 58, 10.12 grammes, Good Fine/VF the obverse with some scratches, Tiberius, as (struck 8-12AD) Rome Mint, Obverse: Bare head right TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT V, Reverse: Large SC, PONTIFEX TRIBVN POTESTATE XIII, Cohen 27, BMC 271, RIC 469 (), 11.09 grammes, Fine/Good Fine with some pitting
£85 London Coins : A181 : Lot 1278 : Roman Ae As. (2) Tiberius (struck 35-36AD) Obverse: Bust left, laureate TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST ... London Coins : A181 : Lot 1278 : Roman Ae As. (2) Tiberius (struck 35-36AD) Obverse: Bust left, laureate TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST ...

Auction 181
Ancient Coins Ae As (4) (65AD) Obverse: Bust right, laureate, NERO CAESAR AVG GERM IMP. Reverse: View of the Temple of Janus, with latticed window to right and hung across double doors to left, PACE P R VBIQ PAR[TA IANVM] CLVSIT S-C, Cohen 164, RIC 309, 8.46 grammes, Near Fine, (27BC-14AD) Obverse: Bust right, Reverse: SC legends worn, 9.48 grammes, Fair, Augustus (c.31-37AD) Struck under , Obverse: Bust left, radiate, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, Reverse: Large altar with SC either side, PROVIDENT in exergue, some encrustation, Cohen 228 (Aug), BMC 146, RIC 81 (Tib), 10.19g Near Fine with green patina, (41-54AD) Obverse: Bust left, [TI CL] AVDIVS CAESAR AVG [----] Reverse: standing right, brandishing spear and holding shield on left arm, RIC 100 or 116 (end of obverse legend off flan), 8.93 grammes, VG
£70 London Coins : A181 : Lot 1277 : Roman Ae As (4) Nero (65AD) Obverse: Bust right, laureate, NERO CAESAR AVG GERM IMP. Reverse: View o...

Auction 177
Ancient Coins 'Tribute ', Lugdunum Mint, Obverse: Bust right, laureate TI CAESAR DIV AVG F AVGVSTVS, Reverse: Livia, as Pax, seated right holding branch and , ornamental chair legs, single line below, PONTIF MAXIM, RSC 16a, RIC 30, 3.88 grammes, VF with minor flan stress
£320 London Coins : A177 : Lot 1168 : Ancient Rome Denarius Tiberius 'Tribute Penny', Lugdunum Mint,  Obverse: Bust right, laure... London Coins : A177 : Lot 1168 : Ancient Rome Denarius Tiberius 'Tribute Penny', Lugdunum Mint,  Obverse: Bust right, laure...

Auction 177
Ancient Coins (43) and (2) a wide ranging group issues to Ae4, include many emperors including includes issues from , Trebonianus Gallus, Arcadius, Licinius II, II, Aurelian, Constans, Herennia Etruscilia, , , Tacitus, , , Crospus, Claudius, Licinius, Aurelian, Constans, Salonina, Gratian, Julia Domna, , , and many more, Byzantine Half Justinian I, and Follis Anastasius, in mixed grades, comes in two presentation boxes, Roman Ae3 (2) Constantinople, Reverse: Goddess Fine, and Rome Bust of Roma, Reverse: Romulus and Remus and she-wolf Fine, in a presentation box with booklet and certificate

Auction 174
Ancient Coins Ancients (2) Provincial Ae15 and Pontius Pilate (AD26-36) Obverse: Lituus, Reverse LIZ within wreath, Hendin 349, 2.28 grammes, VG or better with planchet clip or cut at edge, h, Pontius Pilate (struck 29-30 C.E) in (GBC 1341) 1.90 grammes, VG with green patina
£65 London Coins : A174 : Lot 1055 : Ancients (2) Roman Provincial Ae15 Tiberius and Pontius Pilate (AD26-36) Obverse: Lituus, Reverse LI... London Coins : A174 : Lot 1055 : Ancients (2) Roman Provincial Ae15 Tiberius and Pontius Pilate (AD26-36) Obverse: Lituus, Reverse LI...

Auction 174
Ancient Coins Ae4 City Commemorative Rome Mint. Obverse: Bust of Roma left wearing visored and crested helmet and ornamental mantle VRBS ROMA, Reverse Wolf and twins left, Mintmark R wreath Q, 2.39 grammes, RIC Rome 354 GVF with good metal, coinage (c.810-830) S.860/862 Fair, Roman Provincial 'Widow's Mite' and Pontius Pilate (26-36AD) Obverse: Lituus, Reverse: LIZ within wreath 2.34 grammes, VG on an irregular flan
£60 London Coins : A174 : Lot 1067 : Roman Ae4 City Commemorative Rome Mint. Obverse: Bust of Roma left wearing visored and crested helme...

Auction 171
Ancient Coins (17-21AD) 'Tribute' . Obverse: Bust right, laureate. Reverse: Livia as Pax seated right MAXIM PONTIF, 3.43 grammes, bout Fine
£90 London Coins : A171 : Lot 1202 : Denarius Tiberius (17-21AD) 'Tribute' Penny. Obverse: Bust right, laureate. Reverse: Livia... London Coins : A171 : Lot 1202 : Denarius Tiberius (17-21AD) 'Tribute' Penny. Obverse: Bust right, laureate. Reverse: Livia...

Auction 171
Ancient Coins Ancients (6) Ae Gallienus (Joint Reign) AD255-256, Antioch or Samosata Mint. Obverse: Draped bust right, radiate, IMP CP LIC GALLIENVS AVG, Reverse: Valerian standing right holding globe and sceptre, facing Gallienus, standing left, holding Victory and . VIRTVS AVGG, RIC 456j var. 3.22 grammes Good Fine. Small I 3120-313AD Trier, Obverse: Bust right, laureate, draped, and cuirassed SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys draped over left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. T-F across fields. Mintmark PTR in exergue, 5.46 grammes Good Fine. III Obverse: Bust right, draped, laureate and cuirassed IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, Reverse: Sritas seated left with sceptre SECVRITAS AVG, S C in exergue 17.26 grammes Near Fine. Ae Semis as 12-14AD Lugdunum Mint.; Obverse: Laureate Head right, TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII, Reverse: Frome etion of the Altar of Lugdunum ROM ET AVG below, 11.98 grammes, Fine, along with two further unattributed in lower grades

Auction 168
Ancient Coins s (11) AE23, AE27, AE27, AE25, III AE22, Antonius Pius AE28, Maximianvs AE26, Galerius AE27, AE27, VG to Near Fine, plus another two worn pieces, Aurelian (274-275) VF

Auction 165
Ancient Coins Ae As (struck 34-37AD by ) Obverse: Radiate head left, DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, Reverse: SC with thunderbolt between, RIC 83 (Tiberius) 11.11 grammes, VF and pleasing, comes with an old ticket stating ' July 1956'
£80 London Coins : A165 : Lot 2007 : Roman Ae As Divus Augustus (struck 34-37AD by Tiberius) Obverse: Radiate head left, DIVVS AVGVSTVS P... London Coins : A165 : Lot 2007 : Roman Ae As Divus Augustus (struck 34-37AD by Tiberius) Obverse: Radiate head left, DIVVS AVGVSTVS P...

Auction 165
Ancient Coins - , struck 19-20AD, Obverse bust right. Laureate, TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTI F [AVGVSTVS], Reverse crossed cornucopiae and winged caduceus, with cornucopia , PO[N MAXIM COS] III [IMP VII TR POT] XXII unknown city and issue mark 13.65 grammes, countermark NF, host coin NF/VG
£60 London Coins : A165 : Lot 2087 : Roman Dupondius - Tiberius, struck 19-20AD, Obverse bust right. Laureate, TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTI F [... London Coins : A165 : Lot 2087 : Roman Dupondius - Tiberius, struck 19-20AD, Obverse bust right. Laureate, TI CAESAR DIVI AVGVSTI F [...

Auction 165
Ancient Coins (6) includes , , (3) and , in mixed lower grades

Auction 165
Ancient Coins Ae As (2) (27BC-14AD) Moneyer's series, Obverse: Bare head right, CAESAR AVGVSTVS TRIBVNIC POTEST, Reverse: C PLOTIVS RVFVS IIVIR AAAFF around large SC, RIC 389, 10.92 grammes, Fine with green patination. (14-37AD) Bust right, laureate, TI CAESAR (remainder of legend off the flan), Reverse: Front view of the altar of Lugdunum, off-centre, RIC 238a, 9.71 grammes, VG
£52 London Coins : A165 : Lot 2005 : Roman Ae As (2) Augustus (27BC-14AD) Moneyer's series, Obverse: Bare head right, CAESAR AVGVSTV... London Coins : A165 : Lot 2005 : Roman Ae As (2) Augustus (27BC-14AD) Moneyer's series, Obverse: Bare head right, CAESAR AVGVSTV...

Auction 164
Ancient Coins Ae and Germanicus Gemellus 19-37/8AD and 19-23/4 AD, Reverse: Crossed Cornucopiae with winged caduceus between, RIC42, BMC 95, 24.8 grammes, Rome Mint Fine
£260 London Coins : A164 : Lot 817 : Roman Ae Sestertius Tiberius and Germanicus Gemellus 19-37/8AD and 19-23/4 AD, Reverse: Crossed Corn... London Coins : A164 : Lot 817 : Roman Ae Sestertius Tiberius and Germanicus Gemellus 19-37/8AD and 19-23/4 AD, Reverse: Crossed Corn...

Auction 162
Ancient Coins IV (AD 668-685) . Weighs 4.46 grams. Beardless bust, three quarter face to r, holding spear and wearing helmet and cuirass. Rev. VICTORIA AUG 4 O, cross potent between and standing CONOB below. Sear 1153. Very fine but flatness of stri to area below bust and on reverse.
£220 London Coins : A162 : Lot 1559 : Byzantine Constantine IV (AD 668-685) gold solidus. Weighs 4.46 grams. Beardless bust, three quarter... London Coins : A162 : Lot 1559 : Byzantine Constantine IV (AD 668-685) gold solidus. Weighs 4.46 grams. Beardless bust, three quarter...

Auction 157
Ancient Coins of mixed ancients. and s including and a of . Fair to G Fine [34]

Auction 154
Ancient Coins Ae as. . Died AD 14. Rome mint. Struck under . C, 15-16 AD. Rev; SC, Female figure (Livia or Pietas) seated right, holding patera and . RIC I 72 (Tiberius). Dark patina with earthy deposits. 11.39g. VF
£160 London Coins : A154 : Lot 1500 : Ae as.  Divus Augustus. Died AD 14. Rome mint. Struck under Tiberius.  C, 15-16 AD.  Rev; SC, Female... London Coins : A154 : Lot 1500 : Ae as.  Divus Augustus. Died AD 14. Rome mint. Struck under Tiberius.  C, 15-16 AD.  Rev; SC, Female...

Auction 154
Ancient Coins Ar . . Lugdunum. C, 36-37 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; Livia (as Pax) seated right on throne with ornate legs, holding long and olive branch, single line below chair. RIC 30. Slight ragged edge with horn deposits to surface. 3.38g. G Fine
£100 London Coins : A154 : Lot 1523 : Ar denarius.  Tiberius.   Lugdunum.  C, 36-37 AD.  Rev; PONTIF MAXIM;  Livia (as Pax) seated right o... London Coins : A154 : Lot 1523 : Ar denarius.  Tiberius.   Lugdunum.  C, 36-37 AD.  Rev; PONTIF MAXIM;  Livia (as Pax) seated right o...

Auction 153
Ancient Coins of Ae as. From to including other examples from , , , , and . Mixed grades, some scarce pieces. Fine to NVF. [9]

Auction 153
Ancient Coins Ar . . C, 14-37 AD Lugdunum. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; Pax-Livia figure seated r. on chair with ornamented legs, holding reverted spear and branch. RIC 28. 3.57g. NVF
£85 London Coins : A153 : Lot 2084 : Ar denarius.  Tiberius.  C, 14-37 AD  Lugdunum.  Rev;  PONTIF MAXIM; Pax-Livia figure seated r. on c... London Coins : A153 : Lot 2084 : Ar denarius.  Tiberius.  C, 14-37 AD  Lugdunum.  Rev;  PONTIF MAXIM; Pax-Livia figure seated r. on c...

Auction 151
Ancient Coins Ar . . C, 14-37 AD. Lugdunum. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right, holding long scepter in her right hand and olive branch in her left; plain chair legs. RIC 26. 3.97g. Obverse a littla off center. NVF.
£140 London Coins : A151 : Lot 1974 :  Ar denarius. Tiberius. C,   14-37 AD.  Lugdunum.  Rev; PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right, ho... London Coins : A151 : Lot 1974 :  Ar denarius. Tiberius. C,   14-37 AD.  Lugdunum.  Rev; PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right, ho...

Auction 150
Ancient Coins (2) , Lugdunum 2BC-4AD, Rev Caius and Lucius s, var with X below lituus (RCV 1597v) VF : , Lugdunum after 16, Rev Pax std.r. (Tribute - RCV 1763) NVF (2)
£250 London Coins : A150 : Lot 1662 : Denarii (2) Augustus, Lugdunum 2BC-4AD, Rev Caius and Lucius Caesars, var with X below lituus (RCV 1... London Coins : A150 : Lot 1662 : Denarii (2) Augustus, Lugdunum 2BC-4AD, Rev Caius and Lucius Caesars, var with X below lituus (RCV 1...

Auction 150
Ancient Coins Group of mixed and coins plus 2 Au s which are fused together through heat. Ar of 'Tribute ' RIC 26. Ar denarius of RIC 171a. 4 other mixed denarius and 7 mixed Roman bronzes. Some damaged coins, mixed grades and condition. Fair to G Fine. [14]

Auction 149
Ancient Coins Ar. . C, 14-37 AD. Rev: PONTIF MAXIM, Livia (as Pax), holding and olive branch. RIC 30. Scratch across bust. 3.74g. NVF.

Auction 148
Ancient Coins Au. Constans II, with IV, , and . C, 641-668 AD. Constantinople mint, 10th officina. Struck 667-668. Obv; VICTORIA TVςЧ I, Draped bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger. Rev; Tiberius, Constantine IV, and Heraclius standing facing, each holding globus cruciger; CONOB in ex. SB 972. 4.41g. NEF.
£260 London Coins : A148 : Lot 1424 : Solidus Au. Constans II, with Constantine IV, Heraclius, and Tiberius. C, 641-668 AD. Constantinople... London Coins : A148 : Lot 1424 : Solidus Au. Constans II, with Constantine IV, Heraclius, and Tiberius. C, 641-668 AD. Constantinople...

Auction 146
Ancient Coins Maurice (c.583AD) Constantinople Mint, About EF
£200 London Coins : A146 : Lot 1936 : Byzantine Gold Solidus Maurice Tiberius (c.583AD) Constantinople Mint, About EF London Coins : A146 : Lot 1936 : Byzantine Gold Solidus Maurice Tiberius (c.583AD) Constantinople Mint, About EF

Auction 142
Ancient Coins , , Livia, struck by , Rome 22-23AD RCV 1740 VF with a bold portrait
£300 London Coins : A142 : Lot 1751 : Roman, Brass Dupondius, Livia, struck by Tiberius, Rome 22-23AD RCV 1740 VF with a b... London Coins : A142 : Lot 1751 : Roman, Brass Dupondius, Livia, struck by Tiberius, Rome 22-23AD RCV 1740 VF with a b...

Auction 141
Ancient Coins AR. . C, 14-37 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; livia std right. RIC 139. Good and surfaces. 3.68g. VF/NVF
£160 London Coins : A141 : Lot 1028 : Denarius AR. Tiberius. C, 14-37 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; livia std right. RIC 139. Good si... London Coins : A141 : Lot 1028 : Denarius AR. Tiberius. C, 14-37 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; livia std right. RIC 139. Good si...

Auction 141
Ancient Coins AR. and Drusus. Cappadocia, ea Eusebia. C, 32-33 AD. Rev; Bust of Drusus left. RIC 185. Surface marks to obverse but good . Scarce. 3.12g. Fine/G Fine
£120 London Coins : A141 : Lot 1031 : Drachm AR. Tiberius and Drusus. Cappadocia, Caesarea Eusebia. C, 32-33 AD. Rev; Bust of ... London Coins : A141 : Lot 1031 : Drachm AR. Tiberius and Drusus. Cappadocia, Caesarea Eusebia. C, 32-33 AD. Rev; Bust of ...

Auction 141
Ancient Coins Ar. . C, 14-37 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM, livia as Pax seated right holding olive branch and . RIC 30. Porous surfaces to reverse. 3.53g. NVF/Fine

Auction 138
Ancient Coins a (65) in a small Abafil case including s of Athens, and , s of (4) and Aradus, a Siglos of Lydia, an archaic Drachm of Thasos with other Drachms and silver minors (13); (10); also Parthian (3), (5) Drachms, Indo-Greek and including Tetradrachm of with , these all attributed, along with a group of 11 copies. In mixed grades, many VF
£2,000 London Coins : A138 : Lot 1535 : Greek a collection (65) in a small Abafil case including Tetradrachms of Athens, Egypt and Syria... London Coins : A138 : Lot 1535 : Greek a collection (65) in a small Abafil case including Tetradrachms of Athens, Egypt and Syria...

Auction 138
Ancient Coins Ar . . C, 15-16 AD. Rev; TR POT XVII; Tiberius in quadriga. RIC 4. Scarce type. 3.55g. 19mm. G Fine
£150 London Coins : A138 : Lot 1566 : Ar denarius. Tiberius. C, 15-16 AD. Rev; TR POT XVII; Tiberius in quadriga. RIC 4. Scarc... London Coins : A138 : Lot 1566 : Ar denarius. Tiberius. C, 15-16 AD. Rev; TR POT XVII; Tiberius in quadriga. RIC 4. Scarc...

Auction 138
Ancient Coins Ar . . C, 16 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; livia seated right. RIC 26. Oval flan. 3.77g. 20mm. G Fine. Plus four other s of Gratian, Theodosius and . All N VF+ [5]

Auction 138
Ancient Coins Ar . . C, 16 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; livia seated right. RIC 26. Surface a little grainy. 3.67g. 18mm. NVF

Auction 138
Ancient Coins AD14-37 Obverse TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F.AVGVTVS Reverse Livia seated right PONTIF MAXIM weight 3.2 grammes, S.464 RIC 30 NVF (bought C.J.Martin 1985 £65)
£80 London Coins : A138 : Lot 1599 : Roman Denarius Tiberius AD14-37 Obverse TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F.AVGVTVS Reverse Livia seated right PONT... London Coins : A138 : Lot 1599 : Roman Denarius Tiberius AD14-37 Obverse TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F.AVGVTVS Reverse Livia seated right PONT...

Auction 137
Ancient Coins Lugdunum c.15-18 AD Reverse PONTIF MAXIM Livia as Pax seated left ' Tribute ' RCV 1763 Good Fine
£120 London Coins : A137 : Lot 1203 : Denarius Tiberius Lugdunum c.15-18 AD Reverse PONTIF MAXIM Livia as Pax seated left ' Tribute Penny'... London Coins : A137 : Lot 1203 : Denarius Tiberius Lugdunum c.15-18 AD Reverse PONTIF MAXIM Livia as Pax seated left ' Tribute Penny'...

Auction 136
Ancient Coins Lugdunum after 16AD Rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax seated left, "Tribute " RCV 1763 Banker's mark on cheek with a scratch on the reverse, VF or better
£160 London Coins : A136 : Lot 1615 : Denarius Tiberius Lugdunum after 16AD Rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax seated left, "Trib... London Coins : A136 : Lot 1615 : Denarius Tiberius Lugdunum after 16AD Rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax seated left, "Trib...

Auction 136
Ancient Coins Mixed s from through to I. Ae of Tiberius Antioch. As. As. As. of Faustina Snr, and Miaximinus and a Ae4 of Constantine. Various grades. Fine to VF. [8]

Auction 135
Ancient Coins Fair with portraits and names clear as part of a group (over 120) of in three Lindner trays mostly attributed, also of , etc., of RCV 1799, As Gnaius Pompey RCV 1386, including and , many scarce types included, in mixed grades to Good VF, a useful group

Auction 135
Ancient Coins Au . . C, 16 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; Livia seated right. RIC 25. Clear detail but peck marks to surfaces. G Fine. 5.32g

Auction 134
Ancient Coins . . Ar denarius. C, 14-37 AD. Rev; PONTIF MAXIM; Livia seated right. RIC 30. Good and surfaces with a nice cabinet tone. GVF.

Auction 129
Ancient Coins Maurice (AD 582-602) , facing bust wearing plumed helmet, R. standing holding long staff and globus cross. Constantinople mint. Weighs 4.5 grams. Sear 478. GVF
£230 London Coins : A129 : Lot 1026 : Roman Maurice Tiberius (AD 582-602) gold solidus, facing bust wearing plumed helmet, R. Ange... London Coins : A129 : Lot 1026 : Roman Maurice Tiberius (AD 582-602) gold solidus, facing bust wearing plumed helmet, R. Ange...

Auction 127
Ancient Coins of rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia(?) as Pax std r. - the biblical Tribute . Sl. off-centre VF/GF with nice tone and portrait
£110 London Coins : A127 : Lot 1179 : Roman Denarius of Tiberius rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia(?) as Pax std r. - the biblical Tribute Penn... London Coins : A127 : Lot 1179 : Roman Denarius of Tiberius rev. PONTIF MAXIM, Livia(?) as Pax std r. - the biblical Tribute Penn...

Auction 125
Ancient Coins (6). of , Tiberius seated left, R. S.C. As, Tiberius As, As, of Chersonese and an of Massalia. Fair to fine.

Auction 124
Ancient Coins issued under (AD34-7) AS. Radiate head of Augustus left. R. eagle standing facing on globe, head right with wings open. Sear 1790. About very fine, dark patina.
£70 London Coins : A124 : Lot 1767 : Augustus issued under Tiberius (AD34-7) copper AS. Radiate head of Augustus left. R. eagle standing ... London Coins : A124 : Lot 1767 : Augustus issued under Tiberius (AD34-7) copper AS. Radiate head of Augustus left. R. eagle standing ...

Auction 124
Ancient Coins Ancient (4) , Syracuse Ae18. Republic Ae As (211-207 BC), As struck by , . All about fine.

Auction 122
Ancient Coins (12) Sesterti, Asses and Dui, 1st century BC - 2nd century AD, includes Germanicus, , and .

Auction 122
Ancient Coins . Maurice (582-602) , bust right. R. cross potent, Constantinople mint. Sear 488. Very fine, over struck.

Auction 117
Ancient Coins . (tribute ). Obverse laureate head right, reverse Livia seated right holding and branch. Lugdunum mint aft

Auction 117
Ancient Coins (5) , reverse Livia seated. silver denarius, reverse standing. silver denarius reverse Annon

Auction 117
Ancient Coins (3) , reverse Livia seated. plated denarius, reverse standing left. Republic denarius L. Scribonius Li

Auction 117
Ancient Coins (4) Ae 27, , Saguntum. Obverse bare head right, reverse galley right, SAG above with D.D. counter mark. R.P.C. 202. Tiberius Ae 2

Auction 117
Ancient Coins (4) , obverse laureate head left. Reverse Fortuna standing left holding rudder and Cornucopiae. A.D. 68 Sear 2101.

Auction 112
Ancient Coins AS., AS., , Dupondius (4) Poor-NVF

Auction 107
Ancient Coins As Rev. Legend around large SC. GVF but with surface porosity and/or field pitting viewing recommended £80

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